A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Biology
I. Introductory Phase
- 300385 VO Woman in science
II-A. Alternative Block of Compulsory Modules (ABCM) A
- 300030 UE Chemical laboratory course for biologists
- 300095 VO Introduction to Palaeobiology
- 300098 VO Animal Anatomy and Biology
- 300172 UE Physics laboratory for students of biology - Physical measurement
- 300433 VO Introduction into Anthropology
- 300448 VO Plants, Structure and Function
- 300526 VO Introductory Lecture in Biochemistry
- 300677 UE Chemical Laboratory Course Molecular Biology - Chemical Laboratory Course Molecular Biology
- 300735 VO Lectureseries Molecular Biology
II-B. Alternative Block of Compulsory Modules (ABCM) B
- 300030 UE Chemical laboratory course for biologists
- 300131 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part II
- 300132 VO General and Molecular Genetics part I
- 300193 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part III
- 300329 VO General and Molecular Genetics part II
- 300415 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part I
- 300585 VO Organic Chemistry for Molecular biology
- 300619 VO Analytical Chemistry 1 for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300623 VO Analytical Chemistry II for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300627 VO Analytical Chemistry 3 for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300677 UE Chemical Laboratory Course Molecular Biology - Chemical Laboratory Course Molecular Biology
- 300706 SE Calculation in Chemistry - Accompanying Seminar for Basic Chemical Lab Course
- 300707 VO [ en ] Modellorganisms
III. ABCM Disciplines of Specialization
1. Anthropology
- 300024 VO+SE Introduction into scientific Reading and Writing - Scientific Textproduction
- 300084 UE Imaging methods in medicine for anthropologists
- 300087 PP Projektpraktikum I Hominidenevolution: Anthropologisches Praktikum I und 3D-Messmethoden
- 300102 VO Anthropology of disabled persons II
- 300241 VO Human Genetics
- 300369 PP Project Practice II, Human Ecology
- 300377 SE Presentation techniques
- 300378 UE Computer-assisted Evalutaion Methods II
- 300420 VO+SE Populationanthropoloy and Demography
- 300548 VO Social-biological aspects of the human-animal interaction
- 300690 VO+SE Introduction to the workingfield of Anthropologists - Application areas of behavior science in industrial flields
2. Microbiology and Genetics
- 300023 VO [ en ] Cellbiology
- 300046 UE Laboratory Course I B - Microbiology and Genetics
- 300093 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300123 VO Gene expression
- 300131 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part II
- 300132 VO General and Molecular Genetics part I
- 300135 UE Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry - for Specialisation Microbiology/Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 300176 PP Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultured microorganisms hybridisation (FISH)
- 300193 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part III
- 300224 PP [ de en ] genome analysis of prokaryotes - applied bioinformatics for the analysis of a genome
- 300245 UE Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology
- 300326 UE Spectroscopic methods in Biology - Practical Aplication
- 300329 VO General and Molecular Genetics part II
- 300343 UE Pract. course in analytical chemistry for biol.
