14.01. African Studies
Seit dem Wintersemester 2008/09 wird das Studium Afrikawissenschaften an der Universität Wien infolge der Umgestaltung der europäischen Hochschullandschaft als Bachelor- und Mastergang angeboten, deren Curricula auf der Homepage des Instituts (www.univie.ac.at/afrika) veröffentlicht sind und einen umfassenden Überblick über die jeweiligen Inhalte und Zielsetzungen bieten. Beiden ist gemeinsam, daß sie nach einer übergreifenden Studieneingangsphase eine Spezialisierung ermöglichen und damit gezielte Kompetenzen vermitteln.Studierende des Diplomstudiums Afrikanistik können jederzeit freiwillig in den Bachelorstudienplan Afrikawissenschaften übertreten. Bisher erbrachte Studienleistungen werden gemäß der auf der Homepage des Instituts veröffentlichten Äquivalenzverordnung anerkannt.Für die Zulassung zum Masterstudium Afrikawissenschaften gelten die im Studienplan aufgeführten Bedingungen, wobei gegebenenfalls zusätzliche Studienleistungen zur Herstellung der Gleichwertigkeit anderer abgeschlossener Bachelorstudienpläne mit jenem der Afrikawissenschaften gefordert werden können. Fortgeschrittene Studierende des Diplomstudiums Afrikanistik können bei Vorliegen eines bestimmten Ausmaßes bisher erbrachter Studienleistungen gemäß der Äquivalenzverordnung im Falle des Übertritts ohne weitere Auflagen den Bachelorgrad erwerben und danach gegebenenfalls für das Masterstudium zugelassen werden.Hinweis: Anmeldungen sind nur bei den Lehrveranstaltungen notwendig, bei denen es vermerkt ist. Sonst generell KEINE Anmeldung erforderlich!
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies
- 140323 VO Introduction to Applied Linguistics 2 - Lecture
- 140322 UE Introduction to Applied Linguistics 2 - Exercise
- 140321 VO Introduction to African History 2 - Lecture
- 140320 UE Introduction to African History 2 - Exercise + Tutor
- 140309 VO Introduction to African Literature - Lecture
- 140085 UE Introduction to African Literature 2 - Exercise
2. Language Studies - Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140209 SK Bambara: Grammar 2
- 140304 SK Bambara: Exercises 2
APM Hausa
- 140207 SK Hausa: Grammar 2
- 140110 SK Hausa: Exercises 2
APM Swahili
- 140205 SK Swahili: Grammar 2
- 140204 SK Swahili: Exercises 2
2.2. Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
- 140047 SK Bambara: Grammar 4
- 140083 SK Bambara: Texts 2
- 140327 SK Bambara: Conversation 2
APM Hausa
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 4
- 140295 SK Hausa: Texts 2
- 140199 SK Hausa: Conversation 2
APM Swahili
- 140215 SK Swahili: Grammar 4
- 140206 SK [ en ] Swahili: Texts 2
- 140319 SK Swahili: Conversation 2
3. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
3.1. African Linguistics
- 140244 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140197 VO Introduction into Syntax of African Languages - Einführung in die Syntax afrikanischer Sprachen
- 140061 PS Introductory Seminar: Sociolinguistics
- 140198 VO Africs's Wealth of Languages: a Challenge to Policy, Communication and Education Planning in Africa - Afrikas Reichtum an Sprachen: eine Herausforderung an die Politik, Kommunikation und Bildungsplanung in Afrika
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
3.2. African Literature
- 140244 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140245 VO African Literature IV - Systematischer Überblick: Afrikanische Literatur IV
- 140139 VO [ en ] Politics and the Novel in South Africa
- 140201 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140341 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with Participants from Different Countries of Origin - Focus Africa
- 140296 PS African Literature: Prosa
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
3.3. African History
- 140244 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140071 VO African History (16th to 19th Century) - Afrikanische Geschichte (16.-19. Jahrhundert)
- 140348 PS Introductory Seminar African History: Precolonial African History
- 140203 VO History of East Africa since 1800
- 140194 VO History of North Africa 2
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
B. Master Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Basic Module - Required Module
- 140210 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 2
- 140213 KU Scientific Lecturing: Production and Presentation
2. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
2.1. African Linguistics
- 140324 SK Fulfulde: Grammar 2
- 140303 SK Fulfulde: Exercises 2
- 140114 SK Fulfulde: Conversation 2
- 140337 SK Wolof: Grammar 2
- 140070 SK Wolof: Exercises 2
- 140306 SK Wolof: Conversation 2
- 140216 VO Dialectal Variation in West African Languages
- 140291 VO Linguistic Monuments of the Canary Islands
- 140286 KU Syntax Theory and African Languages
- 140217 KU Language in its Linguistic, Historic and Areal Context: Kanuri IV
- 140218 KU Sprachliche und kulturelle Ausdrucksformen im transnationalen Raum - Schwerpunkt afrikanische Diaspora in Europa
- 140219 SE Historic Comparative Linguistics
- 140301 SE Language Contact and its Effect on Grammatic Structures of West African Languages
2.2. African History
- 140220 VO Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda: 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140318 VO The Sudan in the 19th Century: - hegemonial intentionas, European colonialism and the "discovery" of Africa
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 140225 VO KG1- KV - International Development in Historical Context
