Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Die beträchtliche Wahlfreiheit soll eine individuell angepasste optimale Ausbildung ermöglichen (Diplomarbeit in Physik: ja oder nein, Behebung von persönlichen Defiziten und Wissensdefiziten, Vertiefung unterrichtsrelevanter Interessen) und betont die persönliche Mitverantwortung jedes/r Studierenden für die Ausbildungsqualität.
2.1. Experimental Physics
2.1.1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- 260140 VO Introduction to nuclear physics I
- 260153 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics I
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260090 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260128 VO Atomic collision processes and their relevance for AMS
2.1.2. Quantum Physics
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
- 260137 SE Selected problems of quantum theory
- 260104 SE [ de en ] Quantum physics for Non-physicists
- 260065 SE Foundations of modern quantum physics
- 260033 UE Support for L2 with emphasis on physics education in school
- 260018 VO Methods of experimental quantum optics
2.1.3. Matter and Solid-State Physics
- 260159 VO Physics of matter I
- 260002 VO Introduction to solid state physics (electronic properties)
- 260011 VO [ de en ] Scattering methods in modern science
- 260020 VO Fundamentals of Materials Physics
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials
- 260042 VO Superconductivity 1 (incl. high-temperature sc) - for students of all semesters
- 260050 VO Modern Continuum Mechanics
- 260061 VO [ en ] Introduction to Photonics
- 260114 VO Macroscopic properties of crystals
- 260197 VO Introduction to Applied Material Physics I
- 260203 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy I
- 260201 SE [ en ] Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity
- 260209 SE [ de en ] ODICS (Order and disorder in complex systems)
- 260032 SE Physical materials testing - New methods
2.1.4. Interdisciplinary Physics
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
- 260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260118 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials I
- 260161 VO Introduction to Environmental Science
- 260263 VO Physics and economics of resource consumption - The physics and economics of an efficient energy and material consumption
- 260085 VO [ de en ] Physics of physiological processes
- 260097 SE Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
2.1.5. Computational Physics
- 260077 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260016 UE Computational Physics I Problem class
- 260251 SE eLearning in physics education - Design and arrangement of physics education in computer aided learning environments Computers
2.2. Theoretical Physics
- 260144 VO Introduction to Particle Physics
- 260176 VO Theoretical physics for teacher students L2 (Quantum Physics and Statistical Physics)
- 260255 UE Exercises: Theoretical Physics/ teacher students 2
- 260033 UE Support for L2 with emphasis on physics education in school
- 260141 UE Exercises to introduction to Particle Physics
2.3. Physics Laboratory
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Project laboratory course (Preparation and execution of interdisciplinary projects in school)
- 260057 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260060 PR Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260073 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260095 PR Laboratory Modern Microscope Methods
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics - Experiments on matter wave interferometry, atom spectroscopy, photonic entanglement and laser physisc
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260134 PR [ en ] Laboratory course on materials physics
2.4. Teaching Methodology
- 260175 PR Laboratory course of schoolteacher experiments
- 260254 SE Physics teaching - a practical approach - Physics teaching and practice in school
- 260058 SE Didactics of physics: Physics and Philosophy
- 260107 SE Research Methods in Physics Education
- 260113 SE Preparation of classroom teaching for student teachers in physics
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 260121 SE Gender - Physics - Technics
- 260251 SE eLearning in physics education - Design and arrangement of physics education in computer aided learning environments Computers
- 260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Project laboratory course (Preparation and execution of interdisciplinary projects in school)
2.5. Excursions
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35