Studies Programme 13 - Finno-Ugrian Studies - Dutch Studies - Scandinavian Studies - Slavonic Studies
13.01. Finno-Ugric Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Fennistics
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130497 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language II
Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130478 UE [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 130481 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Study of Literature
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Module 3: Language Acquisition
- 130477 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
Module 4: Linguistics
Module 5: Cultural Studies
- 130012 UE [ de en ] Estonian Folk and Customs
- 130028 VO Introduction in to the Finnish Cultural History
- 130031 VO Literature and Nature. History of a Motive
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Module 6: Language Acquisition
- 130476 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Module 7: Baltic Sea Region Context & Estonian Studies
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Alternative Required Module 8a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130011 UE Project
- 130022 UE Selkup
- 130023 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics II
Alternative Required Module 8b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130011 UE Project
- 130027 VO Progresslines in the Finnish Literature
- 130029 UE Pratical Exercises in Literature Studies
- 130211 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Poetry from the 19th Century to the Present
B. Master Degree Programme in Finno-Ugric Studies
Module 1: Structural Course Finnish/Hungarian
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
Module 2: Comparative Uralistics
- 130020 VO Comparative Uralic Morphology
Module 3: Small Finno-Ugric Languages
- 130022 UE Selkup
- 130463 UE Hill Mari II
Module 4: Thematic Seminar
Module 5: Supplementary Studies
- 130012 UE [ de en ] Estonian Folk and Customs
- 130022 UE Selkup
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130463 UE Hill Mari II
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
Module 6: In-Depth Studies
- 130012 UE [ de en ] Estonian Folk and Customs
- 130022 UE Selkup
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
Module 7: Master Seminar
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
C. Bachelor Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
Required Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130489 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language II
Required Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Required Module 3: Language Acquisition
Alternative Required Module 4a: Introduction to Hungarian Linguistics
- 130322 KO Topics in Cultural Studies
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
- 130490 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Alternative Required Module 4b: Introduction to Hungarian Literature Studies
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I
- 130322 KO Topics in Cultural Studies
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
- 130490 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Required Module 5: Language Acquisition
Alternative Required Module 6a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130011 UE Project
- 130022 UE Selkup
- 130025 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics II
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Alternative Required Module 6b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130011 UE Project
- 130458 UE [ de hu ] Pratical Exercises in Literature Studies II - Erotische ungarische Prosa
- 130464 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Press in the 19th Century II
- 130471 VO Gender and Literature: Erotic Hungarian Prose
- 130473 VO [ de hu ] Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
D. Master Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
- 130195 SE Graduate Seminar
Module 1: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns of Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130021 VO [ hu ] Distance from the Home Country as a Literary Implication. Exile and Legitimation
- 130180 SE Hungarian Literature in a European Context - Renaissance und Humanismus
- 130471 VO Gender and Literature: Erotic Hungarian Prose
- 130473 VO [ de hu ] Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130474 UE [ hu ] Reading and Writing Scholarly Texts II
Module 2: Interdisciplinarity: Hungarian Studies in the Context of Neighbouring Disciplines - Comparative Literature, History, Art History, Theatre and Film
- 130021 VO [ hu ] Distance from the Home Country as a Literary Implication. Exile and Legitimation
- 130180 SE Hungarian Literature in a European Context - Renaissance und Humanismus
- 130471 VO Gender and Literature: Erotic Hungarian Prose
- 130474 UE [ hu ] Reading and Writing Scholarly Texts II
Module 3: Hungarian Literary and Cultural Studies as Mass Media and Communication Science
- 130180 SE Hungarian Literature in a European Context - Renaissance und Humanismus
- 130457 SE [ hu ] Popular Literary Genres in the 20th Century II
- 130464 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Press in the 19th Century II
- 130471 VO Gender and Literature: Erotic Hungarian Prose
- 130475 SE [ de hu ] Hungarian Press in the 19th Century II
Module 4: Master Module
- 130459 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
E. Bachelor Degree Programmes
Orientation Period
Bachelor Degree Programme: Fennistics
- 130211 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Poetry from the 19th Century to the Present
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
- 130476 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
- 130477 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
- 130478 UE [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 130481 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 130497 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language II
