A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Science and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Level 1 of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)
1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
- 290418 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group A
- 290417 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group B
- 290416 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group C
- 290421 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group D
- 290415 UE Exercises in climate geography, group A
- 290414 UE Exercises in climate geography, group B
- 290413 UE Exercises in climate geography, group C
- 290422 UE Exercises in climate geography, group D
- 290412 VO Introduction to Hydrogeography
- 290129 VO Information on the criteria to classify vegetation
- 290411 UE Exercises in soil geography, group A - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290399 UE Exercises in soil geography, group B - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290398 UE Exercises in soil geography, group C - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290423 UE Exercises in soil geography, group D - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290214 UE Exercises in landscape ecology, group A - Kartierungsbereich Wolkersdorf, Weinviertel
- 290311 UE Exercises in landscape ecology, group B - Kartierungsbereich Wolkersdorf, Weinviertel
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group A
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group C
1.2. Basics of Human Geography
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290289 UE Applied Urban Geography, group A - (WS 2010/11 werden Gruppe C+D angeboten)
- 290288 UE Applied Urban Geography, group B - (WS 2010/11 werden Gruppe C+D angeboten)
- 290369 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group A - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290223 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group B - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290368 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group C - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290378 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group D - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290174 VO Introduction to General Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft (gilt nicht für Lehramtsstudierende)
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290205 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group A
- 290204 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group B
- 290403 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group C
- 290355 PS Spatial Reference Systems
- 290221 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group A
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group B
- 290219 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group C
- 290218 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group D
1.4. Basic Methods and Concepts in Geography
- 290260 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290246 VO Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis
- 290152 VO Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II
- 290150 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group A
- 290149 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group B
- 290148 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group C
Level 2 of the Degree Programme
2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
- 290342 VO+UE Methods in Demography for Advanced Students, Part II
- 290146 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
- 290440 UE Field methods in physical geography - Topoclimatology
- 290262 UE Field methods in physical geography (soil ecology)
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290164 PS Project Management, Group A
- 290257 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290190 VO Moderation and Mediation
- 290419 PS Scientific Principles of Physical Geography - Dating Methods
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills Specialisation on Regional Development
- 290396 VO Regional Economics - The growth of regions
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Gender - Power - City. Introduction to Gender Planning
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290229 VO Destination management and Regional development Specialisation on Spatial Aspects of Population Studies / Regional Demography
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290342 VO+UE Methods in Demography for Advanced Students, Part II
- 290438 VO Trends and Perspectives of Population Development in Europe - (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Union)
- 290138 SE Seminar for Human & Regional Geography: On the path to a demographic splitted world? - Global demographic trends and follow-ups Specialisation on Development Research / Third World Studies / Co-operation and Development: Emphasis on Asia
- 290331 VO Economic & social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East & Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective
- 140038 KU Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140219 KU Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140220 KU Introductory Seminar: Development Economics Specialisation on Applied Geomorphology
- 290347 SE Seminar: Geomorphology and Global Environment Change
- 290304 VO Applied Physical Geography in Mountain Regions
- 290305 UE Tutorial in Applied Physical Geography in Mountain Regions Specialisation on Landscape Ecology and Natural Environmental Research
- 290154 PS Material and energy balances
- 290262 UE Field methods in physical geography (soil ecology)
- 290091 PS Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290388 SE Seminar for physical Geography and Landscape Ecology: Soils and Climate
- 290427 SE Projektseminar: Agro-ecology in the oasis Bahariya (Egypt), Part II - Ägypten, Teil II (nur für Studierende, die im WS Teil I besucht haben) Specialisation on Spatial Tourism and Leisure Research
2.2.5. Electives Electives in Accordance with the Specialisations in Examination Subject d Electives in Regional Geography
- 290438 VO Trends and Perspectives of Population Development in Europe - (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Union)
