2.01. Protestant Theology
1. Philosophy
- 020001 VU Introduction to Philosophy - Introduction into Philosophy
- 020002 SE The Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020008 UE Exercises in Exegesis
- 020009 VO Old Testament Theology II (Pentateuch)
- 020011 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020012 SE Themes of Old Testament research - The mountain as holy place in the Old Testament
- 020013 UE Bible Survey
- 020014 UE Reading of biblical Hebrew - The prophet Jonah
3. New Testament Studies
- 020015 VO Theology of the New Testament
- 020016 VO-L Introduction to the New Testament
- 020020 UE Exegetical Exercise Course "Christology of the New Testament"
- 020063 SE The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020021 SE Byzance-Constantinople-Istanbul
- 020023 VO Christians in the Middle Ages
- 020025 SE Tertullian
- 020026 VO Introduction to the History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg-Monarchy
- 020027 VO-L History of Christiantity and Christian Thought since the Reformation
- 020028 VO Sources of the History of Christianity since the Reformation - including the History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg-Monarchy
5. Systematic Theology
- 020030 VO Ethics I: Introduction to theological ethics
- 020031 VO Ecumenical Introduction to Christian Churches
- 020032 SE Theological hermeneutics
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020037 VO Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020038 VO Homiletics
- 020039 SE Homiletics I
- 020040 VU Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020053 SE Homiletics II
7. Religious Education
- 020046 UE Exercises in Subject Didactics
- 020047 VO Didactics of Religious Education
- 020049 UE+PR Practical Course in Education
- 020050 VU Parish Education - Confirmation Work
- 020057 UE Diaconia - theory and practice
- 020058 SE Exercises in Subject Didactics
8. Church Law
- 020042 SE Church Law Seminar
9. Religious Science
- 020005 VO Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions
- 020006 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Jesus Christ in other religions
10. Women's Research/Gender Studies
- 020004 VO Introduction to Islam
- 020007 SE Muslim invitation for dialogue - Comments on the letter of 138 Muslim scholars to the heads of all Christian denominations
- 020018 EX Archaeological field research: Jerusalem
- 020019 VO Biblical Archaeology - OT Motives in the Interpretation of the Verduner Altar, Klosterneuburg
- 020033 VO The Ethics of Martin Luther
- 020034 VO Introduction into Biblical Archaeology
- 020035 VO+UE Biblical Archaeology: issues of field research in Jerusalem
- 020041 SE Psychology of Religion
- 020043 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience IV
- 020044 UE Introduction Group Dynamics
- 020045 UE Rhetorical Communication II: From Talking to speaking in Public
- 020054 EX The World of the Bible in Museums of Europe: London
- 020055 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Biblical Texts in Religious Education
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 020059 SE Jewish Sources on Revelation and Reason within the Tension between Tradition and Modernity"
11. Doctoral Degree Programme
- 020010 PV Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020024 PV Texts and Monuments of Late Antiquity - The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum
- 020029 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues of Systematic Theology
- 020036 PV Privatssimum
- 020048 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 020056 PV Privatissimum: Research Religious Education
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35