Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Language Competence
- 120035 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 1 - World of Work I
- 120061 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 1 - World of Work I
- 120072 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 1 - World of Work I
- 120078 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 1 - World of Work I
- 120090 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 1 - World of Work I
- 120017 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 2
- 120068 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 2
- 120069 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 2
- 120107 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes = Advanced Integrated Language Skills 2
- 120003 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 2 = Topic Related Course 124
- 120050 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 2 = Topic Related Course 124
- 120067 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 2 = Topic Related Course 124
- 120091 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 2 = Topic Related Course 124
- 120102 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context - Advanced = Topic Related Course 125 - World of Work II
- 120103 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context - Advanced = Topic Related Course 125 - World of Work II
- 120042 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context - Advanced = Topic Related Course 125 - World of Work II
2.2. Linguistics
- 120028 VO [ en ] Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120053 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar (applied linguistics & TEFL) - Forms and functions of ELF: corpus-based investigations
- 120133 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar = Seminar 1/2 MA (Historical & Descriptive Linguistics) - Middle English Corpus Linguistics
- 120034 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Linguistic Categorization
- 120051 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Linguistic Categorization
- 120052 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Hedging and being vague
- 120064 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA historical & descriptive linguistics - Historical English word-formation
- 120054 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA applied linguistics - Pragmatics and language teaching
- 120080 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - The Neuro-and Psycholinguistics of Second Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
- 120120 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA applied linguistics - Intercultural Communication
- 120015 AR [ en ] Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - The lexicon: language teaching perspectives
- 120023 AR [ en ] Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - Approaches to Second Language Learning
- 120157 AR [ en ] Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - Analysing and teaching spoken English
- 120011 AR [ en ] MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Approaching ESP Texts
- 120049 AR [ en ] MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Historical & Descriptive) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Reading Medieval English
- 120086 AR [ en ] MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Historical / Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Functional Discourse Grammar
- 120117 AR [ en ] MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Historical / Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Variation, style-shifting and code-switching in the context of English
- 120101 AR [ en ] MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Historical / Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Individual differences and aptitude in Second Language Acquisition
2.3. Literary Studies
- 120040 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - Metaphysical Poetry
- 120070 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - American Urban Fiction in the 20th Century
- 120012 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - The Well-Made Play in the Twentieth Century
- 120014 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / MA British/Irish/New English - From Naturalism to Aestheticism: Hardy to Woolf
- 120020 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA American/North American Lit./Studies - Diversity of Voices in Canadian Short Fiction
- 120022 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - "To Whom do you Beautifully Belong?" Critics, Filmmakers and Novelists read Henry James.
- 120114 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Seminar/BA-Arbeit / MA-Seminar - Plenty of Black in the Union Jack: Black and Asian writing in Britain
- 120111 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - The Text as Emotion Machine: The Psychology of Reading for Pleasure
- 120112 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Contemporary Irish Women Writers and the Opposite Sex
- 120113 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Comedy
- 120088 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) 323/324 - Quests for (Gender)Identity - Negotiations of Gendered Identity
- 120031 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) 323/324 - Teachers' Stories - Stories for Teaching
- 120171 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) 323/324 - Amerindian Identities
- 120027 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) = Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English - London and the London Theatre Scene
- 120039 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) = Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English - Literature and the Great War
- 120043 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) - American/North American Lit./Studies - "And Then the Child Becomes a Woman": Female Initiation in American Fiction, 1865-2010
- 120132 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) - American/North American Lit./Studies - The Nineteenth Century Revis(it)ed: The New American Historical Fiction
2.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Courses
- 120071 VO [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies Course (VO) = Cultural Studies (Modul 1, MA)
- 120022 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - "To Whom do you Beautifully Belong?" Critics, Filmmakers and Novelists read Henry James.
- 120114 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Seminar/BA-Arbeit / MA-Seminar - Plenty of Black in the Union Jack: Black and Asian writing in Britain
- 120074 SE [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies SE (Modul) = Cultural/Media Studies SE (MA) = SE Kulturwiss./BA-Arbeit
- 120027 AR [ en ] Literature Course (interactive) = Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English - London and the London Theatre Scene
- 120109 AR [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies Course = Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (Cultural/Media Studies) Lit. - Is it 'Cause It's Cool? Affective Encounters with American Culture
- 120134 AR [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies Course = Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (Cultural/Media Studies) Lit. - --
2.5. Teaching Methodology
- 120098 UE [ en ] Teaching Practice Workshop
- 120100 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Learning English with Harry and Hermione: Children's and young adult literature in the EFL classroom.
- 120163 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT
- 120097 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - English in Adult Education
- 120108 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Materials Evaluation and Design
- 120151 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Materials Evaluation and Design
- 120152 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - ESP Methodology
- 120026 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Language Assessment: Theory and Practice
- 120153 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - "Language Assessment: Theory and Practice"
- 120154 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - "Language Assessment: Theory and Practice"
- 120148 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology
- 120122 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Implementing the European Language Portfolio in a learner-centred classroom
2.6. Seminars for Diploma/Doctoral Candidates
- 120036 SE [ en ] Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120075 SE [ en ] Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120045 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar = MA-Seminar
- 120164 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar = MA-Seminar
- 120074 SE [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies SE (Modul) = Cultural/Media Studies SE (MA) = SE Kulturwiss./BA-Arbeit
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36