19.03. Doctoral Programme Philosophy (Dr. phil.) / Dissertation Subject Area: Pedagogy
- 190097 SE Educational Research Seminar: Thesis Presentation - PhD-Seminar
1. Compulsory Courses (4 SST)
- 190024 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Doctoral Students - with reference to empirical and school pedagogic
- 190097 SE Educational Research Seminar: Thesis Presentation - PhD-Seminar
- 190098 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Dotoral Students
- 190105 SE Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 190207 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - Research Workshop Qualitative Studies
- 190221 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students
- 190541 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 190711 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - Kolloquium
- 190723 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students
- 190733 SE Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students
2. Elective Courses (2 SST)
- 190103 SE Elective: Empirical methods for doctor students
- 190405 SE Elective Methods in the Philosophy of Education
- 190406 SE Elective - Doktorandenkolloquium Bildungswissenschaften
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
http://studienservicecenter.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1256&no_cache=1Es wird eine Orientierungslehrveranstaltung für Doktorratsstudierende am 9. März von 9 11 h im HS 3D im NIG abgehalten.