3. Required Modules
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History and Global Studies
- 070333 KU [ en ] Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History - Theorien der Globalgeschichte
- 140075 PS Introduction to postcolonial studies focussing on India
- 140096 PS Anthropological Perspectives on the Urbanization in South Asia: - Three exemplary Case Studies from India, Nepal and Bhutan
- 140315 KU African Feminisms
- 140328 KU (German-)Southwest-Africa: Mission and Colonialism
- 150010 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150016 UE UE GG
- 150111 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150231 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150244 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History
- 070034 SE Seminar
- 070101 VO Atlantische Geschichte und transatlantische Beziehungen in Kultur und Politik 1450-1800
- 070103 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Ringvorlesung zur Geschichte Nordamerikas seit dem 18. Jahrhundert
- 070377 SE [ en ] Seminar
- 090149 VO Universal History of the Orient from Alexander the Great to Muhammad. - Libanon, Armenien, Mesopotamien und der Osten
- 140343 SE Historiography in Modern South Asia: Theories and Methods
- 150006 VO+UE The Life-course in Japan: Concepts and Realities in Historical Perspective
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150092 SE Seminar II: 140 years of relations between Austria and Japan
- 150130 SE Ritual Music in East Asia
- 210104 VO G3/G2: VO Latin America in transformation? - Social conflicts and political change in the course of the crisis of neoliberalism
- 070417 VO [ en ] Chinese Civilization
- 070418 SE [ en ] Being Globalized - China and the World, from the Middle of the 19th Century to the Middle of the 20th Century
- 090105 SE The Hellenistic Near East
- 140100 VO Contemporary South Asia - politics, economy, global position
- 070121 VO Russia and its Nationalities around 1900
- 070124 VO Central Asia. History and Society from the 13th to the 20th Century
- 070139 SE Foreign Policy of the European Powers and Smaller States in the 20th Century
- 070289 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Economic and Social History of the Southern Africa II
- 150138 SE [ en ] SE PR 420 The ongoing financial crisis and China¿s response to it
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Global History: Themes of Global History
- 070045 VO globale/außereuropäische Geschichte /R4 - Mobile Food. Enklavenökonomie in Lateinamerika und Massenkonsum in Europa 19. u. 20. Jhdt.
- 070325 VO Kulturgeschichte /A2 - Sexualität im 20. Jahrhundert: Globale Perspektiven und internationale Entwicklung
- 070365 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Kulturaustausch, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
- 070375 SE [ en ] The Role of International Organizations in Global History
- 070376 SE [ en ] Regionalising Africa and Asia
- 070691 KU [ fr ] Transatlantischer Sklavenhandel, Kolonialismus: Momente der Globalisierung in Afrika
- 140138 SE Internationalisms and Global Inequality
- 140145 SE Women in Theory and Practice of Political Hinduism
- 070419 VO [ en ] Modernization, Reform, Development as Modes of Evoltuion of Humanity
- 070420 SE [ en ] Modernization and Development in a Comparative Perspective
- 140512 SE Global History - 16th and 17th Century
- 070063 SE [ en ] Seminar
- 070079 SE Seminar - Geldmächte und Kleinkrämer. Finanzen und Handel im frühneuzeitlichen Heiligen Römischen Reich
- 070284 SE Seminar - Great Depression of the 1930
- 070344 SE [ en ] Seminar - The Great Divergence
- 070346 VO [ en ] Global Economic History in Early Modern Era
- 070347 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Die Industrielle Revolution in einer globalen Perspektive
- 070407 SE Seminar
- 140466 VO State Socialist Development Models
- 140467 VO North/South perspectives on capitalist development
- 150138 SE [ en ] SE PR 420 The ongoing financial crisis and China¿s response to it
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330091 VO Global Agricultural Markets
PM Excursion and Global Studies
- 070137 EX Excursion - Kastilien
- 070288 EX [ en ] Excursion - 16th to 20th May 2009
- 130082 PS [ de en ] Global Dimensions in the Baltic Sea Region
- 140212 VO Language and History in Africa IV. Nile - Sahara - Sahel
- 140316 VO Meroitic Religion
- 140318 VO Austria's Contribution to the Exploration of Northeast Africa
- 070067 KU globale/außereuropäische Geschichte /R4 - China in der Welt (1860-1949)
- 150211 UE UE PR Chinese "reform" discourse: Path dependence and pragmatic flexibility
- 340138 VO Global English and International Communication
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35