23.01. Sociology
A. Bachelor Program in Sociology
1. Introductory Phase
STEP 1 Introduction to the Social Sciences
- 230001 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Social Sciences and Social Change
- 230002 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230003 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Social Theory
STEP 2 Introduction to Social Scientific Work with Emphasis on Sociology
- 230004 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230005 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230006 PS Proseminar Introduction
2. Compulsory Modules
2.1. Theory
T1 Principles of Sociological Theory
- 230007 VO Modern Sociological Theory
- 230008 VO Classics of Sociology
- 230009 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
- 230010 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230011 SE Social Differenciation
- 230012 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230013 SE Key Texts of Critical Theory
- 230014 SE Identity in Sociology
- 230019 WS Diagnosis of Society - Modernity and the Holocaust
- 230140 SE Contemporary Cultural Theory
- 230141 SE Selected Paradigmas: Sociological Theories of Space
- 230052 WS Diagnoses of Society - The Gap Between the Global North and the Global South with Special Emphasis on the Gender Perspective
- 230053 WS Diagnoses of Society: Friendship. Contemporary Relevance of a Sociologically Neglected Category.
- 230062 WS Diagnoses of Society: Civil Society in a sociological perspective - Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings
2.2. Methods
M1 Introduction to Empirical Social Research
- 230054 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
M2 Statistical Methods and Mathematics for Sociologists
- 230020 VO Statistics 2 - Vorlesung
- 230149 UE Statistics 1
- 230021 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230022 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230023 UE Table Analysis
- 230024 UE Table Analysis
M3 Discussion and Guided Application of Qualitative Approaches, Methods and Procdures
- 230026 VO Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 230055 SE Methods of Qualitative Research: Ethnography I
- 230056 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230057 UE Qualitative Research: Datamaterial photographies - photointerview and methods of visual research
- 230058 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230063 SE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics I
- 230064 UE Qualitative Methods: Text and Discourse Analysis
- 230065 SE Qualitative Methods: Visual Sociology of Knowledge
- 230156 SE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography I
- 230046 UE Participant Observation: Sociology of Waste
M4 Discussion and Guided Application of Quantitative Approaches, Methods and Procedures
- 230027 VO Multivariate Methods
- 230028 UE Data Collection
- 230029 SE Data Analysis
- 230030 SE Data Analysis - Forschungspraktikum
2.3. Applications
A1 Areas of Sociological Research and Application
- 230031 VO Applied Sociology - An Overview
- 230066 PR Workshop/Excursion - Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230067 PR Workshop/Excursion
- 230068 PR Workshop/Excursion - Patient and Carer Organisations as Field of Research
- 230069 PR Workshop/Excursion
- 230070 PR Workshop/Study Trips - Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230071 PR Workshop/Excursion - Job Orientation for Students
- 190215 VK Job Orientation for Students I - (Social and Natural Science)
A2 Selected Specific Sociology
- 230074 VO+SE Social Structure and Inequality
- 230072 VO+SE Introduction to Traffic Soziology
- 230075 VO+SE Sociology of Ageing and Life Course
- 230077 VO+SE Introduction to Media Sociology
- 230073 VO+SE Introduction into the Sociology of Law
- 230105 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
- 230047 VO+SE Sociology of the Border 1
BA A2 Recommanded Lectures
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
- 230168 UK Trust, Fraud and Scientific Integrity - Scientific Work under Changing Boundary Conditions
- 230169 UK Technology as Practice and Culture - Social Science Reflections on the Relation of Techno-Scientific Developments and Social Orders
A3 Project Design and Research Laboratory
- 230078 FPR Research Practice I - Forschungspraktikum zu familiensoziologischen Themen
- 230080 FPR Research Practice I - Politische Soziologie
- 230081 FPR Research Practice I: Entertainment City Vienna - In the crisis?
