C. Diploma Degree Programme in Philosophy
§ 3: First Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 3/1: Orientation Period
- 180087 IK Introduction to Scientific Work in Philosophy
- 180168 LPS Martin Heidegger: His and Time
- 180185 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180212 LPS Immanuel Kant: Critique of judgement
- 180234 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180245 LPS Spinoza: Ethics
- 180276 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180304 LPS Descartes' Meditations
§ 3/2: Required Courses
§ 3/2/1 History of Philosophy [Old Curriculum 2]
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180226 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180338 VO Types of reception of German Idealism in the 20th century
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
§ 3/2/2 Metaphysics [Old Curriculum 3]
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 180142 PS Plato V: Sophists
- 180260 PS Augustine, Confessiones
- 180263 PS History of Epistemology - Neo-Kantianism
- 180267 VO Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition and the Brain-Mind-Problem
- 180305 LPS Aristotle's De Interpretatione - Language and reality
- 180341 VO-L Introduction to Epistemology
§ 3/2/3 Ethics [Old Curriculum 4]
- 010035 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
- 180253 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180254 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180271 PS Metaethics and normative Ethics
- 180345 PS Basic Texts of Occidental Ethics until Kant
- 180361 VO-L Basic questions in Ethics
§ 3/2/4 Epistemology [Old Curriculum 6]
- 010094 VO Theory of Knowledge
- 180089 PS Traffic - Thinking and Mobility
- 180178 VO Basic Concepts of Philosophy of Mind. Part 1: Consciousness
- 180205 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180207 SE Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180326 VO Subjectivity after the death of subjects
- 180337 PS [ en ] Varieties of Relativism
- 180341 VO-L Introduction to Epistemology
§ 3/2/5 Logics [Old Curriculum 7]
- 180230 VO-GKL Basic Logic - (1. Teil: BA und PP)
- 180231 VO-GKL Basic Logic - (2. Teil: BA)
- 180258 UE Logic-exercise for teaching post candidate
- 180277 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
- 180285 LPS Close Readings in Philosophy and Logic - Leibniz' and Frege's Concepts of Symbolic Logic (Minicurriculum Logic II)
- 180296 PS Introduction to Modal Logic - (Minicurriculum Logic I)
§ 3/2/6 Linguistic Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180215 SE Introduction to the Analytical Philosophy of Language
- 180302 VO Philosophy of Language
§ 3/2/7 Philosophy of Law and Philosophy of Politics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180214 VO Morality and religion in the modern constitutional state
- 180221 UE Marxism as a Theory of Social Conflict
- 180368 VO Intersubjective Foundations of Right and Morality
- 180369 SE Political Theories in Modern Times
§ 3/2/8 Philosophical Anthropology [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180235 PS The growing of thinking
- 180238 PS Cultural Identity and Identity Politics
- 180303 PS [ de fr ] The human nature in French philosophy - Textfragmente zur französischen Philosophie
§ 3/2/9 Aesthetics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180115 SE Classical texts on aesthetics - From Aristotle to Zizek
- 180211 VO Beauty - A concept and its reality
§ 4: Second Stage of the Degree Programme
§ 4/1 Required Courses
§ 4/1/1 History of Philosophy [Old Curriculum 2]
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180226 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180338 VO Types of reception of German Idealism in the 20th century
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
§ 4/1/2 Metaphysics [Old Curriculum 3]
- 180195 SE Platon, Timaios
- 180201 SE Spirit, Reason, Understanding
- 180237 SE Mind and brain
- 180247 SE Hegel: Science of Logic - The Docrine of Being (Quality)
- 180364 VO-L Phenomenological Theorists
§ 4/1/3 Ethics [Old Curriculum 4]
- 180203 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180209 SE Abortion - Part 2
- 180227 SE Ethics - Handeln - ein Ratifizieren von Gehirnentscheidungen?
- 180255 VO People with dementia - people without mind?