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
- 130501 UE Practical Exercises in Finnish Linguistics I
Bachelor Degree Programme: Hungarian Studies
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
- 130489 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language II
- 130490 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
G. Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): First Stage
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130490 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Subject Didactics
- 130492 UE [ hu ] Media Didactics
- 130505 PS [ de hu ] Teaching Literature
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Second Stage
- 130021 VO [ hu ] Distance from the Home Country as a Literary Implication. Exile and Legitimation
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130180 SE Hungarian Literature in a European Context - Renaissance und Humanismus
- 130322 KO Topics in Cultural Studies
- 130457 SE [ hu ] Popular Literary Genres in the 20th Century II
- 130459 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130464 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian Press in the 19th Century II
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130471 VO Gender and Literature: Erotic Hungarian Prose
- 130473 VO [ de hu ] Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130475 SE [ de hu ] Hungarian Press in the 19th Century II
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
H. Complementary Study Programme/Minor Finno-Ugric Studies
CSP Finnish Culture and Language
- 130478 UE [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
- 130467 VO Culture and History of the Uralic Peoples
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
13.02. Dutch Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Group of Modules I: Orientation Period
Module I: Language Acquisition
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II - Dutch Language Acquisition II
Module II: Introductions
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Syntax
- 130091 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
2. Group of Modules II: Advanced Level
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary Criticism II
Module III: Language Acquisition
- 130058 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition IV
Module IV: Advanced Literary Studies/Linguistics
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary Criticism II
3. Group of Modules III: In-Depth Studies
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
Module VI: In-Depth Studies in History and Culture/Literature/Linguistics
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
Module VII: Practice-Oriented Specialisation
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
B. Master Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Group of Required Modules I: Basics and Introductions
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
Module I: Basics
Module II: Introductory Seminars
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
2. Group of Required Modules II: In-Depth Studies
Module III: Literary Studies
Module IV: Linguistics
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
3. Group of Required Modules III: Final Stage
Module VII: Graduate College
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Orientation Period
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II - Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Syntax
- 130091 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
2. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary Criticism II
3. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
- 130058 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition IV
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
4. Conversatoriums for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
5. Electives
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Syntax
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary Criticism II
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
D. Complementary Study Programme - Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
Module I: Introduction to Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area
- 130091 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
Module II: Language Acquisition I
E. Bachelor Degree Programme (DCC) ""Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context
I. Basis Curriculum
1. Language Acquisition - Basic Level
Module 1: Language Acquisition I-II (njb1a,njb1b)
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II - Dutch Language Acquisition II
2. Introduction
Module 2: Introductions - Culture and History, Literary Studies, Linguistics (njb2a, njb2b, njb2c)
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch Syntax
- 130091 VO-VL Dutch Area Studies: Introduction
3. Language Acquisition - Advanced Level
Module 4: Language Acquisition III-IV (njb3a, njb3b)
- 130058 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition IV
4. Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
Module 10: Practice-Oriented Specialisation (njb4b, njb4c)
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
Module 7: Linguistics - Advanced Level (njb4a)
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Linguistics (Advanced module): Introduction to sociolinguistics
5. Linguistics
Module 8, 11: Linguistics I and II (njb5b)
Module 12: Linguistics - In-Depth Studies (njb5a)
- 130068 SE [ nl ] Linguistics: Multilingualism, identity and interculturality in a globalising world - Linguistics: Introduction
- 130316 SE [ nl ] Ling.: Dutch as a second language: the influence of social psychol. process on language acquisition
6. Culture and Literature
Module 13: Culture and Literature - In-Depth Studies (njb6b, njb6c)
- 130054 SE [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies - Selected Themes: Colonial past
- 130097 SE [ nl ] Core texts from Dutch literature
Module 5: Literary Studies - Advanced Level (njb6a)
