Courses Not Tied to Any Stage of the Degree Programme
5.1. Foreign Languages
- 030025 VO [ fr ] The French Court System
- 030106 KU [ en ] Recent research in Legal History - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp) + Sprachkompetenz)
- 030115 KO [ en ] M & A International Part II (Competition Law)
- 030123 SE [ en ] Cinema and Human Rights - für DissertantInnen, anrechenbar im WFK "Grund- und Menschenrechte", offen für Hörer aller Fakultäten
- 030132 KU [ en ] The Austrian Legal System - an overview - for Erasmus incomings
- 030227 SE Kommunikationsfreiheit u. künsterl. Schaffen in der österr. Rechtssprechung u. auf europ. Ebene - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030238 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law - intern. Economic Law for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030239 KU [ en ] The Philosophy of International Law
- 030246 SE [ en ] Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030262 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030264 KU [ en ] Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts
- 030287 VO [ en ] International Dispute Resolution
- 030293 KU [ en ] International Insolvency - Multi-National Mega-Case Bankrupty
- 030308 KU [ en ] Regulation of Trade in Goods and Services - Basic Principles of EC and WTO Law
- 030328 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law - credits for legal media competence I u. II
- 030338 PF [ en ] Practical Excercises in International Law (F)
- 030341 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030353 VO [ en ] Introduction to U.S. Corporate Law - Effects on European Corporate Law
- 030357 KU [ en ] Human Rights and Foreign Policy
- 030368 KU [ en ] Introduction to the External Relations of the European Union
- 030370 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030382 SE [ cs ] Cultural conflicts and human rights - (für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030393 KU [ en ] Humanitarian Law and Human Rights(F)
- 030428 KU [ en ] International Investment Law
- 030440 KU [ en ] International and European Environmental Law (F)
- 030465 KO [ de hr ] Croatian Legal Language
- 030466 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030467 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030473 KU [ en ] A Right to Personal Autonomy? Comparative Constitutional Perspectives
- 030478 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English II
- 030479 MC [ en ] Telders Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030497 SE [ en ] Seminar in International Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030516 KU [ en ] International Organisations (F)
- 030525 KU [ en ] English for Lawyers (USA)
- 030558 KU [ en ] International Constitutional Law and Administrative Studies Summer School on Migration - Erasmus Intersive Programme NICLAS
- 030559 KU [ fr ] Law of International Relations in French II
- 030561 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030563 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030565 PR [ en ] Praktikum "Ligitation before European Courts" - auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 030568 KU [ en ] Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030585 KU [ en ] Enforcement of EC Cartel Law - shall the EC follow the example of the US
- 030594 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030600 VO [ en ] Introduction to European Union Law
- 030601 VO [ en ] Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] Seminar European Union Law - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen - European Union Law
- 030619 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030653 KU [ fr ] Introduction histoire comparee du code civil et de l'ABGB
- 030668 KU [ en ] International Constitutional Law in a European Perspective
- 030669 KU [ en ] EU Citizenship, Family Reunion and other free movement issues - Analysis and Developments
- 030682 KU [ en ] The United Nations and Criminal Justice - Course in Cooperation with United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime
5.2. IT and Media Competence
- 030275 KU Telecommunications Law - with Prof. Queck (Uni Namur)
- 030328 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law - credits for legal media competence I u. II
- 030423 SE Seminar in Legal Informatics - (also SE in intern. and European Law) - for grauduate and undergruaduate students
- 030426 KU Workshop on Legal Writing
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching - Juristische Medienkompetenz (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
5.2.1. Juristical Media Competence I
- 030053 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030226 KU Legal Media Literacy I: Research Competence & Methods - Basics and online-Practice of Legal Research Competence
- 030245 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030380 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030579 KU Orientation Course into the Study of Law - gilt auch als Juristische Medienkompetenz I (Recherche)
- 030654 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030655 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030656 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
5.2.2. Juristical Media Competence II
- 030140 KU Introduction into scientific works
- 030670 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
- 030672 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
- 030675 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
5.2.1. Blended Learning
- 030020 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030023 VO Fundamentals of Criminology
