First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Lectures
- 080020 VO Technical History of Art: Building Materials, Mural Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
- 080030 VO Introduction to the Terminology and Morphology of Architecture
- 080035 VO From Amimetic Images to Abstract Art
- 080044 VO Art after 1945
- 080049 VO Caravaggio and European Painting around 1600
- 080058 VO Art Periods: Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period) - Epochen der Kunstgeschichte: Mittelalter I (Spätantike bis Romanik)
- 080063 VO Einführung in die Ikonographie
- 080068 VO "The Author as ..." - Models of Artistic Production in Modern and Contemporary Art
- 080071 VO Chinesische Künstlerinnen vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (au.K.)
- 080073 VO [ en ] The Art of Medieval India: Buddhist, Jain and Hindu (au.K.)
- 080074 VO NS-Kunstpolitik und NS-Kunstraub (nst.K.)
- 080075 VO Phos - Lux - Licht! Über das Licht im Sakralbau (byz.K.)
- 080089 VO Instruments of Research in History of Medieval Architecture
2. Conversatoriums
3. Practical Courses
- 080027 UE Übung zur VO "The Art of Medieval India: Buddhist, Jain and Hindu (au.K.)
- 080032 UE Übung: Repräsentationselemente historistischer Architektur (nst./ö.K.)
- 080076 UE On the Construction of Masculinity and Femininity by Reference to Selected Works of Art - in Viennese Collections from Antiquity to the Baroque Period
- 080078 UE The Biography as a Source of Evidence for the History of Art - An Approach to a Methodological Question
- 080081 UE Birgit Juergenssen
- 080082 UE The Art Work - Art or Merchandise - an Introduction to the Art Trade
- 080090 UE Übung: Frida Kahlo (nst.K.)
- 080100 UE Neoclassicism: Politics and Reflection 1750-1900
4. Excursions
- 080017 EX Excursion
- 080103 EX Field Trip outside of Austria
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36