1.04 Doctoral Degree Programme in Catholic Theology
Für das Doktoratsstudium können Sie auch aus dem Lehrangebot der Seminare und (freien) Wahlfächer der Diplomstudien Lehrveranstaltungen wählen. Den Studienplan finden Sie unter http://ssc-kaththeologie.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1381
- 010009 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010016 PV Privatissimum - for Graduates and Post-graduate Students
- 010025 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students and candidates for habilitation
- 010042 PV Exclusive tutorial - for scholarship holders of the Pastoral Forum
- 010049 PV Privatissimum - Aktuelle Fragen der Fundamentalmoral
- 010050 PV Current Topics of Applied Ethics - Aktuelle Themen der speziellen Moraltheologie
- 010075 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010083 PV Exclusive tutorial II - for postgraduates
- 010088 PV Privatissimum
- 010090 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010091 PV Privatissimum - for Diplomands and Doctorands
- 010114 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010133 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students
- 010151 SE Methods of theological ethics
- 010212 PV Privatissimum
- 010277 PV Research Seminar
- 010308 PV The "perpetrator from conviction" in Canon Law
- 010322 PV Exclusive tutorial (for graduands, doctoral students) - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 010326 PV Privatissimum - für Habilitanden, Doktoranden und Diplomanden
- 010350 SE Doctoral school: Critique of reason, ethics and concepts of God
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:01