- 300344 PR Practical Course in Biophysical Chemistry
- 300358 PP Metabolomics
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 300376 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
- 300403 UE Semicompulsory Lab Course Organic Chemistry
- 300407 VO [ en ] Molekular Pathology - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease
- 300415 VO General and Molecular Microbiology, Part I
- 300585 VO Organic Chemistry for Molecular biology
- 300619 VO Analytical Chemistry 1 for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300623 VO Analytical Chemistry II for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300626 UE Molecular Biology Course I A
- 300627 VO Analytical Chemistry 3 for Biologists, Molecular Biologists and Nutritional Scientists
- 300661 UE Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
- 300662 SE Seminar to Course III A
- 300707 VO [ en ] Modellorganisms
- 300721 PP DNA Microarrays - Highly parallel molecular analysis of microorganisms
- 300811 UE [ en ] Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300812 SE [ en ] Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300813 UE Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300814 SE Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300816 SE Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300817 UE Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: bioinformatics
- 300818 SE Prasentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: bioinformatics
3. Molecular Biology
- 300046 UE Laboratory Course I B - Microbiology and Genetics
- 300093 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300123 VO Gene expression
- 300135 UE Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry - for Specialisation Microbiology/Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 300150 VO Chromosmenbiology and Cytogenetics
- 300176 PP Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultured microorganisms hybridisation (FISH)
- 300224 PP [ de en ] genome analysis of prokaryotes - applied bioinformatics for the analysis of a genome
- 300245 UE Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology
- 300322 VO Neurobiology
- 300356 SE+UE Molecular Biology Course II B
- 300358 PP Metabolomics
- 300375 VO Mathematics for Molecular Biologists
- 300376 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
- 300443 PS Cell biology
- 300584 UE Molecular Biology Laboratory Course III (Cell Biology)
- 300593 SE+UE Molecular Biology Course II A
- 300594 VO Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists
- 300615 UE Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry - for the specialization Molecular Biology
- 300618 VO+SE [ en ] Structural Biology (Macromolecular Crystallography)
- 300626 UE Molecular Biology Course I A
- 300629 UE Practical Course in Analytical Chemistry for Molecular Biology - for the specialization Molecular Biology
- 300644 VO [ en ] Molecular Evolution
- 300688 UE Exercises for Structural Biology - and for Theoretical Chemistry
- 300721 PP DNA Microarrays - Highly parallel molecular analysis of microorganisms
- 300723 SE Methods in molecular biology I - Accompanying Seminar Mol.Biol. Lab.Course IA+IB
- 300812 SE [ en ] Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300814 SE Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300816 SE Presentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: molecular biology
- 300817 UE Advanced course in microbiology and genetics: bioinformatics
- 300818 SE Prasentation of the advanced course in microbiology and genetics: bioinformatics
- 300831 UE Advanced course in molecular biology
4. Ecology
- 300065 PP Mediterranean vegetation, land use, conservation
- 300083 PP Marine Biology - Introduction into the main research directions of the Dept. Marine Biology
- 300091 PP Carbon cycling in alpine ecosystems
- 300093 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300094 PP Plant population biology
- 300099 PP [ en ] Biogeography of the Krakatau Islands
- 300101 VO+UE Practical training in determination native animals - Introduction to functional morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
- 300136 PP Population biology of native amphibians
- 300148 PP Fish Ecology
- 300156 PP Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300176 PP Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultured microorganisms hybridisation (FISH)
- 300178 VO Microbial communities and Symbioses
- 300209 PP Diversity and Ecology of native Ferns and Flowering Plants in their Habitats
- 300220 VO Basics of Animal Physiology in Ecology
- 300222 PP Sea turtles - Protection of sea turtles in Turkey. Project in applied nature conservation.
- 300224 PP [ de en ] genome analysis of prokaryotes - applied bioinformatics for the analysis of a genome
- 300225 PP Stream Ecology (intermediale level)
- 300250 PP Ecological behaviour of pollinator insects - Ecological behaviour of pollinator insects
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types
- 300358 PP Metabolomics
- 300363 PP River morphology - River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation types
- 300364 SE+UE Course in functional Ecology - Long term monitoring of urban forest ecosystems considering as example the "Wienerwald".