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Literary Criticism II
II. Joint Curriculum
7. Language and Culture in Context (Joint I)
Module 3: Introduction to Interculturality (njb7a)
Module 6, 9, 14, 15, 16: Language and Culture in Context (njb7b)
- 130076 KU-VL [ nl ] Interbellum
- 130098 KU-VL [ nl ] Reception of Dutch literature in Central Europe
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Classical thinkers
- 130240 KU-VL [ nl ] Dutch and Flemish poetry after 1945
8. Central European Context (Joint II)
Module 17, 18, 19: European Union and Political Science, Economy, History (njb8a, njb8b, njb8c)
9. Multilingual Skills (Joint III)
Module 20: 2nd Foreign Language (njb9)
III. BA-Final Module
10. Final Stage
Module 21: Professional Training Project (njb10a)
Module 22: Bachelor's Paper (njb10b)
1. International Bachelor's Degree Programme "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context (DCC)"
1.1 Basis Curriculum
Module group 1: Basic Language Acquisition
Module group 2: Introductory Module
BA Phase
Module group 3: Language Acquisition I
Module group 4: Language Acquisition II
Module group 5: Linguistic Competence
Module group 6: Cultural Competence
1.2 Joint Curriculum
Module group 7: Language & Culture in Context (Joint I)
7.1. Intercultural Introduction
7.2. Language & Culture in Context
Module group 8: Central European Cultural Context (Joint II)
Module group 9: Multilingual Competence (Joint III)
13.03. Scandinavian Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
- 130044 UE [ is ] Icelandic: Conversation
1. STEP - Orientation Period
Modul SKB110: Requirements of Scandinavian Studies
Module SKB120: Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level
2. Required Modules
Module SKB210: Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Advanced Level
- 130048 PS Introduction to Old Norse studies
- 130287 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature 2
- 130288 EV Introduction to Scandinavien Linguistics 2
Module SKB220: Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130013 PS History of Scandinavian Languages
- 130039 VO Sociological and Socio-linguistic Aspects of the Scandinavian Languages
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
Module SKB230: Scandinavian Literature
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130168 PS From Stockholm 1955 to Frankfurt 2010: Milestones in Contemporary Icelandic Literature
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Henrik Ibsen
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Module SKB240: Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130179 PS Cultural theory/Close reading
- 130401 PS Elements of Swedish Literature, History and Culture in Austria
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Danish
Module SKB250D: Danish - Basic Level
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
Module SKB260D: Danish - Advanced Level
- 130117 UE [ da ] Danish 4
Module SKB270D: Danish - Final Level
- 130116 UE [ da ] Area Studies: Denmark
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Icelandic
Module SKB250I: Icelandic - Basic Level
- 130291 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
Module SKB260I: Icelandic - Advanced Level
- 130286 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 4
Module SKB270I: Icelandic - Final Level
- 130289 UE [ is ] Area Studies: Iceland
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Norwegian
Module SKB250N: Norwegian - Basic Level
- 130122 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 2
Module SKB260N: Norwegian - Advanced Level
- 130121 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
Module SKB270N: Norwegian - Final Level
- 130120 UE [ no ] Area Studies: Norway
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Swedish
Module SKB250S: Swedish - Basic Level
Module SKB260S: Swedish - Advanced Level
- 130285 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
Module SKB270S: Swedish - Final Level
- 130290 UE [ sv ] Swedish: Area Studies
4. Group of Elective Modules
Module SKB310: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130039 VO Sociological and Socio-linguistic Aspects of the Scandinavian Languages
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
Module SKB320: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Literature
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Henrik Ibsen
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Module SKB330: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
Module SKB340: In-Depth Studies in Old Norse
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Module SKB350D: Additional Scandinavian Language - Danish
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
Module SKB350I: Additional Scandinavian Language - Icelandic
- 130291 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
Module SKB350N: Additional Scandinavian Language - Norwegian
- 130122 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 2
Module SKB350S: Additional Scandinavian Language - Swedish
Module SKB360: Non-Scandinavian Language of the North
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
Module SKB370: Introduction to two Non-Scandinavian Languages of the North
- 130443 UE Latvian Language and Culture
Module SKB380D: Scandinavian Second Language - Danish
- 130117 UE [ da ] Danish 4
Module SKB380I: Scandinavian Second Language - Icelandic
- 130286 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 4
Module SKB380N: Scandinavian Second Language - Norwegian
- 130121 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
Module SKB380S: Scandinavian Second Language - Swedish
- 130285 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
Module SKB390: Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
- 130082 PS Baltic Area Studies
5. Bachelor Module
Module SKBB: Courses incl. Bachelor's Papers
- 130215 SE Danish Filmmaker Carl Th. Dreyer and his literary Sources
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 130332 SE Status Planning in Scandinavia