- 140238 AG T I - International Migration - Causes, Types, Processes, and the Political Regulation of Migration
- 140222 KU Power and Religion in East Africa, 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140223 KU T II - Nigeria: Politics and Religion
- 140227 KU Youth and Popular Culture
- 140224 KU [ en ] Slavery in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140218 KU Sprachliche und kulturelle Ausdrucksformen im transnationalen Raum - Schwerpunkt afrikanische Diaspora in Europa
- 140226 VO War and Peace, 20th Century to the Present
- 140316 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Kushite Empire
- 140228 SE Violence in Africa, 20th Century to the Present
- 140229 SE SE Nationalist Thought in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)
- 140391 SE T I -Land alienation in postcolonial Africa: from land reforms to land grabbing
- 140230 SE World Economic Depression (1929-33) and Global Economic and Financial Crisis: - Causes and Implications on African Societies
C. Diploma Degree Programme in African Studies
Introductory Phase
- 140323 VO Introduction to Applied Linguistics 2 - Lecture
- 140322 UE Introduction to Applied Linguistics 2 - Exercise
- 140321 VO Introduction to African History 2 - Lecture
- 140320 UE Introduction to African History 2 - Exercise + Tutor
- 140309 VO Introduction to African Literature - Lecture
- 140085 UE Introduction to African Literature 2 - Exercise
First Stage of Degree Programme
1. Bambara
- 140209 SK Bambara: Grammar 2
- 140304 SK Bambara: Exercises 2
- 140047 SK Bambara: Grammar 4
- 140083 SK Bambara: Texts 2
- 140327 SK Bambara: Conversation 2
2. Hausa
- 140207 SK Hausa: Grammar 2
- 140110 SK Hausa: Exercises 2
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 4
- 140295 SK Hausa: Texts 2
- 140199 SK Hausa: Conversation 2
3. Swahili
- 140205 SK Swahili: Grammar 2
- 140204 SK Swahili: Exercises 2
- 140215 SK Swahili: Grammar 4
- 140206 SK [ en ] Swahili: Texts 2
- 140319 SK Swahili: Conversation 2
4. Second African Languages
- 140324 SK Fulfulde: Grammar 2
- 140303 SK Fulfulde: Exercises 2
- 140114 SK Fulfulde: Conversation 2
- 140337 SK Wolof: Grammar 2
- 140070 SK Wolof: Exercises 2
- 140306 SK Wolof: Conversation 2
Second Stage of Degree Programme
- 140244 VO On History and Development of African Studies
- 140197 VO Introduction into Syntax of African Languages - Einführung in die Syntax afrikanischer Sprachen
- 140198 VO Africs's Wealth of Languages: a Challenge to Policy, Communication and Education Planning in Africa - Afrikas Reichtum an Sprachen: eine Herausforderung an die Politik, Kommunikation und Bildungsplanung in Afrika
- 140216 VO Dialectal Variation in West African Languages
- 140061 PS Introductory Seminar: Sociolinguistics
- 140286 KU Syntax Theory and African Languages
- 140217 KU Language in its Linguistic, Historic and Areal Context: Kanuri IV
- 140218 KU Sprachliche und kulturelle Ausdrucksformen im transnationalen Raum - Schwerpunkt afrikanische Diaspora in Europa
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
- 140301 SE Language Contact and its Effect on Grammatic Structures of West African Languages
- 140291 VO Linguistic Monuments of the Canary Islands
- 140219 SE Historic Comparative Linguistics
- 140245 VO African Literature IV - Systematischer Überblick: Afrikanische Literatur IV
- 140139 VO [ en ] Politics and the Novel in South Africa
- 140201 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140341 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with Participants from Different Countries of Origin - Focus Africa
- 140296 PS African Literature: Prosa
- 140071 VO African History (16th to 19th Century) - Afrikanische Geschichte (16.-19. Jahrhundert)
- 140203 VO History of East Africa since 1800
- 140194 VO History of North Africa 2
- 140220 VO Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda: 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140316 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Kushite Empire
- 140318 VO The Sudan in the 19th Century: - hegemonial intentionas, European colonialism and the "discovery" of Africa
- 140226 VO War and Peace, 20th Century to the Present
- 140225 VO KG1- KV - International Development in Historical Context
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 140238 AG T I - International Migration - Causes, Types, Processes, and the Political Regulation of Migration
- 140348 PS Introductory Seminar African History: Precolonial African History
- 140210 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 2
- 140222 KU Power and Religion in East Africa, 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140223 KU T II - Nigeria: Politics and Religion
- 140224 KU [ en ] Slavery in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140227 KU Youth and Popular Culture
- 140228 SE Violence in Africa, 20th Century to the Present
- 140391 SE T I -Land alienation in postcolonial Africa: from land reforms to land grabbing
- 140229 SE SE Nationalist Thought in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)
- 140230 SE World Economic Depression (1929-33) and Global Economic and Financial Crisis: - Causes and Implications on African Societies
Third Stage of Degree Programme
- 140087 SE Bachelor Seminar: History, Applied African Linguistics and International Development
- 140102 SE Bachelor Seminar: Language and Literature
- 140301 SE Language Contact and its Effect on Grammatic Structures of West African Languages
D. Doctoral Degree Programme African Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36