Electives and Free Electives
Gemäß Studienplän sind 4 Stunden Wahlfächer und 17 Stunden freie Wahlfächer zu absolvieren (bitte beachten Sie den Prüfungspasscode).
- 010027 VO Titel
- 010031 PR Contemporary challenges of pastoral care
- 010037 UE Introduction into homiletic Practice via learning by doing
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010087 VO Death and Afterlife: Religious Traditions and Modernity
- 010090 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010098 VO Introduction to Judaism
- 010100 VO History of Moral Theology
- 010118 VU Focus on Migration - Aufmerksamkeit für Zuwanderung und Integration
- 010122 VO God and ethics in the passing of nihilism
- 010129 SE Discourses on Victims of Sexual Violence- political and ethical considerations
- 010136 VO Introduction to the Topography and History of Israel- Palestine in New Testament Times
- 010137 SE+EX Religious Worlds and the Body
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010141 VO Religious Movements of the 19th Century - Spiritism, Occultism, Theosophy and the Influence of Mesmerism
- 010179 VO Symbol, Sign, Ritual. Introduction to Aesthetics of Religion
- 300283 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 010017 VO Introduction into Homiletics
- 010067 KO Conversatorium Philosophical Theology
- 010093 PS Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010154 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010156 SE Highly topical: Eastern and Central Europe - Religiöse und kirchliche Entwicklungen im Spiegelbild der neuesten Forschungen
- 020047 UE Personal growth and self-experience II - for theologians
- 020048 UE Personal growth and self-experience III - for theologians
- 010147 PV Research Seminar - Der (europäische ) Diskurs um den Religionsunterricht
- 010155 SE [ en ] Cognitive Science of Religion
- 010159 VO The Celebration of Matrimony/Special Lecture
- 010161 VO Being Church in mission II. The Contextuality of Mission in History and Present Time
- 010162 SE Titel
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35