C. Diploma Programme Pedagogy
1. Introductory Phase (7 SST) 14 CP
1.1. Introduction to the Subject and Fields of Work of Pedagogy as Science (VO+KO/VO+UE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
1.2. Introduction to the Methods of Scientific Educational Thinking (VO+UE/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
1.3. Introduction to Basic Forms and Techniques of Scientific Educational Work (VO+UE/PS - 3 SST) (6 CP)
- 190184 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - scientific writing and areas of research
2. Compulsory Courses I (33 SST) 66 CP
2.1. The Subject of Pedagogy I (9 SST) (18CP)
2.1.1. System Tests of Pedagogy (VO+KO/PS - 3 SST) (6 CP)
2.1.2. Historical and Comparative Perspectives of Educational Science (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190197 VO Education and the Historic Dimension
- 190224 PS Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science - transitions in the european perspective
2.1.3. Anthropological Questions in Pedagogy (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190241 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - The Role of Media for Social Interaction and Cultural Memory
- 190328 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - Concept of man and concept of education
2.1.4. Disciplinary Identity in Educational Science (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.2. Methods - Methodology I (12 SST) (24 CP)
2.2.1. Basics: Qualitative Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
- 190176 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II - Part 2 - (incl. mixed methods)
- 190215 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II ¿ Part 2 - incl. Mixed Methods
2.2.2. Basics: Quantitative Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
- 190155 VO+UE Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I Part 1 - Methodology and Methods of Empirical Research in Education
- 190884 VO+UE BM 8a Empirische Forschungsmethoden in der Bildungswissenschaft I - Teil 1
2.2.3. Basics: Philosophical Methods (VO+UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
- 190480 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 1
2.3. Theories on the Analysis of Pedagogical Phenomena I (8SST) (16 CP)
2.3.1. Theories on Society and its Institutions (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4CP)
- 190169 PS Education and Policy - Education and Policy. - An attempt in determining their relationship
2.3.2. Theories on Interaction resp. Communication (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190127 PS Individual and Development - Transitional processes in early childhood
2.3.3. Theories on the Individual (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190010 PS Individual and development - Early development from the perspective of developmental psychology and Psychoanalysis in Education
2.3.4. Didactic Theories (VO/PS - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190238 VO General Didactics
2.4. Pedagogical Fields of Work (Elective Courses - Specialization) (VO 4 SST) (8 CP)
2.4.1. Introduction to Theoretical Educational Science (VO 4 SST) (8 CP)
2.4.2. Introduction to Media Education (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190547 VO Theory practice transformation - Pedagogy as theory and practice
2.4.3. Introduction to Education and Advanced Education Research (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.4. The former "Occupational Pedagogics" merged with the "Adult Education" and they were transformed to "Education and Advanced Education Research" on the 1.10.2006
2.4.5. Introduction to Occupational Rehabilitation (VO+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.6. Introduction to Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.7. Introduction to Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.8. Introduction to Social Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.9. Introduction to School Pedagogy (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
2.4.10. Introduction to Project Studies (VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
3. Free Elective Courses (48 SST) 66 CP
4. Compulsory Courses II (8 SST) 16 CP
4.1. The Subject of Pedagogy II - Educational Theory and Philosophy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190025 VO Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline - Efforts and radical change in european educational theories
- 190087 SE Development and Change of Educational Theories - Controversies on the fundamentals of current educational theory
- 190314 VO Education and Culture
4.2. Methods - Methodology II - Specialization in One Method (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190050 SE Empirical-quantitative methods
- 190209 SE Methods - Methodology II - Specialization in One Method - Kritik Haltung oder Methode? - Zur bildungswissenschaftlichen Bedeutung des armierten Blicks
- 190341 SE Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods
4.3. Theories on the Analysis of Pedagogical Phenomena II - Specialization in One Analytical Theory (SE/VO- 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190194 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Empathy and understanding
- 190271 SE [ de en ] Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning - Empirical Didactic
- 190290 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Globalization and education
4.4. Practical Concepts - Courses on Practical Concepts in Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4CP)
- 190040 VO M 2 (AP1): Theory of Psychoanalytic-Psychotherapeutic Work
- 190487 VO Consultation and Personality Development - psychoanalytic perspective
- 190488 VO Counseling and Personal Development - Counseling and Personal Development - person-centered and humanistic perspective
5. Specialization Areas (Elective Courses) (12 SST)
5.1. Theoretical Educational Science (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.1.1. Constitution Problems of Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.2. History of Problems resp. History of Science (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.3. Pedagogical Construction of Theories with Relation to Practice (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190165 SE Ethic Challenges in Education - Education and responsibility
