2. Required Modules
M-03 Language and Thought
- 180229 IK Rhetoric and Theory of Argumentation
- 180230 VO-GKL Basic Logic - (1. Teil: BA und PP)
- 180231 VO-GKL Basic Logic - (2. Teil: BA)
- 180277 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
- 180302 VO Philosophy of Language
M-04 History of Philosophy until the End of the 19th Century
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180226 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
M-05 Reality and Truth
- 070072 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science - Foundational and Methodological Debates in Philosophy and the Sciences I
- 180142 PS Plato V: Sophists
- 180178 VO Basic Concepts of Philosophy of Mind. Part 1: Consciousness
- 180199 SE Truth
- 180201 SE Spirit, Reason, Understanding
- 180205 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180207 SE Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180217 SE Seminar in Philosophy of Science I: interdisciplinary introduction - Foundations, theoretical and practical aspects of philosophy of science
- 180236 SE Mind and society
- 180235 PS The growing of thinking
- 180260 PS Augustine, Confessiones
- 180263 PS History of Epistemology - Neo-Kantianism
- 180310 SE Philosophy of science - Neukantianismus und 20. Jh. Zwischen Wissenschaftstheorie und Anthropologie
- 180326 VO Subjectivity after the death of subjects
- 180337 PS [ en ] Varieties of Relativism
- 180379 VO [ en ] The Sources of Epistemic Normativity
M-06 Good and Evil
- 180214 VO Morality and religion in the modern constitutional state
- 180222 SE Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180223 VO-L Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180264 SE Ethics and Philosophy of Religion - Friedrich Nietzsche
- 180271 PS Metaethics and normative Ethics
- 180300 SE Three Ethics Models from a cultural-philosophical point of view: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer
- 180306 VO Ethics requires feeling - Fundamental issues in dealing with the fear in the doctors-patients relationship with the topic Psycho Oncology
- 180345 PS Basic Texts of Occidental Ethics until Kant
- 180361 VO-L Basic questions in Ethics
- 180362 VO Elements of Applied Ethics
- 180368 VO Intersubjective Foundations of Right and Morality
- 180369 SE Political Theories in Modern Times
M-07 Technology and Media
- 180089 PS Traffic - Thinking and Mobility
- 180170 VO-L Complex Systems - Introduction
- 180218 PS Projectseminar in philosophy of science - Wissensgenerierung und Modellbildung in der Wissenschaft
- 180299 VO Space and the Media - Die Lebewesen
M-08 The Own and the Alien
- 180196 VO Classic Philosophy of Zen Buddhism - Dogen: shobo genzo
- 180238 PS Cultural Identity and Identity Politics
- 180249 VO Chinese Philosophy and Medicine
- 180279 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - From the Beginning to the Daodejing
- 180286 VO-L Culturality as a Difference - Introduction to the Intercultural Philosophy
- 180292 PS Philosophy in Latin America (Argentinien,Chile,Paraguay) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European thinking.
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35