2. Elective Modules
Es sind Wahlmodule im Umfang von insgesamt 20 ECTS-Punkten zu wählen. Die Module sind frei kombinierbar. Bezüglich der empfohlenen Kombinationen vgl. die Bemerkungen zu den Wahlmodulen im Curriculum "Masterstudium Religionswissenschaft".
M12: Relevant Source Language
M13: Advanced Source Language
M14: Thesis Supervision
M15: Specialisation: History of Religion
- 010076 SE Religious Syncretism in Southeast Asia with a special emphasise on new religious, Buddhist movements - (Schwerpunkt: neureligiöse buddhistische Bewegungen)
- 020028 SE "Spiritual Psychotherapies? Promises of New Religious Cults"
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Coptic Church
- 030364 KU Globalisation as a challenge for modern Islam
- 060055 UE Introduction into the Religion of Ancient Egypt II
- 060068 SE Jesus and Christianity in Talmud and Midrash
- 090191 PS Aphrodite
- 140031 SE Saiva and Buddhist Tantra
- 140062 SE Modern islamic Discussions on Religion
- 140078 SE Seminar on Modern Islam - (Modern-arabisches islamwissenschaftliches Seminar)
- 140090 PS Doctrines of God and Concepts of Salvation in Hinduism
- 140106 VO Shamanism in Central Asia
- 140115 PS Ritual theory and rituals in India
- 140127 VO Islam in Asia outside the Arab World
- 140144 PS Women, Men and Religion in Contemporary Hindi Film
- 140316 VO Meroitic Religion
- 140455 PS The role of the female in Hindu-Tantrism
- 140483 PS The Sa skya-tradition
- 140527 PS The "life stages" (asrama) according to the Brahmanical Orthodoxy - (Investigations in the Dharmasastras)
- 150062 VO+UE Religions in East Asia
- 030399 SE Globalisation as a challenge for modern Islam - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
M16: Specialisation: Systematics
- 010053 VO Religious concepts and ideas of (wo)man
- 010065 VO Theories of Mythology
- 010368 SE Ritual analysis
M17: Specialisation: Methods of Empirical Research
- 010144 UE Methods of Qualitative Research - in a theological context
M18: Advanced History of Religion
- 010076 SE Religious Syncretism in Southeast Asia with a special emphasise on new religious, Buddhist movements - (Schwerpunkt: neureligiöse buddhistische Bewegungen)
- 020028 SE "Spiritual Psychotherapies? Promises of New Religious Cults"
- 060068 SE Jesus and Christianity in Talmud and Midrash
- 140031 SE Saiva and Buddhist Tantra
- 140062 SE Modern islamic Discussions on Religion
- 140078 SE Seminar on Modern Islam - (Modern-arabisches islamwissenschaftliches Seminar)
- 010092 SE Islamic mysticism
M19: Advanced Methodology
M20: Advanced Systematics
- 010368 SE Ritual analysis
M21: Advanced Subject Area
- 010079 SE [ en ] Mulitcultural and multi-reigious education
- 020009 SE The philosophy of religion of the early J. G. Fichte
- 020026 VU Religions and Churches in Austria and Europe: Legal Aspects
- 020031 SE Book illumination in Late antiquity
- 030052 SE Law of Christian East - Legal History in Art
- 030075 SE Freedom of Religion in relationship to other Fundamental Rights - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030364 KU Globalisation as a challenge for modern Islam
- 090189 PS The Cult of Mithras and Early Christianity as Reflected in Monuments
- 090305 PS Roman Cult and Sacrificial Instruments
- 140485 SE Reflexive awareness (svasamvedana) in the logico-epistemological tradition of Buddhism
- 180243 SE Is God possible? (Selected chapters in formal logic) - Logic and Religion
- 030399 SE Globalisation as a challenge for modern Islam - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
M22: Advanced Reading
- 010022 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010033 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 020002 VU Exegesis of the Book of Jonah
- 020004 UE Exercise in Exegesis
- 020007 SE Old Testament Seminar: The Scroll of the Twelve Minor Prophets
- 020011 UE Exercise in Exegesis of New Testament: Pastoral Epistles
- 060125 UE Exegesis of Biblical and Ancient Jewish Literature
- 060132 UE Textual Studies on the Canonical History of the Hebrew Bible
- 140508 UE Readings in Tibetan religious biographies
- 140528 BA Selected Texts on Dependent-Arising (pratityasamutpada)
- 140529 BA Interpretations of Madhyamaka
- 010092 SE Islamic mysticism
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50