1. Required Modules
M01: Key Issues in the History of Religion
1. Judaism
- 060005 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Medieval Period 1
- 060061 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 1
- 060079 VO Jews under Islam - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Israel until 1945
- 020022 VO Ancient Irael and Ancient Egypt 1
2. Christianity
- 010307 VO Study of the Oriental-Orthodox Churches
3. Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 140194 VO Self in Buddhism
5. East-Asian Religions
- 180303 VO-L Introduction to Chinese Thought 3 - Intrduction to Chineses Thought 3
6. Historical Religions
- 010093 VO [ en ] Ancient Mystery Cults
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
7. Others
M02: Special Courses in History of Religion
1. Judaism
- 060063 VO+UE Becoming a Jew, Being a Jew? Conversion and Identity in the Rabbinic Era
- 060074 VO+UE Prophecy in 20th century Jewish thought
- 060064 SE Function and Meaning of the Synagogue in Antiquity
2. Christianity
- 010067 BA Monasticism in the Eastern Churches
- 020025 SE The letters of Ignatius of Antioch
- 090098 PS Die Orthodoxe Kirche im Osmanischen Reich
3. Islam
- 140006 VO+UE Islam Online
- 140015 SE Islam in Europe - Der Islam im österreichischen Diskurs
- 140042 UE Media Islam
- 140127 SE Islamic Law
- 140240 UE [ en ] Popular Islam in Contemporary South Asia
- 140295 SE Modern Religious Discussions in Islam - (Seminar on Modern Islam)
- 140308 SE History of Ideas in Islam - (Seminar on Classical Islam)
- 140351 SE Islam in Africa: revolutionary Islamic movements since the 17th century
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 080051 SE The Mandala: Theory and Practice in India and Tibet - Exploring the Normative and the Performative
- 140153 SE The Sutra of the Salty River (lan tsha chu ba'i mdo)
- 140200 SE The Refutation of Buddhist Personalism (Pudgalavada) in the Mahayanasutralamkara
- 140258 SE Dependent Arising and Emptiness in the Madhyantavibhaga
- 140287 SE [ bo en ] Candrakirti's Madhyamakavatara
- 140306 PS The Four Levels of Meditation in Mahayana Buddhism
5. East-Asian Religions
- 150082 VO+UE Millenarism and New Religions in East Asia
- 150229 VO+UE [ en ] East Asian Mythology
6. Historical Religions
- 060053 VO+UE Introduction into the Religion of Ancient Egypt
- 090044 PS Introductory Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090115 PS Roman Gods and Cults
7. Others
M03: Comparative Systematic Science of Religion
- 010087 VO Religious Theologies
M04: Applied Systematics
M05: Religion and Society
M06: Psychology of Religion
- 020041 VO Religion and Psyche: An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 020045 SE Personality Types, Diagnostics and Transference
M07: Additional Subject Areas
1. Missiology, Theology of Religion
- 010087 VO Religious Theologies
2. Political Dimensions of Religions
- 140010 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East(from the beginnings of Islam to the present) - (von den Anfängen des Islam bis in die Gegenwart)
3. Didactics of Religions
- 010016 VU Theory of religious education - General subject didactics
- 010068 BA Gender roles in Catholic adult education
- 020050 UE Violence and Nonviolence in Religious Education
4. Aesthetics of Religions
- 010003 VO Theology and Arts- A Disputed and Prolific Relation
- 010065 BA Making Music for Church Services: Sacred Music - Church Music - Liturgical Music
- 010098 LS Theology and Arts: Life, Surviving and Escaping - An Encounter between Aharon Appelfeld and Philip Roth
- 020027 VO-L Christian architecture in Syria and liturgy
- 020014 EX The world of the Bible in Museums of Europe: Paris
- 060008 SE Jewish themes and figures in European and American popular culture
- 060086 VO+UE Development of synagogal liturgy - texts and music 2
- 080051 SE The Mandala: Theory and Practice in India and Tibet - Exploring the Normative and the Performative
- 140006 VO+UE Islam Online
5. Anthropology of Religion
6. Philosophy of Religion
- 010026 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Philosophie im Kontext der globalen Moderne
- 140285 UE [ bo en ] The Four Buddhist Philosop. Systems (grub mtha' bzhi) -A: The Vibhasika and Sautrantika Siddhantas - (grub mtha' bzhi)
- 140286 UE [ bo en ] The Four Buddhist Philosophical Systems (grub mtha' bzhi)- B: The Yogacara and Madhyamika Siddhantas - (grub mtha' bzhi)
- 180204 VO Augustinus: de civitate dei
- 060069 VO Introduction to Jewish Philosophy
- 060073 VO History of the reception of Maimonides - Von der christlichen Scholastik bis zur Gegenwart
- 140200 SE The Refutation of Buddhist Personalism (Pudgalavada) in the Mahayanasutralamkara
- 140298 UE [ en ] Introduction to Yoga Philosophy: Patanjali's Yogasutra and the Evolution of Modern Yoga
- 180681 SE The Question of God
- 140258 SE Dependent Arising and Emptiness in the Madhyantavibhaga
7. Law of Religions
- 010036 VK Basic Terms of Canon Law
- 010038 VO The Constitution of the Church
- 010040 VK The Teaching Office of the Church
- 020057 VU Rights of Religions and Religious Communities in Europe
- 030392 KU Freedom of Religion and belief in Austria
- 140127 SE Islamic Law
M08: Reading Course: Sacred Texts
- 020048 SE The Portrayal and Perception of Muhammad in other Religions
- 010011 BA "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?" - Easter Narratives in Canonical and Apokryphal Gospels
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 020010 PS Old Testament Proseminar
- 020017 SE Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament
- 020023 UE New Testament and the Scriptures
- 060006 SE Medieval Jewish Texts
- 060043 UE Religious Texts
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
- 060092 UE Hieratic I
- 060099 SE The Hebrew Book of Jeremiah
- 060134 SE The book of Jeremiah in Light of Ancient Jewish and Rabbinic Literature
- 140296 UE Buddhist Stories in Hybrid Sanskrit
- 140308 SE History of Ideas in Islam - (Seminar on Classical Islam)
M09: Recent Research Approaches
- 010074 FS Doing Research in Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
- 010134 FS Research Seminar: Principles of Religious Science
- 010137 SE Basic Questions of Esoteric Research
- 010147 FS Creating home by writing. Practical-theological reflections on Migrants¿ literature - Praktisch-theologische Reflexionen zu ausgewählten Texten der "MigrantInnen-Literatur"
- 020021 VO+UE Introduction to methodes of archaeological field research
- 020051 SE Interreligious Questions in the Jail
- 190087 SE Introduction to empirical studies in context of religion and education
M10: Science of Religion in Practice
- 020051 SE Interreligious Questions in the Jail
- 010008 SE Spirituality made concret - explorations in the Archdiocese of Vienna
- 010072 EX Excursion - Theologie des Kampfes und befreiende Kirchenpraxis in den Philippinen
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50