- 230082 FPR Research Practice I
- 230113 KU Projectmanagement
2.4. Law and Economics
- 230032 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230033 KU Economics
- 230034 KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
2.5. Communicative and Interpersonal Skills
- 230151 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230085 TR Advanced Communicative Competences and Social Skills - Techniques for Presentation and Moderation, Basics Team Development and Teammediation
- 230084 TR Body Language
- 230086 TR Conflict Managements
- 230087 TR Conflict Management
- 230088 TR Teambuilding
- 230089 TR Conflict Mangement in Teams
- 230431 UE rhetoric
- 230444 UE Informationskompetenz und wissenschaftliches Schreiben
- 190085 VK Interdisciplinary Research : from Project Planning to Evaluation
- 190216 VK Communication Culture at Universites and at Work I
- 190132 SE Science communication in the gender perspective
3. Elective Social Science Module
- 230035 VO+UE Network Analysis
- 230036 VO+UE Microsociology and Social Psychology
- 230048 SE Sociology of Tourism
- 230050 KU Population Sociology
- 230083 UE Introduction to SPSS
- 230090 KU Poverty of Children in the European Union
- 230091 VO+UE What's 'Data' ?
Recommanded Lectures
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
- 230168 UK Trust, Fraud and Scientific Integrity - Scientific Work under Changing Boundary Conditions
- 230169 UK Technology as Practice and Culture - Social Science Reflections on the Relation of Techno-Scientific Developments and Social Orders
- 140316 VO KS1 - K III - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 190219 VK Basics of Social Network Analysis I
- 350102 SLV MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 350300 GLV BC1I - BC Sport Sociology
B. Master Program in Sociology
1. Compulsory Modules
T Sociological Theory: Comparison, Application and Construction
- 230037 VO Current Sociological Theory: Sociology as Critique
- 230015 SE Social Facts - Emile Durkheim's Conception of Sociology
- 230092 VO+SE Basic Problems of Sociological Theories
- 230093 VO+SE Jürgen Habermas - A sociological Theory of Modernitiy. Basic Concept and Aspects of a Diagnosis of the Present
M Applied Methods and Research Strategies
- 230143 VO Quantitative Methods
- 230038 VO+UE Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data
- 230094 VO+UE Introduction to Evalation Research
- 230039 VO+UE Cross-Cultural/Cross-National Survey Research
- 230099 VO+UE Online-Research: Network Analysis
- 230042 VO+UE Structural Equation Modeling with Observed and Latent Variables
- 230095 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - a Methodical Approach
- 230096 SE Focus Groups
- 230049 PR Quantitative Methods: Index
- 230051 PR Quantitative Methods: Conjoint-Analysis
- 230040 PR Coaching of Methods for Diploma- and Master-Theses
- 230097 PR Triangulation of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
- 230098 PR Qualitative Methods: Interviewing
- 230178 PR Qualitative Methods: Analysing Data with AtlasTI
- 210075 UE [ en ] M2/Diss: UE Special topics in Social netork Analysis (engl.) - Measurement problems and Applications of SNA
- 210076 UE [ en ] M2/Diss: UE Social Network Anaysis with Pajek (engl.)
- 210077 UE [ en ] M2/Diss: UE Multivariate Statistics (engl.)
- 230183 SE The Expert Interview in Social Sciences: Theory, Composition and Analysis
- 230184 SE Multiple Linear Regression
F Area of Specialization
Area of Specialization: Health and Organization
- 230044 VO Organisational Theories
- 230061 SE Seminar on Organisations Theory - The Systems Theoretical Approach
- 230108 VO+SE Sociology of Police
- 230109 SE Health Promotion in organizational settings
- 230110 VO+SE Health an Gender: With Special Emphasis on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Gender Aspects
- 230111 VO+SE The Debacle of Finance Aristocracy: Sociology of the Bank Crisis
Area of Specialization: Culture and Society
- 230111 VO+SE The Debacle of Finance Aristocracy: Sociology of the Bank Crisis
- 230142 VO+SE Visual Mediaculture in Theory and Empirical Studies 1
- 230145 SE Taste, Lifestyle And Social Inequality
- 230155 SE Intersectional approaches of critical masculinity studies - Sociological theories and research perspectives
Area of Specialization: Social Gerontology, Lifespan and Family Research
- 230043 VO Family and Ageing in Postmodern Society
- 230059 VO Family and Society in Europe
- 230060 SE Parenthood in Modernity
- 230102 VO+SE Social Gerontology, Life Course, Intergenerational Relations
- 230106 SE Families in Transition
Area of Specialization: Social Structure and Social Integration
- 230076 SE Social Division in the City - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Segregation and Gentrification
- 230101 FPR Poverty
- 230103 VO+SE Sociology of Social Work - zwischen (Re-) Inklusionsermöglichung und Exklusionsverwaltung
- 230144 SE Discrimination, Inequalities and Integration in the Austrian Labour Market - Specific Measures of Active Labour Market Policy
- 230104 SE [ de en ] Migration in Comparative Perspective
Area of Specialization: Studies of Science
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230164 SE [ en ] Visiting "the laboratories" of social sciences: research contexts, methods and questions