- 290331 VO Economic & social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East & Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective Other Electives
- 290396 VO Regional Economics - The growth of regions
- 290320 SE Seminar for Economic Geography: Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing World
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
- 290386 PS [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - The ideal City
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Gender - Power - City. Introduction to Gender Planning
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290388 SE Seminar for physical Geography and Landscape Ecology: Soils and Climate
- 290304 VO Applied Physical Geography in Mountain Regions
- 290305 UE Tutorial in Applied Physical Geography in Mountain Regions
- 290347 SE Seminar: Geomorphology and Global Environment Change
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290229 VO Destination management and Regional development
- 290357 VO Topographic Mapping and High Mountain Cartography
- 290188 PS Multimedia Technology and Geocommunication II
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 100 Years of ISPRS - Current Developments in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
- 290442 PS Business Geographics
- 290154 PS Material and energy balances
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Research and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
- 290146 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
- 290164 PS Project Management, Group A
- 290257 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290190 VO Moderation and Mediation
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - The ideal City
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Gender - Power - City. Introduction to Gender Planning
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - The ideal City
- 290251 VO Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
- 290386 PS [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
2.3.4. Electives
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290438 VO Trends and Perspectives of Population Development in Europe - (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Union)
- 290342 VO+UE Methods in Demography for Advanced Students, Part II
- 290138 SE Seminar for Human & Regional Geography: On the path to a demographic splitted world? - Global demographic trends and follow-ups
- 290396 VO Regional Economics - The growth of regions
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Gender - Power - City. Introduction to Gender Planning
- 290229 VO Destination management and Regional development
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290188 PS Multimedia Technology and Geocommunication II
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
- 290357 VO Topographic Mapping and High Mountain Cartography
- 290442 PS Business Geographics
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 100 Years of ISPRS - Current Developments in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
- 290328 VO International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290320 SE Seminar for Economic Geography: Innovation and Economic Development in a Globalizing World
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
- 290131 VO Terrestrial data acquisition II
- 290228 VU Photogrammetric data acquisition II
- 290012 PR Applied Image Processing and Remote Sensing
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
- 290188 PS Multimedia Technology and Geocommunication II
- 290356 VO Map production and publication techniques II
- 290281 UE Exercises in Map production and publication techniques II
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 100 Years of ISPRS - Current Developments in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
- 290354 SE Research Seminar for graduate degree students
2.4.6. Recommended Free-choice Elective Courses
- 290442 PS Business Geographics
Field Trips
1. Field Trips in Austria
- 290178 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Southern Borderland - South- and Central-Burgenland
- 290259 EX Excursion: Gender and regional innovation policy
- 290268 EX Excursion: Gender and industrial/commercial site development
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology - Salzkammergut
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Central Alps
- 290241 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture Marchfeld
- 290183 EX The Water Supply of Vienna - Structural System and Fundamentals of the Physical Region - Anlagenstruktur und naturräumliche Grundlagen
- 290287 EX Field Trip: Vegetation ecology in the limestone mountains of the "Gesäuse-area" - Steirisches Ennstal - Gesäuse
- 290358 EX Field Excursion Cartography and Geoinformation - Geographic Information Systems in Austria
- 290428 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Inland: Practical Surveying and Mapping Excercises
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)
- 290118 EX Scientific Excursion - USA: Growth and Decline of US-american Cities
- 290117 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Western Canada
- 290261 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Western Canada - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290095 EX [ de en ] Field Trip: India - Structural Change and Regional Development in the State of Himachal Pradesh
- 290163 PS [ de en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: India - Structural Change and Regional Development in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
- 290096 EX Field Trip: East-Slovakia and West-Ukraine
- 290104 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: East-Slovakia and West-Ukraine - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290264 EX Excursion: West-Hungary, Slovenja, Venezia Giulia: Landscapes of hope - transboundary cooperations on the SE-rim of the Alps
Additional Courses
- 290364 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290006 KO Colloquium for Geography and Regional Research
- 290306 PV Colloquium Geomorphology for Graduate Degree Students
- 290052 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35