3.1. Theories and Applications
3.3.1. Sociological Theories
- 230078 VO+SE Sociological theories and recent developments
- 230079 SE Functional Differentiation and Social Inequality
- 230080 VO+SE Sociological Theories - History of Sociological Theories
3.3.2. Applied Sociology (Fields of Practice)
- 230055 VO+SE Class, Stratum, Milieu
- 230056 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230057 VO+SE Sociological Technology Studies - Theories, Methods, Applications
- 230058 VO+SE Sociology of Media and Communication
- 230059 VO+SE Deviance and Social Control
- 230060 VO+SE Environmental Sociology
- 230061 VO+SE Development Sociology - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie: Theorien, Diskurse, Akteure, Prozesse
- 230062 VO+SE Sociology of Family
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040408 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 230088 VO National European identity - theory and messurement
- 230178 SE National European identity - theory and messurement
- 230096 VO+SE Precarization and social inequality
- 230097 SE Gender sensitive social statistics - How do indicators describe the social situation of women?
- 230098 SE Gender and Globalisation
- 230099 VO What is Health? Sociological Contributions to the Health Sciences
- 230101 VO+SE Health and Gender - Mit Fokus auf die Begriffe Selbstbestimmung und Selbstverantwortung in der gesundheitlichen Vorsorge (Früherkennungsmaßnahmen) aus geschlechtsspezifischer Perspektive
- 230103 SE Age(ing) - Gender - Body
- 230104 SE Working without ageing - Ageing without working?
- 230105 SE Genderperspectives on Family Violence
- 230106 SE Subjective Experiences of Migration Processes and their Social Scientific Analysis
- 230107 SE Sociological aspects of cultural industry
- 230108 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Theoretical Foundations and Methodical Procedures of Interpretive Picture Analysis
- 230109 VO+SE Sociology of Culture - "The Leisured Classes II"
- 230110 SE Sociologies of the Archive: Remembering, Preserving, Theorizing
- 230111 SE Transnational Families
- 230112 SE Indicators of sustainability in tourism - Datenauswertung einer Feldstudie in Peru
- 230158 VO+SE The Social Structure of Europe
- 230160 SE Seminar on Organisations Theory
- 230163 VO+SE Social Gerontology, Life Course, Intergenerational Relations Political Sociology
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I Technical Sociology Sociology of Work and Economics
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I Social Structure Research Socialgerontology Sociology of Developing Countries Sociology Curriculum Vitae Sociology of International Relations Urban Sociology Sociology of Migration Sociology of Leisure, Sports and Tourism Traffic Sociology Sociology of Culture
3.3.3. Research Laboratory
- 230134 PR Housing culture and living styles in the life course
- 230135 PR Research Lab: Sociology of Vienna
- 230136 PR Research Lab: Design and Implementation of an Online Student Panel
3.3.4. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 230140 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230141 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230142 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230115 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230116 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230117 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230118 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230119 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230120 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230121 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230122 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230123 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230124 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230125 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230126 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35