- 130399 SE The Volsunga Saga
B. Master Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
1. Required Module
Module SKM110: Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130039 VO Sociological and Socio-linguistic Aspects of the Scandinavian Languages
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
Module SKM120: Scandinavian Literature
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130047 SE The Literature of the Scandinavian Interwar Period
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Henrik Ibsen
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Module SKM130: Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
2. Alternative Required Modules
Module SKM210: Specialisation in Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130039 VO Sociological and Socio-linguistic Aspects of the Scandinavian Languages
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
- 130398 KO Colloquium in Linguistics
Module SKM220: Specialisation in Scandinavian Literature
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130047 SE The Literature of the Scandinavian Interwar Period
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Henrik Ibsen
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
Module SKM230: Specialisation in Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
Module SKM240: Specialisation in Old Norse Studies
- 130217 SE (North) Germanic pagan religion - deities, myths, cults
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
Orientation Period Degree Programme
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Seminars for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) in Scandinavian Studies
CSP Scandinavian Studies: Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
- 130145 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 2
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
- 130402 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 2
CSP Scandinavian Studies
- 130014 VO [ en ] "All Travel is Foolish" (Søren Kierkegaard)
- 130039 VO Sociological and Socio-linguistic Aspects of the Scandinavian Languages
- 130214 VO Life and Works of Henrik Ibsen
- 130287 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature 2
- 130288 EV Introduction to Scandinavien Linguistics 2
- 130343 VO The Poetic Edda II: Heroic lays
- 130360 VO Languages and Language Policies in the Baltic Region
13.04 Slavonic Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Slavonic Studies
1. STEP - Orientation Period
Module: Introduction to Language Acquisition
Module: Introduction to Philology
- 130036 VO Introduction to Slavic Linguistics
- 130234 VO Introduction to the area and cultural studies in Slovenia
- 130376 VO Introduction to Slavic Literature
2. Group of Modules - Advanced Level
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level I
- 130034 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 A, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130037 UE [ hr ] Language Aquisition B/C/S 1 B, part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130040 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 F, (intermediate level) part 2 - part 1
- 130043 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 1 A (intermediate level)
- 130050 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 1 B - part 1(intermediate level)
- 130053 UE [ bg de ] Language Aquisition Bulgarian 1, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130057 UE Language Aquision Polish 1 (intermediate level)
- 130069 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 D, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130070 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 A, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130071 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 B, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130093 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 E, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130095 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 B, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130099 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 C, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130100 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 C, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130103 UE Language acquisition of Russian expansion 1 D - Part 1 - together with part 2
- 130104 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 F, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130108 UE Language Aquisition Russian 1 E, (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130109 UE Language Aquisition Slovakian 1 , (intermediate level)
- 130111 UE Language Aquisition Slovenian 1 , (intermediate level) part 1 - together with part 2
- 130113 UE Language Aquisition Slovenian 1 , (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130114 UE Language Aquisition Czech 1 (intermediate level)
- 130119 UE Language Aquisition Ukrain 1, (intermedaite level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130246 UE Language Aquisition Bulgarian 1, (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level II
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level III
- 130032 UE [ de sl ] Language Acquisition Slovenian 3 part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130035 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 3 A, part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130038 UE Language Acquistion Russian 3 B part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130042 UE [ uk ] Language Acquisition Ukrain 3, part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130045 UE Language Acquisition Polish 3 (intermediate level)
- 130049 UE Language Acquisition Russia 3 A part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130123 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 3 A, part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130124 UE Language Acquisition Russian 3 B part 1 (intermediale Level) - together with part 2