- 300365 SE+UE Course in functional ecology - Biodiversity and ecosystem functions at heavily and slightly impacted reaches of the Wien River
- 300379 PP Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Monitoring in protected areas
- 300383 VO Basics of Plantphysiology in Ecology
- 300423 SE+UE Field course in functional ecology - biodiversity and ecosystem fuctions
- 300424 SE+UE Field course in functional ecology - Vegetation, Fauna and Landuse in pannonian Pastoral Landscapes
- 300440 PP Ecology of floodplain-rivers
- 300473 PP Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stress
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists
- 300609 VO Biodiversity and molecular Ecology of Micororganisms 2
- 300721 PP DNA Microarrays - Highly parallel molecular analysis of microorganisms
- 300725 VO Ecophysiology and Genetics of Microorganisms
5. Palaeobiology
- 280002 EX System Erde (BA01) STEP - Teil II (PI)
- 280031 VO Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part II (NPI)
- 280033 UE Stratigraphy, Earth History and Phylogeny of Organisms (BA16) part II (PI)
- 280097 VO Applied Micropalaeontology (PP0_28_20) (NPI)
- 280098 UE Applied Micropalaeontology (PP0_28_20) (PI)
- 280531 VO Grundlagen Wirbeltierpaläontologie: Niedere Vertebrata
- 300054 VO Applied Palaeobotany
- 300055 VO+UE Palaeodiversity of plants
- 300101 VO+UE Practical training in determination native animals - Introduction to functional morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
- 300128 UE Introduction into Vertebrate Palaeontology - From bird to mammal
- 300154 UE Exercises to applied Palaeobotany
- 300155 EX Excursions to marine palaeoenvironments
- 300211 PP Palaeobotany Project
- 300212 PP Palaeontological field school
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists
- 300698 UE Palaeontological field methods
- 300725 VO Ecophysiology and Genetics of Microorganisms
6. Plant Sciences
- 300012 UE Evolutionary strategies of plants
- 300065 PP Mediterranean vegetation, land use, conservation
- 300068 PP Ultrastructure of plant cells
- 300091 PP Carbon cycling in alpine ecosystems
- 300094 PP Plant population biology
- 300135 UE Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry - for Specialisation Microbiology/Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 300147 UE Flowers: Structure, Funktion and Diversity
- 300156 PP Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300208 UE Ultrastructure of cells
- 300209 PP Diversity and Ecology of native Ferns and Flowering Plants in their Habitats
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300333 VO+UE Laboratory course: Basics in plant physiology
- 300358 PP Metabolomics
- 300363 PP River morphology - River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation types
- 300386 VO+UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300444 UE [ en ] Practical Course in plantgenetic and -biotechnology - formerly practical course in gen- and biotechnology
- 300473 PP Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stress
- 300606 UE Plant growth and metabolism
- 300616 VO+UE Life Cycles of Plants
- 300648 PP [ en ] DNA marker and chromosomes in plant systematics and evolution
- 300661 UE Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology
- 300662 SE Seminar to Course III A
- 300801 UE Advanced course in plantscience: Plant Molecularbiology
- 300802 UE Advanced course in plantscience: Plantdevelopment and reproduction
7. Zoology
- 300042 PP Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes
- 300045 EX Flora and fauna of the March river flood plains - Seasonal changes
- 300049 VO Biology, ecology and conservation biology of bats - The course will focus on the biology (morphology, reproduction, echolocation) and ecology (ecomorphology, feeding ecology, roostin ecology) of bats. Furthermore threats to bats and conservation measures to protect bats will be discussed.
- 300093 PP DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
- 300096 EX Zoological basic excursions
- 300097 SE Animals in Scientific Films
- 300099 PP [ en ] Biogeography of the Krakatau Islands
- 300101 VO+UE Practical training in determination native animals - Introduction to functional morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
- 300116 PP Behavioural Biology, Gruenau - (social mechanisms) at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in Gruenau
- 300136 PP Population biology of native amphibians
- 300142 PP Field course in recent and fossil coral reefs
- 300146 VO+UE Practical Courses in Zoology, part 2
- 300156 PP Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300198 PP Alpin field course in zoology
- 300202 VO+UE Advanced topics in Bioacoustics
- 300214 UE Animal Physiology Laboratory 2 - Nerve, Muscle, Sense
- 300220 VO Basics of Animal Physiology in Ecology
- 300222 PP Sea turtles - Protection of sea turtles in Turkey. Project in applied nature conservation.
- 300247 UE+EX Ecological-terrestrial Fieldcourse - Fieldcourse in the mediterranean region
- 300250 PP Ecological behaviour of pollinator insects - Ecological behaviour of pollinator insects
- 300275 UE Animal Physiology Laboratory 1 - Reproduction, Metabolism and Immunology
- 300290 VO Introduction to pollination biology
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types
- 300337 PP Practical course in Behavioral Physiology
- 300416 PP [ en ] 3-D Imaging and Modeling Using MicroCT
- 300539 VO Austrian butterflies and their habitats - Identification, ecology and conservation; with field demonstrations
- 300541 VO Lecture Series Bird Ecology
- 300561 PP [ en ] Methods in molecular phylogenetics - DNA extraction to phylogenetic analyses
- 300645 VO Animal Cognition 2
- 300672 PR Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animals
- 300684 VO Basic Principles of Theoretical Biology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35