B. Bachelor Degree Programme Computer Science Management
Studienplan und Informationen zum Studium siehe http://informatik.univie.ac.at/studierende/der-weg-durchs-studium/auslaufende-studien/bakk-informatikmanagement/
1. Theoretical and Mathematical Basics of Computer Science
- 050101 VO Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
- 050122 UE Introductory Seminar Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
2. Technical Basics of Computer Science
- 050041 VO Technical Basics and System Software
- 050042 UE Technical Basics and System Software
- 050094 PR Laboratory for Basics of Computer Science - .
- 050102 UE Problem Session: Introduction to Unix System Administration 1
- 050123 VO Unix System Administration 1
3. Practical Computer Science
- 050030 VO Database Systems
- 050164 VO Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050165 UE Problem Session: Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050166 VU Internet Applications
- 050022 PR Introduction to Programming - Practical Training in C++
- 050175 VO Introduction to Programming - Optional Subject
4. Applied Computer Science and Social Implications
- 050095 PR Application Software
- 050125 VU Security
- 050140 VU Seminar with Bachelor Thesis
Soft Skills and Gender Studies
- 050055 VU Computer Science and Society
5. Pedagogics, Didactics and Communication
- 050018 VU Presentation Skills
- 050056 VU Projektmanagement
- 050146 VU Kommunikation
- 050171 VU Project Management in Schools
6. In-Depth Studies
7. Additional Courses
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36