C. Diploma Degree Programme
1. Orientation Period (A)
2. Interdisciplinary Basic Courses (B)
3. Core Subjects (C)
- 210169 PS C1/C2: Basic Course Political Theories and Austria and EU - (Kompaktkurs)
3.1. Political Theories (C1)
- 210024 VO BA 5/C1/F/G10: VO History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210169 PS C1/C2: Basic Course Political Theories and Austria and EU - (Kompaktkurs)
3.2. Austrian Politics and EU (C2)
- 210169 PS C1/C2: Basic Course Political Theories and Austria and EU - (Kompaktkurs)
3.3. Comparison of Political Systems (C3)
- 210032 VO BA 7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210170 PS C4/C3: Basic Course International Politics - (Kompaktkurs)
3.4. International Politics (C4)
- 210170 PS C4/C3: Basic Course International Politics - (Kompaktkurs)
4. Elective Courses (D)
4.1. Women's and Gender Research in Political Science (D1)
4.2. Modern Political Theories (D2)
4.3. Political Sociology (D3)
4.4. Scientific Research and Philosophy of Science (D4)
4.5. Political Systems of the EU (D5)
4.6. Political Field Analysis (D6)
5. Methods and Statistics (E)
5.1. Quantitaive Social Research (E1)
- 210002 UE [ en ] BA 4.2/E1: UE Political Behaviour and Quantitative Methods (engl.)
- 210003 UE BA 4.2/E1: UE Quantitative Methods and Migartion
- 210004 UE BA 4.2/E1: UE Quantitative Methods and Electoral Research
- 210005 UE BA 4.2/E1: UE Quantitative Methods and Social Capital
- 210006 UE BA 4.2/E1: UE Quantitative Methods and Empirical Study of Democracy
- 210023 VO BA 4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210166 UE BA 4.2/E1 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210167 UE BA 4.2/E1: PS Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210174 UE BA 4.2/E1 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210175 UE BA 4.2/E1 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210182 UE BA 4.2 /E1: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210183 UE BA 4.2/E1: Quantitative Methods and Political Behaviour
- 210184 UE BA 4.2/E1: Quantitative Methods in Social Research
5.2. Qualitative Social Research (E2)
6. Basics Module (F)
- 210022 VO BA 3/F/B1: VO Historical foundations of politics
- 210024 VO BA 5/C1/F/G10: VO History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210032 VO BA 7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210040 SE BA 10/G1/F/BA11: SE Aspects of Europeanisation
- 210047 SE BA 13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210066 SE BA 18 Political Institutions
- 210073 VO M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210074 PS M1/F/DIss: Basics of Political Science +VO
- 210078 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210079 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210080 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210081 VO M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210082 VO M4 a: International Politics and Development - Die Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA nach einem Jahr Barack Obama
- 210084 VO M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Verbände, Verbändesysteme und soziale Bewegungen in Europa
- 210085 VO M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210086 VO M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210087 VO M9 a: East European Studies - Erbe des Staatssozialismus und internationale Einflüsse
- 210088 VO M10/G10/F: VO Sport Studies (engl.)
- 210089 VO M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210090 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210094 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Außenpolitik nach 1949 im regionalen und internationalen Umfeld
- 210097 SE M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Parteien und Parteiensysteme in Europa
- 210100 SE M6a/G4/F/G1/M5a/Diss: : Austrian Politics
- 210101 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics
- 210103 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210104 SE M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210106 SE M7b/G6/F/G7/G3: "Constitutional Development in Latin America"
- 210107 SE M8a/G8/F/G10: SE VertiefungsSE Gender and Politics
- 210108 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics
- 210109 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics - theoretische und empirische Analysen
- 210111 SE M9 a: East European Studies - SU / Rußland - Osteuropa - China "
- 210112 SE M9 a: East European Studies
- 210113 SE M10 b: Culture and Politics
- 210116 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210159 SE M5 b/G1/G4: European Union and Europeanisation
7. Specialization Modules (G)
7.1. Europe and European Union (G1)
- 210040 SE BA 10/G1/F/BA11: SE Aspects of Europeanisation
- 210043 SE BA 11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210044 SE BA 11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210083 VO [ en ] M4/M5/G2/G3/G1/Diss: VO Immigration, Citizenship and Integration
- 210084 VO M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Verbände, Verbändesysteme und soziale Bewegungen in Europa
- 210085 VO M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210093 SE M4b/M5b/G2/G3/G1/Diss: SE Comparative Migration and Integration - und Integrationspolitik und -theorie in Vergleich.