- 030033 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Civil Law
- 030045 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030069 SE Spinozas political philosophy - für DiplomandInnen und DisstertantInnen
- 030138 KU [ de ru ] KU EURUS - Russian Legal Culture - Russia between Power and Law
- 030172 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030201 KU Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030203 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030211 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional History
- 030212 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Constitutinal History
- 030216 SE SE: Law and its reality - Eugen Ehrlich and the living law
- 030218 PF Compulsory practical exercise on History of Private Law
- 030223 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Civil Law
- 030226 KU Legal Media Literacy I: Research Competence & Methods - Basics and online-Practice of Legal Research Competence
- 030229 KU New Romanian Contract Law
- 030230 PF Practical exercise in International Law
- 030243 UE Introduction to law and its methods
- 030246 SE [ en ] Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030253 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology
- 030328 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law - credits for legal media competence I u. II
- 030342 PF Compulsory practical exercise in History of Private Law
- 030356 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Civil Law
- 030359 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030375 SE Gender and Criminal Law
- 030411 MC Moot Court Private Law
- 030424 KU ERASMUS-VISION - Austrian Legal Culture - Basics of the Austrian Legal Culture for Erasmus Incomings
- 030438 PF Compulsory practical exercise on Constitutional Law
- 030482 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030486 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030506 PF Practical exercise in International Law
- 030532 UE Preparatory Course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law - International Law
- 030559 KU [ fr ] Law of International Relations in French II
- 030573 AG AG Working-Group for: Introduction into Law and its Methods
- 030578 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030579 KU Orientation Course into the Study of Law - gilt auch als Juristische Medienkompetenz I (Recherche)
- 030633 UE Preparatory course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law - International Law
- 030643 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030684 SE Exklusive tutorial
- 070311 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "Justice after War and Dictatorship"
- 380001 VO [ de en ] Legal Methods - (anrechenbar gem § 4 (1) lit a Dr. Studienplan 2009)
- 380031 KU [ de en ] KU System and Metoldogy: The Ethics of Spinoza - (gilt als Textanalyse gem § 4 (1) lit b Dr.-Studienplan 2009)
- 030161 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030294 KU Law, Women, History. Narratives of Gender in Historical and Current Legal Debates
- 030418 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - "War and Peace"
- 030454 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030670 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
- 030675 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
5.3. Latin
- 030200 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
- 030394 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
5.4. Advanced Historical Competence
- 030025 VO [ fr ] The French Court System
- 030079 SE Undergrade Seminar: Roman Private law and ABGB - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen),
- 030101 SE Seminar on Roman Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030106 KU [ en ] Recent research in Legal History - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp) + Sprachkompetenz)
- 030109 SE Undergrade Seminar: The history of medical Law - ( für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030112 SE Law of the Christian East - Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul: Legal History of a Capital of Culture
- 030201 KU Lecture in Historical Foundations of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- 030210 SE Pre- modern Constitutional History: The Sacrum Imperium - DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminar
- 030214 SE [ de en ] Seminar on Legal History - also for advanced and doctoral students
- 030256 SE Seminar European and Comparative History of Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030258 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - also for advanced and doctoral students
- 030358 SE The Emancipation of Protestantism in Austria - for graduate and undergraduate students
- 030375 SE Gender and Criminal Law
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching - Juristische Medienkompetenz (vertiefende historische Kompetenz)
- 030562 SE Seminar "Law and Literature in Literary texts of Antiquity" - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030653 KU [ fr ] Introduction histoire comparee du code civil et de l'ABGB
- 030684 SE Exklusive tutorial
- 070311 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "Justice after War and Dictatorship"
- 030294 KU Law, Women, History. Narratives of Gender in Historical and Current Legal Debates
- 030303 SE Seminary: " 200 Years Austrian Civil Code" - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030418 SE Seminar on Legal and Constitutional History - "War and Peace"
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36