- 230170 SE [ en ] Collaboration and competition: On forms and formats of being together in science
- 230171 SE [ en ] On the Co-Construction of Techno-Scientific Futures and Society
- 230163 SE [ en ] Science Cultures: A closer look at research-in-the-making
- 230180 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development - Global science in the Information Age
AR Master Thesis Seminar
- 230115 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230116 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230117 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230118 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230119 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230120 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230121 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230122 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230123 SE Master's Seminar Social Stratification Research
- 230124 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230152 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230153 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230173 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 040512 SE Research Privatissimum in Sociology
2. Compulsory Elective Modules
EF Focus on an Area of Specialization
EM Focus on Methods
ET Focus on Sociological Theory
PM Project Management
- 230112 SE Projectmanagement
- 230150 SE Projectmanagement
SM Elective Social Science Module
- 230162 SE [ en ] Scientific Practice and Knowledge Management
- 230163 SE [ en ] Science Cultures: A closer look at research-in-the-making
- 230164 SE [ en ] Visiting "the laboratories" of social sciences: research contexts, methods and questions
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230170 SE [ en ] Collaboration and competition: On forms and formats of being together in science
- 230171 SE [ en ] On the Co-Construction of Techno-Scientific Futures and Society
- 230174 SE [ en ] Reading seminar for PhD and advanced Master Students in Social Studies of Science
- 230180 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development - Global science in the Information Age
WK Knowledge Communication
- 230114 UE Knowledge Communication - Scientific Writing of Thesis
- 230290 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation - wissenschaftliches Schreiben und kommunizieren
C. Bachelor Programme (Branch of Study: Human and Cultural Sciences)
C. First Year
C.1.1. Introduction to Sociology
- 230001 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Social Sciences and Social Change
- 230002 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230003 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Social Theory
- 230004 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230005 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230006 PS Proseminar Introduction
C.1.2. Basics of Sociology
- 230002 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230007 VO Modern Sociological Theory
- 230008 VO Classics of Sociology
- 230054 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
C.1.3. Statistics for Sociologists I
- 230149 UE Statistics 1
C.1.4. Training of Key Competences I
- 230085 TR Advanced Communicative Competences and Social Skills - Techniques for Presentation and Moderation, Basics Team Development and Teammediation
- 190216 VK Communication Culture at Universites and at Work I
C. Second Year
C.2.1. Sociological Theories
- 230010 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230011 SE Social Differenciation
- 230012 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230013 SE Key Texts of Critical Theory
- 230014 SE Identity in Sociology
- 230140 SE Contemporary Cultural Theory
- 230141 SE Selected Paradigmas: Sociological Theories of Space
C.2.2. Sociological Methods
- 230026 VO Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- 230055 SE Methods of Qualitative Research: Ethnography I
- 230056 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230058 SE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory I
- 230063 SE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics I
- 230065 SE Qualitative Methods: Visual Sociology of Knowledge
- 230156 SE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography I
- 230027 VO Multivariate Methods
- 230028 UE Data Collection
- 230029 SE Data Analysis
- 230030 SE Data Analysis - Forschungspraktikum
- 230045 UE Itemanalysis, Scaling and Index Construction
C.2.3. Sociological Fields of Practice - Special Sociologies
- 230031 VO Applied Sociology - An Overview
- 230072 VO+SE Introduction to Traffic Soziology
- 230073 VO+SE Introduction into the Sociology of Law
- 230074 VO+SE Social Structure and Inequality
- 230075 VO+SE Sociology of Ageing and Life Course
- 230077 VO+SE Introduction to Media Sociology
- 230105 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
C.2.4. Practice Guidance, Part I
C.2.5. Statistics for Sociologists II
- 230020 VO Statistics 2 - Vorlesung
- 230021 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230022 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
C.Third Year
C.3.1. Applied Research
- 230078 FPR Research Practice I - Forschungspraktikum zu familiensoziologischen Themen
- 230080 FPR Research Practice I - Politische Soziologie
- 230081 FPR Research Practice I: Entertainment City Vienna - In the crisis?
