EC 2 - Psychoanalysis (Advanced Basics)
Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines
- 190320 VO Compulsory Module: Advanced Psychoanalytic Theory and Its Relevance for Various Disciplines - Lecture series: connections in the unconscious
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules1 (AP1): Psychoanalysis and Its Relevance for Psycho-Social Practice
Module 1 (AP1): Methods for Psychoanalytic Understanding and Psychoanalytic Oriented Work in Diverse Psycho-Social Fields
- 020041 SE Psychology of Religion
- 190361 VO M 1 (AP1): Methods f. Psychoanal. Unders. and Psychoanal. Oriented Work in Div. Psycho-Social Fields - -
- 190404 SE Introduction to the psychoanalytic educational theory of the school
Module 2 (AP1): Theory of Psychoanalytic-Psychotherapeutic Work
- 190276 VO The Theory of psychoanalytic psychotherapy - a theory of education?
Module 3 (AP1): Psychoanalytic Case Studies
- 190297 SE M 3 (AP1): Psychoanalytic Case Studies - Single case studies as research method in psychoanalysis and applied fields
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules 2 (APMG2): Psychoanalysis and Its Relevance for Cultural and Social Theory
Module 1 (AP2): Basic Psychoanalytic Texts on Cultural and Social Theory. Reading Course
Module 2 (AP2): Psychoanalysis and Media
Module 3 (AP2): Research Seminar: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Social Theoretical Issues
- 190354 SE M 3 (AP2): Research Seminar: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Social Theoretical Issues - Deciphering the unconscious. Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Research Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
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Dienstag, 22.9.2009, 16.00 (pktl.) - 17.00
HS B, Campusgelände Altes AKH, Hof 2.10, Spitalgasse 2