- 130126 UE Language Acquistion Russian 3 A part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130127 UE Language Acquisition Russian 3 C part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130128 UE Language Acquisition Russian 3 C part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130129 UE Language Acquisition Russian 3 D part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130130 UE Language Acquisition Russian 3 D part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130131 UE [ de sk ] Language Aquisition Slovak 3 , part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130132 UE [ de sk ] Language Acquisition Slovakian 3 part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130134 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 3 B, part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130138 UE Language Aquisition B/C/S 3 B, part 2 - together with part 1
- 130139 UE Language Aquisition Bulgarian 3, part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130140 UE Language Aquisition Bulgarian 3, part 2 (intermediate level) - together with part 1
- 130143 UE [ de sl ] Language Acquisition Slovenian 3 (intermediate level) part 2 - together with part 1
- 130150 UE Language Aquisition Czech 3 , part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130213 UE [ uk ] Language Acquisition Ukrain 3, part 1 (intermediate level) - together with part 2
- 130222 UE [ cs de ] Language Aquisition Czech 3, part 2 - together with part 1
Module: Linguistics
- 130066 KO Russian Linguistics: The verb synchronous and diachronic
- 130072 KO Russian Linguistics: Text Stylistics
- 130089 KO Polish flexion
- 130147 KO Linguistics Czech and Slovak - Zur Wortschatzentwicklung des Tschechischen und Slowakischen
- 130161 KO Linguistics Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian: Language contact and its consequences: - German and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 130163 KO Linguistics: Development of the Russian from the middle of the twentieth century. today
- 130167 KO Linguistics Slovene: Slovene grammar at a glance
- 130207 KO [ ru ] Fundamentals of Belorussistik in synchronic and diachronic aspect
- 130209 VO Basic Polish linguistics
- 130224 KO KO Russian Linguistics
- 130229 KO Russian Linguistics: Russian foreign word
Module: Regional and Cultural Studies
- 130056 PS Area and Cultural Studies of the Czech Republic
- 130059 PS Area and cultural studies in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
- 130157 PS Area and cultural studies in Russia and Ukraine - The post-socialist political systems of Russia and Ukraine - democratic, authoritarian, hybrid?
- 130189 PS Area and Cultural Studies in Russia: - The poet in the portrait - contact between artists and writers in Eastern Europe
- 130191 PS Area and Cultural Studies Slovakia
- 130241 PS Area and Cultural Studies of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia and Slovenia
- 130243 PS [ pl ] Area and Cultural Studies in Poland
- 130249 PS Area and Cultural Studies of the South Slavic area
- 130269 PS Area and Cultural Studies in Russia: 100 years of avant-garde: - music, architectur and painting in revolutionary Russia
- 130315 PS Area and Cultural Studies of Russia: Russian cultural topography of memory
Module: Literary Studies
- 130018 VO Literary history at a glance: Bulgarian Literature
- 130041 VO Literary History at a Glance: Ukrainian literature
- 130046 VO Literary history at a glance: Russian Literature
- 130165 KO The fall of the Rock & Rolls in literature and film
- 130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130174 VO Czech Literature between the wars
- 130183 VO The Slovenian avant-garde in the 20th century
- 130186 PS PS Literature: The gender issue in modern Slovenian literature 1900-2010
- 130193 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovenian literature
- 130247 VO Literary history at a glance: Polish literature
- 130266 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovak literature
- 130333 VO Literary History at a Glance: Czech literature
3. Group of Modules - In-Depth Studies
Module: Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
- 130005 UE [ cs de ] language acquisition czech II (advanced level) - Current Czech Republic from the perspective of the periodical press - Working with texts
- 130142 UE [ de pl ] languages acquisition polish II (advanced level) - Writing skills
- 130151 UE [ de hbs ] language acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II (advanced level) - Technical language of Slavic Studies: reading
- 130152 UE [ de sl ] Language Acquisition Slovenian II (advanced level) - German - Slovenian contrastive
- 130153 UE Language Acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I (advanced level) - Vocabulary, idioms and phraseology
- 130154 UE [ de ru ] language acquisition Russian II (advanced level) - Cultural Studies and Literature
- 130156 UE [ bg de ] Language Acquisition Bulgarian II (advanced level) - Technical language and text production
- 130232 UE [ de sk ] language acquisition slovak II (advanced level) - Slovak grammar and lexis contextualized
- 130250 UE [ de ru ] language acquisition russian II (advanced level) - Translation exercises German - Russian / Russian-German
- 130253 UE [ de ru ] Language Acquisition Russian II (advanced level) - Writing skills
- 130265 UE [ de uk ] Language Acquisition Ukrain (advanced level) - Deepening of professional competence (writing)
- 130272 UE [ de ru ] Language Acquisition Russian I (advanced level) - Everyday language
- 130279 UE [ de hbs ] Language Acquisition Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian II (advanced level) - Editing and translation of literary and technical texts
Module: Second Slavic Language
- 130016 UE Czech as second Slavic Language - Fortsetzungkurs
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130226 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs B