- 230082 FPR Research Practice I
- 230125 SE Restructuring Complex Organizations - Zur Restrukturierung komplexer Organisationen
C.3.2. Training of Key Compentences II
- 230084 TR Body Language
- 230086 TR Conflict Managements
- 230087 TR Conflict Management
- 230088 TR Teambuilding
- 230089 TR Conflict Mangement in Teams
- 190085 VK Interdisciplinary Research : from Project Planning to Evaluation
- 230431 UE rhetoric
- 230444 UE Informationskompetenz und wissenschaftliches Schreiben
C.3.3. Practice Guidance, Part II
- 230126 PB Practice Guidance Part 2: Evaluation and Reflection
- 190215 VK Job Orientation for Students I - (Social and Natural Science)
- 230070 PR Workshop/Study Trips - Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230071 PR Workshop/Excursion - Job Orientation for Students
Recommended Free Elective Courses
Sociological Theories
- 230009 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230052 WS Diagnoses of Society - The Gap Between the Global North and the Global South with Special Emphasis on the Gender Perspective
- 230053 WS Diagnoses of Society: Friendship. Contemporary Relevance of a Sociologically Neglected Category.
- 230062 WS Diagnoses of Society: Civil Society in a sociological perspective - Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings
- 230019 WS Diagnosis of Society - Modernity and the Holocaust
C.Sociological Methods
- 230023 UE Table Analysis
- 230024 UE Table Analysis
- 230046 UE Participant Observation: Sociology of Waste
- 230083 UE Introduction to SPSS
- 230035 VO+UE Network Analysis
- 190219 VK Basics of Social Network Analysis I
C.Sociological Practice Fields - Special Sociologies
- 140316 VO KS1 - K III - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 230047 VO+SE Sociology of the Border 1
- 230050 KU Population Sociology
C.Theories of Science and Scientific Research
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
- 230168 UK Trust, Fraud and Scientific Integrity - Scientific Work under Changing Boundary Conditions
- 230169 UK Technology as Practice and Culture - Social Science Reflections on the Relation of Techno-Scientific Developments and Social Orders
C. Additional Free Elective Courses
D. Diploma Programme Sociology (Branch of Study: Law, Social Sciences and Economics)
D. First Stage of the Degree Programme
D.1.1. Theories and Applications
- 230004 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230005 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230006 PS Proseminar Introduction
- 230008 VO Classics of Sociology
- 230009 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230050 KU Population Sociology
D.1.2. Methods
- 230054 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 230149 UE Statistics 1
1.3. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
D.Second Stage of the Degree Programme
D.2.1. Theories and Applications
- 230002 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230010 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230011 SE Social Differenciation
- 230012 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230013 SE Key Texts of Critical Theory
- 230014 SE Identity in Sociology
- 230019 WS Diagnosis of Society - Modernity and the Holocaust
- 230031 VO Applied Sociology - An Overview
- 230036 VO+UE Microsociology and Social Psychology
- 230052 WS Diagnoses of Society - The Gap Between the Global North and the Global South with Special Emphasis on the Gender Perspective
- 230053 WS Diagnoses of Society: Friendship. Contemporary Relevance of a Sociologically Neglected Category.
- 230062 WS Diagnoses of Society: Civil Society in a sociological perspective - Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings
- 230091 VO+UE What's 'Data' ?
