Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Economic Theory
- 040066 UK [ en ] Microeconomics for Advanced
- 040924 UK [ en ] Theory of Industrial Economics
- 041000 UK [ en ] Topics in Game Theory
- 040988 UK [ en ] International Trade
2.2. Applied Economy
- 040031 UK [ en ] International Monetary Integration
- 040068 SE Population Economics
- 040187 FK [ en ] Economics of Research and Development (E)
- 040495 UK [ en ] Labor Economics (E) - Introduction to Labor Economics (E)
- 040552 UK [ en ] Applied Industrial Economics
- 040760 UK Health- and Pharmaceutical Economics
- 040823 UK [ en ] Applied Macroeconomics - Applied Macroeconomics
- 040984 UK [ en ] Industrial Economics of Transition Countries
- 040985 UK [ en ] Industrial Policy in Developing and Emerging Economies
- 040990 SE [ en ] Less and Better Regulation: Why and How
- 040991 UK [ en ] Methods in Agricultural Economics
- 040995 UK [ en ] Reason, Religion and Democracy
- 040997 UK [ en ] Economics of Policy
- 040998 UK [ en ] Social Choice
- 041001 SE [ en ] Economics of Policy
- 041013 UK Modern financial markets and their crisises since the 18th century
- 040553 UK Social Policy
- 040993 UK [ en ] Money and Banking
- 040999 UK [ en ] Topics in Experimental Industrial Economics
2.3. Financial Science
- 040111 UK Basics of Financial Science
- 040159 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
- 040616 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
2.4. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040289 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E) - Praktikum (insbes. aus Empirischer Wirtschaftsforschung) (E)
2.5. Elective Courses
- 040083 SE Economic History
- 040128 SE Development Policy - Entwicklungsbegriff und Entwicklungstheorien
- 040208 SE [ en ] Recent Research in Law and Economics (E)
- 040261 SE Philosophy-Politics-Economics
- 040287 SE Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung (gilt als Seminar für Finanzwissenschaft, VWL, anrechenbar für das Wahlfach BWL der öffentlichen Verwaltung und der öffentlichen Wirtschaftsunternehmungen); Teil 2 des Blocks für die Kernfachkombination "Public Utility Management"
- 040302 VO Economic History - Banking and capital markets
- 040476 UK Economic History - Die Europäische Union: Konzeption, Organisation und Entwicklung von 1956 bis heute
- 040555 VO Law and Economics II
- 040615 UK [ en ] Deterministic dynamic models in economics
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics
- 040681 UK [ en ] Optimization
- 040927 UK [ en ] Advanced Econometrics
- 041002 UK [ en ] Scientific Writing
- 041005 VO External Factors of Underdevelopment
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners
- 041011 UK Human Action in Economic Theories
- 041013 UK Modern financial markets and their crisises since the 18th century
2.6. Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040135 KO [ en ] Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates in Economics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35