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130309 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs A
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
Elective Module: Specialisation
- 130004 KO [ de ru ] F.M. Dostojewskij and his novel "The youth" - (Lektüre und Interpretation)
- 130018 VO Literary history at a glance: Bulgarian Literature
- 130041 VO Literary History at a Glance: Ukrainian literature
- 130046 VO Literary history at a glance: Russian Literature
- 130144 KO Linguistics as social science
- 130148 UE South Slavic Literatures of the 50s and 60s: analysis of selected texts
- 130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130183 VO The Slovenian avant-garde in the 20th century
- 130193 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovenian literature
- 130207 KO [ ru ] Fundamentals of Belorussistik in synchronic and diachronic aspect
- 130210 UE [ uk ] Basics of Belorussian
- 130237 KO [ ru ] Slovo, v muzyku vernis - Russian poetry between theory and texture
- 130247 VO Literary history at a glance: Polish literature
- 130266 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovak literature
- 130306 KO The Burgenland Croatian Culture in Austria
- 130333 VO Literary History at a Glance: Czech literature
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
4. Alternative Required Modules
APM: In-Depth Studies in Philology with Specialisaion in Linguistics
- 130009 SE BA seminar in linguistics for students of Polish, Ukrainian and Russian studies
- 130060 SE BA-Linguistics Seminar for West-Slavonic Studies
- 130166 VO Diachronic linguistics: Czech and Slovak
- 130197 SE BA- Seminar Linguistics Russian and South-Slavonic Studies
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
APM: In-Depth Studies in Philology with Specialisation in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130008 SE BA-Literature Seminar for RussistInnen, UkrainistInnen and PolonistInnen
- 130079 VO Literature: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian literature - the narrative Bosnia 1878 - 1941
- 130141 VO Polish Literature: The Polish literature from 1945 to the Present
- 130149 VO Czech Literature - The passive subject in the Czech literature - from the martyr to the dissidents
- 130172 SE BA-Literature Seminar for South Slavonic Studies - Die Vaterlosigkeit in der südslawischen Gegenwartsprosa
- 130185 SE BA-SE literature (Slovene) - Short Prose of the present
- 130200 SE BA-Literature Seminar for BohemistInnen and SlowakistInnen Studies
- 130238 SE BA-Literature Seminar for RussistInnen and UkrainistInnen
- 130282 VO Russian Literature - Russian satirical literature in the 20th Century
B. Master Degree Programmes
1. Master Degree Programme - Slavonic Studies
1.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
1.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
1.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
1.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130198 KO [ ru ] Slavonic schools of ethnolinguistics
1.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130199 VO [ ru ] Grammar of the East Slavic languages
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
1.6 Master Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130198 KO [ ru ] Slavonic schools of ethnolinguistics
- 130199 VO [ ru ] Grammar of the East Slavic languages
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
2. Master Degree Programme - Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
2.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130137 UE [ de hbs ] Proficient use of Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
2.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
2.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130079 VO Literature: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian literature - the narrative Bosnia 1878 - 1941
- 130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
2.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130280 SE Linguistics: South Slavic language history
2.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
2.6 Master Module
- 130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
3. Master Degree Programme - Bulgarian
3.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130088 UE Proficient use of Bulgarian
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
3.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
3.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
3.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130280 SE Linguistics: South Slavic language history
- 130328 KO Structures in the Balkan Bulgarian
3.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
3.6 Master Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
4. Master Degree Programme - Polish
4.1. Module Language
- 130092 UE [ de pl ] Proficient use of Polish
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
4.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
4.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130086 SE Literature: Czeslaw Milosz and his work
- 130141 VO Polish Literature: The Polish literature from 1945 to the Present
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
4.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130330 SE Linguistics: Polish in Contact
4.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
4.6 Master Module
- 130107 SE Master Seminar West Slavic Linguistics
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
5. Master Degree Programme - Russian
5.1. Module Language
- 130019 UE Proficient use of Russian B
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130227 UE [ ru ] Proficient use of Russian A
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
5.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130084 VO History of Russian Linguistics
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
5.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130125 KO [ ru ] Emigrantskaja poezija i proza
- 130136 KO [ ru ] Evgenij Onegin - close reading