5.1.4. The Pedagogical "Construction" of Man (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.1.5. Educational Theory (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4CP)
- 190303 SE Educational Theory - Bildungstheoretische Reflexionen zu Kant: über Pädagogik
5.1.6. Philosophical Methods in Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.2. Media Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.2.1. Constitution Problems of Media Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190185 SE Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media - The Constituition of a Scientific Theory of Media Education on the Basis of its Object
5.2.2. Media and Education (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190216 SE Theories of Education and Learning in the Dynamic Worlds of Media - Education and Media - Problems of education for the right use of media
5.2.3. Media Didactics (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190175 SE Didactics: Teaching and Learning with Media - Superheroes and Children's Culture
5.2.4. Pedagogical Tasks Concerning Special Media (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.3. Education and Advanced Education Research (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.3.1. Anthropological and Theoretical Education Basics and Models for Analysis of Lifelong Learning Including Occupational Learning Processes (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190036 SE Education, Biography and Age - Biographical Learning in Adult Education
5.3.2. Theories on Developing Didactic-Methodical Settings to Support Education-Centred Learning during Training and Advanced Training (SE/VO - 2-4 SST)
- 190296 SE Besics in Futher Education
5.3.3. Institutional Forms in Education and Advanced Education: History, Legal Basics, Current Developments and Theories on their Analysis and Progression (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8
- 190035 VO Education and Policy - Education as Social Value and Institutional Order
- 190292 SE To the development and dynamics of systems of vocational training
- 190744 SE Education, Socialisation and Society - Vocational training institutions - agencies of social forming
5.3.4. Methods for Identification and Handling of Research Questions in the Area of Education and Advanced Education (SE+EX/SE - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
5.4. The former "Occupational Pedagogics" merged with the "Adult Education" and they were transformed to "Education and Advanced Education Research" on the 1.10.2006
5.5. Occupational Rehabilitation (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.5.1. Basics of Occupational Rehabilitation and Prevention (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190178 VO Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy - Vocational Participation
5.5.2. Assessment, Counselling, Training in Occupational Rehabilitation (SE - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190206 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Assessment, Counseling, Training in Vocational Rehabilitation - Counseling and Gender
5.5.3. Evaluation and Methods in Rehabilitation Research (SE/UE - 4 SST) (8 CP)
- 190336 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - Qualitative data analysis with Atlas.ti - with special focus on the transition of young people with intellectual disablities
5.5.4. Fields of Practice in Occupational Rehabilitation (SE+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6. Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.6.1. Basics, Developments and Practice in Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190173 VO Module 4: Reading Psychoanalytic Texts - publications about psychoanalytic Education
5.6.2. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Theories for the Analysis of Developing Processes and Problems (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190223 VO Introduction into Adlerian Psychology II
5.6.3. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection I: Diagnostics and Indication (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.4. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection II: Psychotherapy, Counselling and Supervision (SE/VO+UE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.6.5. Psychoanalytic-Pedagogical Concepts and Methods of Practice and Reflection III
5.6.6. Research Methods in Psychoanalytical Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
5.7. Orthopedagoy and Integrative Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.7.1. Basics and Self-Conception of Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190045 SE Education and Training with Impaired Senses, Behav., Cogn., Language and Social-Emotional Developm. - On the history of the mental handicaped - Research and treatment of mentally retarded humans in the 19th century
- 190259 SE Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - Sociology of disability, cultural soziology and Disability Studies
5.7.2. Models for Analysis of Therapeutic and Integration-Pedagogic Phenomena and Issues (SE/VO -2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190166 SE Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison - Education for people with disabilities in international contexts
5.7.3. Diagnostics and Counselling in Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4CP)
- 190260 SE Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy with Focus on Special Educational Needs - Consultation in the context of prenatal diagnosis
5.7.4. Practical Concepts for Disability-Specific Educational Needs (SE+EX - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190347 SE+EX Subjective Anatomy - Theory and Practice of the Experiencing Body II
- 190777 SE+EX Theater for everyone - Theatre for blind and visually handicapped people through special interventions and assistance of students.