- 210097 SE M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Parteien und Parteiensysteme in Europa
- 210098 SE [ en ] M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation (engl.) - Developing and Improving Research Designs
- 210100 SE M6a/G4/F/G1/M5a/Diss: : Austrian Politics
- 210103 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210109 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics - theoretische und empirische Analysen
- 210159 SE M5 b/G1/G4: European Union and Europeanisation
7.2. International Development, Peace and Conflict Research (G2)
- 210036 SE BA 9/G10/G2: SE Conflict Theory in practice
- 210042 SE [ fr ] BA 10/G7/G3/G2: SE Africa in the swirl of international relations (franz.)
- 210056 SE BA 10: SE Global trends and global governance
- 210082 VO M4 a: International Politics and Development - Die Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA nach einem Jahr Barack Obama
- 210083 VO [ en ] M4/M5/G2/G3/G1/Diss: VO Immigration, Citizenship and Integration
- 210093 SE M4b/M5b/G2/G3/G1/Diss: SE Comparative Migration and Integration - und Integrationspolitik und -theorie in Vergleich.
- 210094 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Außenpolitik nach 1949 im regionalen und internationalen Umfeld
- 210150 VO G10: Political Theories and Cultural Studies
7.3. International Politics (G3)
- 210042 SE [ fr ] BA 10/G7/G3/G2: SE Africa in the swirl of international relations (franz.)
- 210049 SE BA 13/BA11/BA12/G3: SE Politic in italy
- 210050 SE [ en ] BA 13/BA10/G3/G7: SE Analysing Legislatures and Parliaments (engl.)
- 210051 SE [ en ] BA 13/BA10/G3/G7: SE Government and Politics of the United States (engl.)
- 210056 SE BA 10: SE Global trends and global governance
- 210067 PS BA 18 Political Institutions
- 210082 VO M4 a: International Politics and Development - Die Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA nach einem Jahr Barack Obama
- 210083 VO [ en ] M4/M5/G2/G3/G1/Diss: VO Immigration, Citizenship and Integration
- 210093 SE M4b/M5b/G2/G3/G1/Diss: SE Comparative Migration and Integration - und Integrationspolitik und -theorie in Vergleich.
- 210094 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Außenpolitik nach 1949 im regionalen und internationalen Umfeld
- 210095 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development
- 210096 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Zur politischen Ökonomie des Klimawandels
- 210106 SE M7b/G6/F/G7/G3: "Constitutional Development in Latin America"
7.4. Austrian Politics (G4)
- 210043 SE BA 11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210044 SE BA 11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210045 SE BA 12 Austrian Politics
- 210066 SE BA 18 Political Institutions
- 210069 PS BA 19 Political Consulting and Survey Research - Health Care Policy in Austria
- 210085 VO M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210091 SE M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 210099 SE M6a/G4: SE Labour Migration and Social Integration in Austria - in Comparative Perspective
- 210100 SE M6a/G4/F/G1/M5a/Diss: : Austrian Politics
- 210101 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics
- 210102 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics
- 210150 VO G10: Political Theories and Cultural Studies
- 210159 SE M5 b/G1/G4: European Union and Europeanisation
7.5. East and Middle Europe (G5)
- 210060 SE BA 15 East European Studies
- 210061 SE BA 15 East European Studies - Die Qualität der Demokratie in Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien und Serbien
- 210062 SE BA 15 East European Studies - nach 1989
- 210063 SE [ en ] BA 16/G5/G10: SE Political Symbols and Rituals (engl.)
- 210064 SE BA 16 Culture and Politics - Gedächtnispolitiken und Identitätskonstruktionen
- 210087 VO M9 a: East European Studies - Erbe des Staatssozialismus und internationale Einflüsse
- 210111 SE M9 a: East European Studies - SU / Rußland - Osteuropa - China "
- 210112 SE M9 a: East European Studies
7.6. Policy Analysis and Political Economy (G6)
- 210032 VO BA 7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210045 SE BA 12 Austrian Politics
- 210047 SE BA 13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210048 SE BA 13/G6: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210086 VO M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210103 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210104 SE M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210106 SE M7b/G6/F/G7/G3: "Constitutional Development in Latin America"
- 210109 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics - theoretische und empirische Analysen
7.7. Extra-European Comparison of Politics (G7)
- 210032 VO BA 7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210041 SE BA 10/G7: International Politics
- 210042 SE [ fr ] BA 10/G7/G3/G2: SE Africa in the swirl of international relations (franz.)