- 130160 VO [ ru ] From Romanticism to Realism: Pushkin
- 130187 SE Russian Literature - Literature and Art in the Silver Age
- 130282 VO Russian Literature - Russian satirical literature in the 20th Century
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
5.4. Linguistics Module
- 130162 SE Conception of language and personality of the Russian Karaulov cognitivist school - Russische und Südslawistische Sprachwissenschaft
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130198 KO [ ru ] Slavonic schools of ethnolinguistics
5.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130199 VO [ ru ] Grammar of the East Slavic languages
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
5.6 Master Module
- 130101 SE-MA [ de ru ] Master Seminar Literature Russian Studies
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130198 KO [ ru ] Slavonic schools of ethnolinguistics
- 130199 VO [ ru ] Grammar of the East Slavic languages
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
6. Master Degree Programme - Slovak
6.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130230 UE Competent use of language Slovak
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
6.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
6.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
6.4. Linguistics Module
- 130175 SE Linguistics: Czech and Slovak
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
6.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
6.6. Master Module
- 130107 SE Master Seminar West Slavic Linguistics
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
7. Master Degree Programme - Slovenian
7.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
7.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
7.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
- 130184 SE SE for the area and cultural studies of Slovenia - Slovenian Art since 1945
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
7.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130280 SE Linguistics: South Slavic language history
7.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
7.6. Master Module
- 130146 SE Slovenian and South Slavic Literature - Zenit to tank, a European vision
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
8. Master Degree Programme - Czech
8.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130258 UE Proficient use of Czech
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
8.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
8.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130149 VO Czech Literature - The passive subject in the Czech literature - from the martyr to the dissidents
- 130173 VO Literature (Czech) Romance (synoptic motions) and lyrics (text interpretations)
- 130177 SE Holocaust in Czech literature
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
8.4. Linguistics Module
- 130175 SE Linguistics: Czech and Slovak
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
8.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
8.6 Master Module
- 130107 SE Master Seminar West Slavic Linguistics
- 130173 VO Literature (Czech) Romance (synoptic motions) and lyrics (text interpretations)
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
9. Master Degree Programme - Ukrainian
9.1. Module Language
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130308 UE [ de ru ] Second Slavic language, Russian for beginners
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
9.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130055 KO Analysis of older texts
- 130064 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
9.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130335 SE Seminar Literature: Postmodernism in the Slavic Literatures
9.4. Linguistics Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
9.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Comparative linguistics synchronized
- 130281 SE Historical syntax of the Slavic languages
9.6 Master Module
- 130182 VO The Slavic substrate in Austria
- 130202 VO Proto-Slavonic grammar
- 130329 SE-MA Master Seminar linguistics slavonic studies
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
C. Teacher Training Programme - Subject Didactics
- 130063 PS Pedagogical Seminar: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- 130074 PS Pedagogical Proseminar: Russian
- 130090 UE Practical exercises for teaching design from Russian and other Slavine
- 130105 UE Didactic exercises Polish: textbook analysis
- 130106 UE Didactic exercises Slovenian: - Didactic implementation neurological basis of learning: an introduction
- 130112 SE Language Teaching Seminar: Language Learning and Integration
- 130155 UE New Media in Language Education
- 130301 UE Russian and other Slavine as a bridge language for innovative teaching
- 130305 UE Didactic exercises Czech: - Applied teaching-oriented didactics in Czech
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Slavonic Studies
EC 1 - Basics of Slavic Interculturality
- 130375 VO Slavic Interculturalism
EC 1 - In-Depth of Slavic Interculturality
EC 2 - Basics of Slavonic Studies I
- 130033 UE Second Slavic Language Polish
- 130226 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs B
- 130309 UE Second slavic language B/C/S - Kurs A
- 130310 UE Second Slavic language Slovak for Beginners
EC 2 - In-Depth of Slavonic Studies I
- 130018 VO Literary history at a glance: Bulgarian Literature
- 130041 VO Literary History at a Glance: Ukrainian literature
- 130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130193 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovenian literature
- 130247 VO Literary history at a glance: Polish literature
- 130266 VO Literary history at a glance: Slovak literature
- 130333 VO Literary History at a Glance: Czech literature
- 130046 VO Literary history at a glance: Russian Literature
EC 2 - Basics of Slavonic Studies II
EC 2 - In-Depth of Slavonic Studies II
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36