4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020024 VO History of the Ancient Church (Patristics)
- 020025 VO-L Christian monuments of late antiquity in North Africa
- 020026 SE Acts of the Christian Martyrs
- 020027 VO Christian Archaeology. An introduction.
- 020051 VO History of dogmatics
- 020052 SE Die österreichische evangelische Kirche zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
- 020053 SE Religiöse Toleranz und Koexistenz in den habsburgischen Ländern in der frühen Neuzeit - Interdisziplinäre Forschung im Bachelorstudium
- 020058 UE The development of the Christian Churches seen by Eusebius - Reading for the Ancient Church.
- 020062 VO Church Fathers, Life and Times
- 370006 SE Texts and monuments o the Christian antiquity. An interdisciplinary colloquium
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36