- 210050 SE [ en ] BA 13/BA10/G3/G7: SE Analysing Legislatures and Parliaments (engl.)
- 210051 SE [ en ] BA 13/BA10/G3/G7: SE Government and Politics of the United States (engl.)
- 210067 PS BA 18 Political Institutions
- 210091 SE M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 210095 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development
- 210096 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - Zur politischen Ökonomie des Klimawandels
- 210106 SE M7b/G6/F/G7/G3: "Constitutional Development in Latin America"
- 210171 SE BA 10/G7: SE EU African Relations
7.8. Women's and Gender Research in Political Science (G8)
- 210046 SE BA 12/BA14 Austrian Politics and Gender
- 210052 SE BA 14/G8: SE 'Embedded feminism' as 'epistemic violence'
- 210053 SE BA 14 Gender and Politics
- 210058 SE [ en ] BA 13/G7/G6: SE Comparative Social Policy (engl.)
- 210059 SE BA 14/G8: SE Engendering Economics: Concepts of Economic Theory from a Gender Perspective
- 210107 SE M8a/G8/F/G10: SE VertiefungsSE Gender and Politics
- 210108 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics
- 210109 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics - theoretische und empirische Analysen
- 210163 SE M8 a: Whiteness in Critique ¿ Occidentalism - "OKZIDENTALISMUS"
- 210164 VO M8a/G8/G10: VO Political Theory of Immunization
7.9. Political Education (G9)
- 210065 VO M10(b)/BA17/G9: Media and Political Education - (In Schule und Erwachsenenbildung)
- 210113 SE M10 b: Culture and Politics
- 210114 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210116 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics
7.10. Political Theories and Cultural Sciences (G10)
- 210024 VO BA 5/C1/F/G10: VO History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210036 SE BA 9/G10/G2: SE Conflict Theory in practice
- 210037 SE BA 9/G10: SE Ideology, Discourse and Politics
- 210038 SE BA 9/G10: SE Theory of the State
- 210063 SE [ en ] BA 16/G5/G10: SE Political Symbols and Rituals (engl.)
- 210064 SE BA 16 Culture and Politics - Gedächtnispolitiken und Identitätskonstruktionen
- 210078 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210079 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210080 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210081 VO M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210086 VO M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210088 VO M10/G10/F: VO Sport Studies (engl.)
- 210089 VO M10 a: Culture and Politics
- 210090 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210103 SE [ en ] M7a/G6/F/G1/G10/M5a: SE VertiefungsSE - Europa beyond Nationstate (engl.)
- 210107 SE M8a/G8/F/G10: SE VertiefungsSE Gender and Politics
- 210117 SE M10 b: Culture and Politics
- 210150 VO G10: Political Theories and Cultural Studies
- 210163 SE M8 a: Whiteness in Critique ¿ Occidentalism - "OKZIDENTALISMUS"
- 210164 VO M8a/G8/G10: VO Political Theory of Immunization
- 210165 SE BA 9/G10: SE Power of the State
7.11. Research Practice (FoP)
- 210011 SE FOP: SE Part 2: Research Practice part 2
- 210115 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210118 SE M11: Research Practice part 1 - Europäisierung der Gesetzgebung
- 210119 SE M11: Research Practice part 1 - Nationalsozialistische "Endphasenverbrechern" in österreich, Frühjahr 1945
- 210120 SE M11: Research Practice part 1 - Reformen wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Politik in Österreich - herausforderungen, entwicklungen und Erklärungsmodelle
- 210121 SE M11: Research Practice - Geheimdienste: - Der Kalte Krieg in "Action und Fiction"
- 210122 SE M11: Research Practice - Korruption als globales politisches Phänomen
- 210123 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210124 SE M11: Research Practice - Der Staatskapitalismus - Instrumente der staatlichen Lenkung am Beginn des 21.Jhr. zwischen "weniger Staat ¿ mehr privat"
- 210125 SE M11: Research Practice - Strukturwandel der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Österreich - am Beispiel der Bundesministerien
- 210126 SE M11: Research Practice - Policy Analyse - Lernen in der Politik
- 210128 SE M11: Research Practice - Der Globalisierung auf der Spur - quantitative und qualitative Phänomene
8. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (H)
- 210127 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210129 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210130 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210131 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210132 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210133 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210134 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210135 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210136 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210137 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210138 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210139 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210140 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210141 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210142 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210143 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210144 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210145 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210146 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210147 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210148 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210158 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210161 SE [ en ] M13: Master's Seminar - Research Atelier (ViGo)
- 210188 SE M13: Master's Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35