5.7.5. Research Methods in Orthopedagogy and Integrative Pedagogy (SE - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190084 SE Pedagogical Approaches to Cultural Diversity and Social Disadvantage - Studies on disadvantages, learning difficulties and disabilities
5.7.6. Specialization in One Subject (SE/VO - 2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190054 SE Special Ethical Questions - Social philosophical and ethical issues on disabilities
5.8. Social Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.8.1. Generations (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190265 SE Education, Biography and Age - Old age as social-pedagogical issue
5.8.2. Interculturality (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190232 SE Education - Alterity - Cultur(alism) - Interculturality and urban space
5.8.3 Poverty (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190076 SE Exclusion, Diversity and Social Inequality - Education on the margins of society
5.8.4. Normality Balance (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 SP)
- 190078 VO Society and Social Change - Modernity and its outcasts
5.9. School Pedagogy (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.9.1. School Theory/School Organization/School Development (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190082 SE School and Education Research - Democracy and Schooling - Schleiermacher - Dewey - Schwab
5.9.2. Didactics/Lessons/Curriculum (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190190 SE Beeing a teacher. Ethics and Education
5.9.3. Evaluation/Performance Measurement/Diagnostics (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190088 SE [ en ] Planning, Evaluation and Assessment in Education - What Counts as Evidence? - The Predicaments of Educational Evaluation Research
5.9.4. Historical and/or Comparative Perspectives of School Pedagogy (SE/VO - 2-4 SST) (4-8 CP)
- 190183 VO Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science
- 190272 SE [ de en ] Educational Theories in International and Historical Comparison - International Educational Governance
5.10. Project Studies (12 SST) (24 CP)
5.10.1. Project Studies "Genderstudies" (12 SST) (24 CP)
- 190228 SE M14 Education and Gender - Female socialization between professional and family orientation - Consequences for educational practice
5.10.2. Project Studies "Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy" (12 SST) (24 CP)
- 190105 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - exploration of autentic communication
5.10.3. Project Studies "Higher Education Research and Academic Communication" (12 SST) (24 CP)
- 190325 SE Science and universities system theoretical observes (Luhmann, Stichweh)
- 190326 SE Biographical telling as a science research - and reflection practice of scientists
- 190327 SE What exhibits tell - to analyze ways the presented II
- 190330 SE University and Internet
- 190331 SE 5.10.3 Better Brains - Better Kids? - To the arising alliance of neuroscience and pedagogics
- 190334 VK Project Studies "Higher Education Research and Academic Communication"
- 190338 KU Job Orientation for Students II
- 190847 SE 5.10.3 Netzwerke für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung
- 190934 SE Political economy of the enterprise University - how does universitäres knowledge become socially effective?
- 230162 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 230160 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 070593 KU Berufliche Orientierungen - ExpertInnen-Laien-Dialoge zu Studium und Arbeitswelt: Erleben, Reflektieren, Gestalten
5.11. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190062 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for Dipoma Students
- 190069 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190085 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190092 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190093 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190098 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - for Diploma and Dotoral Students
- 190106 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190111 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for Dipoma Students
- 190116 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190120 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for Dipoma Students
- 190163 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190187 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for graduands
- 190207 SE Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - Research Workshop Qualitative Studies
- 190221 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - pedagogy in theory and research
- 190302 SE Privatissimum - for Diploma and Dotoral Students
- 190360 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190361 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Research questions of historical and systematic training
- 190700 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190711 SE Master's Thesis: Seminar - Seminar for Diploma an Doctoral Students - School, Education and Society
5.12. Practice Seminar (2 SST) (4 CP)
- 190353 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Introduction to the theory-based practice reflection: The Method of Work Discussion
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36