Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Wissmeth
- 240186 SE Field Research and Scientific Projects as Teamwork (P1)
- 240187 SE [ en ] Methodenseminar: Research Process, Fieldwork and Ethnographic Approach (P1)
- 240188 SE Ethnographies of Material Culture - Methods in the Context of Economic Anthropology (P1) - Methoden im wirtschaftsethnologischen Kontext
- 240189 PR Greek orthodox easter in Laconia (P1)
- 240190 PR hands-on training medical anthropology (P1)
- 240205 SE "Decade of the Mind (DOM)" - Anthropology of Consciousness in Context (Theory and Practice) (P4)
- 240222 PR Organization of an International Scientific Conference, DGV-Tagung September 2011 (P1) - InsightsThrough Exercise in Various Fields
2.2. Packages
- 240156 VO Anthropology of Globalization (3.3.1)
- 240157 VO Indigenous movements in Latin America (3.3.1)
- 240158 VS Freedom Concepts, Representations and Problems (3.3.1)
- 240159 VS Between a Rock and a Hard Place: (3.3.1, 3.3.2) - Global Politics, Conflict and the Issue of Communication
- 240160 VS tribe and state relations from a social anthropological perspective (3.3.1)
- 240161 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240162 VO Values, Limits and Liminality (3.3.2) - Challenges for modern Peace and Conflict Studies
- 240163 VO Cultural Anthropolopy and the assurance of the land rights of indigenous (3.3.2)
- 240164 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240165 VS Social conflicts, ethnic conflicts: theories, processes and resolutions (3.3.2) - Theorien, Verlaufsformen und Bearbeitungsansätze
- 240166 VS Nanny Chain and Global Business Men: (3.3.1) - Zu den multiplen Globalisierungsdynamiken von Arbeitsplätzen und Geschlecht
- 240167 VS Hay Justicia!? Stateterror and the fight for justice in Latin America (3.3.2)
- 240185 AL [ en ] Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240191 VO From Differences to Intersections: History and Potentials of the intersectionality debate (P2) - Entwicklung und Potentiale der Intersektionalitäts-Debatte
- 240192 VO [ en ] Nationalism in Times of Globalisation (P2)
- 240193 VO Body Art - Transformations (P4)
- 240194 VO Colonialism's Burden: Issues from Oceania (P3)
- 240195 SE Anthropologicial Implications of Climate Change (Part 2) (P3) - focusing on Oceania
- 240196 SE Anthropology of Healing (P4)
- 240197 VO Basic Elements of Mesoamerican Religion II (P3)
- 240198 VO Anthropology and Cinema. Theoretical concepts and Examples from Bollywood (P4)
- 240199 VO Famous Controversies in Anthropology (P4)
- 240200 VO The social construction of intimacy (P4)
- 240201 SE [ en ] Body and Memory Organising Knowledge and Experience (P4)
- 240202 VO Health and healing: where rituals, medicine and religion meet (P4)
- 240203 SE Orientalism and Balkanism: The "Other" Outside and Within (P4)
- 240204 SE [ en ] Transnational migration (P4)
- 240205 SE "Decade of the Mind (DOM)" - Anthropology of Consciousness in Context (Theory and Practice) (P4)
- 240206 SE [ en ] Museums of Ethnology and Material Culture (P4)
- 240207 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240208 SE [ en ] Methods and Theories (P2), (P4)
- 240209 UE Digital Anthropology: (P5) - The Production and Publication of Anthropological Contents by the Means of the "New Media"
- 240210 UE [ en ] Making documentary videos, an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists (P5)
- 240211 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240212 AL [ en ] Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240213 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240214 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240215 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240216 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240217 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240218 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240220 SE [ en ] Political Anthropology: The Process of Democratization and Decentralization in Africa (P3) (P4)
- 240221 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240223 SE "Markets, Weddings, Soap Operas and Motorcycles" Women and Genderroles in Westafrican Cities (P3) - Frau-Sein und Geschlechterbeziehungen in westafrikanischen Städten
- 240230 SE [ en ] 'Affect,' and pertains to the 'affect turn' (P4) - within cultural theory broadly, and within anthropology more specifically
- 240231 SE [ en ] The Anthropology of Human Rights in Palestine (P3), (P4)
- 240232 SE [ en ] Anthropological Approaches to the Future (P4)
- 240233 SE Globalization, cultural identities and art in Asia and the Pacific (P3) (P4)
- 240238 AL Anthro Lab
- 240239 SE [ en ] Multilayered Citizenship: Practices of Rights, Belonging and Participation
2.3. Modules
2.3.1. CROCO
2.3.2. ENTOUR
2.3.3. IIMA
- 240145 VO Introduction to anthropological migration research (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240146 VO Migrants and Travellers: \"Strangers\" in the Austrian Discourse (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240147 VS Anthropology of Flight (IIMA, 3.2.2) - Theoretische Ansätze, Globalisierung und Genderaspekte
- 240148 VS Migrant organisations as development actors (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240149 VS Integrationpolicy meets practice (IIMA, 3.2.2)
- 240150 VS [ en ] Economics of migration (IIMA, 3.2.2)
2.3.5. MAKOTRA
2.3.6. MAPOB
- 240151 VO Basics of Museum Anthropology (MABOP, 3.2.4)
- 240152 VO Principles of Anti-Racism Education (MABOP, 3.2.4)
- 240153 VS The anthropological study of Austrian education: (MABOP, 3.2.4) - a theoretical and practical introduction
- 240154 VS GOING PUBLIC About the interactive mediation of cultural contents (MABOP, 3.2.4) - A Workshop in the Brunnenviertel of Vienna
- 240155 VS Seminar on the conception of exhibitions at Museums of Ethnology (MABOP, 3.2.4)
2.3.7. IK
2.4. Excursions Abroad
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36