4. Complementary study programmes (minors) for students of other bachelor degree programmes
EC 1 - Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
EC 1 - 1.1 Philosophy of Language
- 180302 VO Philosophy of Language
EC 1 - 1.2 Theory of the Media
- 180043 VO Resisting Bodies - Aisthesis - Materiality - Presence - Performativitity
- 180170 VO-L Complex Systems - Introduction
EC 1 - 1.3 Philosophy of Culture
- 180286 VO-L Culturality as a Difference - Introduction to the Intercultural Philosophy
EC 1 - 1.4 Aesthetics
- 180211 VO Beauty - A concept and its reality
EC 2 - Ehics
EC 2 - 1.1 Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180253 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180254 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
EC 2 - 1.2 Ethics
- 180361 VO-L Basic questions in Ethics
EC 2 - 1.3 Political and Social Philosophy
- 180223 VO-L Norbert Elias and his theory of Civilization
- 180224 VO Philosophy and Economies - Money talks
EC 2 - 1.4 Philosophy of Law and Moral Philosophy
- 180214 VO Morality and religion in the modern constitutional state
- 180368 VO Intersubjective Foundations of Right and Morality
EC 2 - 1.5 Foundations of Applied Ethics
- 180306 VO Ethics requires feeling - Fundamental issues in dealing with the fear in the doctors-patients relationship with the topic Psycho Oncology
- 180362 VO Elements of Applied Ethics
EC 3 - Philosophicum
EC 3 - 1.1 History of Ideas in Philosophy
- 180185 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180276 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
EC 3 - 1.2 Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180234 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180341 VO-L Introduction to Epistemology
EC 3 - Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180253 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180254 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
EC 3 - 1.4 Theory of the Media
- 180043 VO Resisting Bodies - Aisthesis - Materiality - Presence - Performativitity
- 180170 VO-L Complex Systems - Introduction
EC 3 - 1.5 Intercultural Philosophy
- 180286 VO-L Culturality as a Difference - Introduction to the Intercultural Philosophy
EC 4 - Major Philosophicum
EC 4 - 2.1 History of Philosophy I
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
EC 4 - 1.1 History of Ideas in Philosophy
- 180185 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
- 180276 VO History of Philosophical Ideas
EC 4 - 1.2 Introduction to Theoretical in Philosophy
- 180234 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180341 VO-L Introduction to Epistemology
EC 4 - 2.2 History of Philosophy II
- 180226 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
EC 4 - 1.3 Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180253 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180254 VO-L Introduction to Practical Philosophy
EC 4 - 2.3 History of Philosophy III
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
EC 4 - 1.4 Theory of Media
- 180043 VO Resisting Bodies - Aisthesis - Materiality - Presence - Performativitity
- 180170 VO-L Complex Systems - Introduction
EC 4 - 1.5 Intercultural Philosophy
- 180286 VO-L Culturality as a Difference - Introduction to the Intercultural Philosophy
EC 5 - History of Philosophy
EC 5 - 1.1 History of Philosophy I
- 180256 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180346 VO-L History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Von Augustinus bis Anselm
EC 5 - 1.2 History of Philosphy II
EC 5 - 1.3 History of Philosophy III
- 180246 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Subjectivity, Freedom, Otherness - Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hardenberg, Hegel
- 180259 VO-L History of Philosophy III (Classical Modernity through the 19th Century)
EC 6 - eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
EC 6 - 1. Teaching & Learning Space Group
- 180354 SE ePortfolio for etutors & knowledge experts 1
- 180355 SE SE Educational Technology skills for etutors & knowledge experts
- 180360 VO Topic lecture etutors & knowledge experts: - Knowledge society and digital knowledge creation: challenges, barriers, critiques
EC 6 - 2. Knowledge Construction and Media Manipulation
EC 6 - 3. Practical Skills
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35