- 180300 SE Three Ethics Models from a cultural-philosophical point of view: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer
- 180306 VO Ethics requires feeling - Fundamental issues in dealing with the fear in the doctors-patients relationship with the topic Psycho Oncology
- 180308 SE Practical Philosophy - Nietzsche, Foucault and the Question of Humanism
- 180362 VO Elements of Applied Ethics
- 180363 SE Enviromental ethics - Klima, Wasser, Nahrung
- 190348 VO Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines - Psychoanalysis and Ethics
- 180381 SE The body in the analytical understanding of existence
§ 4/1/4 Epistemology [Old Curriculum 6]
- 070072 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science - Foundational and Methodological Debates in Philosophy and the Sciences I
- 180199 SE Truth
- 180208 SE [ en ] Wittgenstein: On Certainty
- 180213 SE The Unity of the Proposition - Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein on Predication
- 180219 VO Basic Concepts of Cognitive Science - Foundations in Cognitive Science
- 180278 SE Intentionality and Consciousness
- 180289 SE Aplomb and Body Consciousness - Positionen der analytischen Philosophie und Phänomenologie
- 180357 SE New Trends in Philosophy of Language
- 180379 VO [ en ] The Sources of Epistemic Normativity
§ 4/1/5 Logics [Old Curriculum 7]
- 180232 SE Cardinality and Cardinals - (Minicurriculum Logic IV)
- 180274 VO Philosophical Logic - Classical and Non-Classical Conceptions of Formal Logic. An Overview (Minicurriculum Logic III)
§ 4/1/6 Philosophy of Nature [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180261 VO Biology and Ethics: Arguments, Trends, Controversies
- 180275 VO From Early Atomism to Modern Elementary Particles - Philosophical Aspects of microphysical Concepts
- 180378 SE Molecular Cybernetics - Jacques Monods Naturphilosophie und ihr wissenshistorischer Horizont
§ 4/1/7 Non-European Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180196 VO Classic Philosophy of Zen Buddhism - Dogen: shobo genzo
- 180249 VO Chinese Philosophy and Medicine
- 180279 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - From the Beginning to the Daodejing
§ 4/2: Required Elective Courses
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of Religion [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010120 SE Seminar
- 180019 SE The Question of God - God or Mammon
- 180264 SE Ethics and Philosophy of Religion - Friedrich Nietzsche
- 180347 SE Augustine, Confessiones
- 180348 SE Anselm, Proslogion
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of History [Old Curriculum 8]
§ 4/2/2 Social Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180222 SE Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180223 VO-L Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180236 SE Mind and society
- 180307 SE Body and Sexuality - Phänomenologische und diskurstheoretische Perspektiven (Waldenfels, Foucault)
- 180371 SE French social philosophy
- 190183 SE Michel Foucault: The Abnormals - to the genealogy of the human sciences
§ 4/2/2 Philosophical Women's and Gender Research [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180307 SE Body and Sexuality - Phänomenologische und diskurstheoretische Perspektiven (Waldenfels, Foucault)
- 180370 SE Gender and Alterity - Spivak and Butler
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Economics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180224 VO Philosophy and Economies - Money talks
- 180225 SE Philosophy and Economics - Epistemology
- 180380 SE Language and Mind
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology [Old Curriculum 5]
- 070073 SE Seminar - "History and Philosophy of Science in Context: Mach und der Wiener Kreis"
- 180204 PRI [ en ] Francis Bacon
- 180217 SE Seminar in Philosophy of Science I: interdisciplinary introduction - Foundations, theoretical and practical aspects of philosophy of science
- 180239 SE Technology as Productive Force and Ideology
- 180250 SE The foundations of TCM I
- 180251 SE The foundations of TCM II
- 180310 SE Philosophy of science - Neukantianismus und 20. Jh. Zwischen Wissenschaftstheorie und Anthropologie
- 180373 SE The machines of Docteur Lacan - Eine technikhistorische Einführung
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of the Media [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180170 VO-L Complex Systems - Introduction
- 180299 VO Space and the Media - Die Lebewesen
§ 4/2/4 Hermeneutics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180107 SE Phenomenological aesthetics
§ 4/2/4 Philosophy of Culture [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180043 VO Resisting Bodies - Aisthesis - Materiality - Presence - Performativitity
- 180107 SE Phenomenological aesthetics
- 180350 SE W. Benjamin, On Language as Such and on the Language of Man
§ 4/2/4 Intercultural Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010053 SE Philosophy of modernity in Europe and Latinamerica - (Habermas, Foucault, Dussel, Echeverria)
- 180197 SE Seminar for Interdisciplinary Thought - Zen and Philosophy
- 180252 SE Intercultural Philosophy - The role of science
- 180286 VO-L Culturality as a Difference - Introduction to the Intercultural Philosophy
§ 4/2/5 Project Seminar
- 020058 VO Clinical Rounds - from medical, ethical and legal view
- 020060 SE Medicine beyond Therapy
- 180202 SE Introductory Team Teaching: Documentation
§ 2/5: Courses in a foreign Language
- 180125 UE Greek Terminology
- 180204 PRI [ en ] Francis Bacon
- 180208 SE [ en ] Wittgenstein: On Certainty
- 180303 PS [ de fr ] The human nature in French philosophy - Textfragmente zur französischen Philosophie
- 180337 PS [ en ] Varieties of Relativism
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35