- 230140 SE Contemporary Cultural Theory
- 230141 SE Selected Paradigmas: Sociological Theories of Space
D.2.2. Methods
- 230020 VO Statistics 2 - Vorlesung
- 230021 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230022 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230023 UE Table Analysis
- 230024 UE Table Analysis
- 230028 UE Data Collection
- 230029 SE Data Analysis
- 230030 SE Data Analysis - Forschungspraktikum
- 230035 VO+UE Network Analysis
D.2.3. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
D.Third Stage of the Degree Programme
D.3.1. Theories and Applications
D.3.1.1. Sociological Theories
- 230037 VO Current Sociological Theory: Sociology as Critique
- 230015 SE Social Facts - Emile Durkheim's Conception of Sociology
- 230092 VO+SE Basic Problems of Sociological Theories
- 230093 VO+SE Jürgen Habermas - A sociological Theory of Modernitiy. Basic Concept and Aspects of a Diagnosis of the Present
D.3.1.2. Applied Sociology (Fields of Practice)
- 230044 VO Organisational Theories
- 230047 VO+SE Sociology of the Border 1
- 230059 VO Family and Society in Europe
- 230060 SE Parenthood in Modernity
- 230061 SE Seminar on Organisations Theory - The Systems Theoretical Approach
- 230073 VO+SE Introduction into the Sociology of Law
- 230077 VO+SE Introduction to Media Sociology
- 230103 VO+SE Sociology of Social Work - zwischen (Re-) Inklusionsermöglichung und Exklusionsverwaltung
- 230108 VO+SE Sociology of Police
- 230109 SE Health Promotion in organizational settings
- 230110 VO+SE Health an Gender: With Special Emphasis on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Gender Aspects
- 230111 VO+SE The Debacle of Finance Aristocracy: Sociology of the Bank Crisis
- 230142 VO+SE Visual Mediaculture in Theory and Empirical Studies 1
- 230144 SE Discrimination, Inequalities and Integration in the Austrian Labour Market - Specific Measures of Active Labour Market Policy
- 230145 SE Taste, Lifestyle And Social Inequality
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 230043 VO Family and Ageing in Postmodern Society
- 230072 VO+SE Introduction to Traffic Soziology
- 230074 VO+SE Social Structure and Inequality
- 230075 VO+SE Sociology of Ageing and Life Course
- 230076 SE Social Division in the City - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Segregation and Gentrification
- 230102 VO+SE Social Gerontology, Life Course, Intergenerational Relations
- 230106 SE Families in Transition
- 230104 SE [ de en ] Migration in Comparative Perspective
- 230105 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
- 230155 SE Intersectional approaches of critical masculinity studies - Sociological theories and research perspectives
D. Political Sociology
D. Technical Sociology
D. Sociology of Work and Economics
D. Social Structure Research
D. Socialgerontology
D. Sociology of Developing Countries
D. Sociology Curriculum Vitae
D. Sociology of International Relations
D. Urban Sociology
D. Sociology of Migration
D. Sociology of Leisure, Sports and Tourism
D. Traffic Sociology
D. Sociology of Culture
D.3.1.3. Research Laboratory
- 230128 PR Research Lab
- 230129 PR Research Lab: Design and Implementation of an Online Student Panel
- 230146 PR Research Lab: Daily Activities in the Life Course - Social Space Analysis
D.3.1.4. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 230127 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230130 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230131 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230115 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230116 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230117 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230118 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230119 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230120 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230121 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230122 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230123 SE Master's Seminar Social Stratification Research
- 230124 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230152 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230153 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 040512 SE Research Privatissimum in Sociology
D.3.2. Methods
- 230038 VO+UE Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data
- 230039 VO+UE Cross-Cultural/Cross-National Survey Research
- 230042 VO+UE Structural Equation Modeling with Observed and Latent Variables
- 230045 UE Itemanalysis, Scaling and Index Construction
- 230046 UE Participant Observation: Sociology of Waste
- 230094 VO+UE Introduction to Evalation Research
- 230095 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - a Methodical Approach
- 230099 VO+UE Online-Research: Network Analysis
- 230112 SE Projectmanagement
- 230113 KU Projectmanagement
- 230150 SE Projectmanagement
- 230183 SE The Expert Interview in Social Sciences: Theory, Composition and Analysis
- 230184 SE Multiple Linear Regression
- 230634 PS planning and research management
D.3.3. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
D. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
- 230032 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230033 KU Economics
- 230034 KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
D. Free Elective Courses
D. Research Privatissimum
- 040512 SE Research Privatissimum in Sociology
Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
Sociological Anayses of contemporary Society
- 230005 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230007 VO Modern Sociological Theory
- 230008 VO Classics of Sociology
- 230031 VO Applied Sociology - An Overview
Empirical Sociology
- 230004 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230050 KU Population Sociology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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