C. Additional Courses
- 280500 SE Hot topics in Environmental Geosciences, I
- 280501 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, I
- 280503 UE+SE+PR Topics in Geodynamics, Metamorphism & Geochronology, I
- 280504 UE+SE+PR Topics in Planetary Geology and Impact Research, I
- 280505 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical crystallography, I - Aktuelle Themen in der angewandten Kristallographie
- 280506 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy, I - Aktuelle Themen in der Mineralspekrtroskopie, I
- 280507 SE+EX Trends in Palaeontological Research, I
- 280516 VO Granit- und pegmatitgebundene Lagerstätten
- 280518 SE Topics in geomaterials research
- 280522 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit - (lt. Studienplan 01.10.2003)
- 280526 SE Numercial methods in geosciences
- 280527 SE Mineralogical studies at the University of Vienna and in Austria
- 280528 VO+UE [ en ] Microwear Analyses on mammals teeth
- 280530 SE+UE Isotop and element analysis (PI)
- 280601 VO [ en ] Selected aspects of nuclear safety I - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies I
- 280602 VO Radioactive Waste Management I - Its Perception and Acceptance I
- 280603 VO Environmental risks I
- 280604 VO Provision of energy and risks - Kosten und Umwelt I
- 280606 SE Ionising radiation and society risks
Last modified: Sa 23.12.2023 01:17