B. Master Degree Programme in Prehistory and Early History
1. Required Module - Prehistory
- 060001 SE Seminar: Defensive arms and their context of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age - (with a guest lecture)
- 060011 SE Seminar: Mining and Quarring in Prehistory
2. Required Module - Early History/Historical Archaeologies
- 060004 SE Seminar Migrationperiod
- 060163 SE Archaeology and settlement history in the Medieval Age
3. Alternative Required Module - Methodology
APM Theory
- 060160 SE Archaeological Stratigraphy
APM Research History
APM Landscape Archaeology
4. Required Module - Master
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060017 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060029 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060030 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060036 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060051 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060087 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060104 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060122 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060165 PV Exclusive tutorial
5. Required Module - Current Topics in Prehistory and Early History and Historical Archaeologies
- 060002 VO Economy, mining and craftsmanship in the Eastern part of the Hallstatt culture
- 060143 SV Special themes of early history
- 060149 SV The Mesolithic of Europe
6. Required Module - Excursion Abroad
- 060147 UE+EX Excursion to the Baltic sea - 10 days - with exercise course/tutorial
7. Alternative Required Module - Method
APM Theory and Interdisciplinary Topics
APM Archaeometry and Bioarchaeology
- 060020 VO Archaeobotanic: An Introduction
- 060076 PR Stone Raw Materials
- 060089 VO History of metallurgy and use of copper and its alloys - Geschichte der Metallurgie und Nutzung des Kupfers und seiner Legierungen
- 060161 VO Introduction to wood species analysis and dendrochronology
- 060162 VO History of metallurgy and use of wrought-iron, steel and cast-iron - Geschichte der Metallurgie und der Verwendung des Eisens, Stahls und Gußeisens
8. Alternative Required Module - Practical Training
APM Landscape Archaeology
- 060092 VO Aerial Archaeology and Landscape Archaeology
- 060096 UE Digital Documentation of Stratigrafic Excavations
- 060101 VU Geophysical Prospection: Theory and Practices
APM Culture Mediation
- 060049 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060100 VU Practices to finds in the Collection of the Department of Pre- and Early History
- 060164 VO Museology and museum didactics
APM Technology and Documentation
9. Alternative Required Module - Professional Practice
APM Excavation Techniques for Advanced Students
APM Culture and Museum Management
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35