MA Global History and Global Studies
Weitere Informationen Sie unter
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO [ en ] Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Political Thought and Historiography in the English-Speaking Atlantic World, 17th to 20th Centuries
- 070108 UE [ de en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - War and Early Modern Government in Europe, c. 1600-1800
- 070295 UE [ it ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Italienisch
- 070480 UE [ fr ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Renaissance de l'Islam en Afrique: Intégrisme religieux ou idéologie politique
- 070551 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spanisch
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Global History
- 070041 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - The Guano Islands Act of 1856
- 070166 VO [ en ] Theories and Methods of Global History - Theories and Methods of Global History
- 070224 VO [ en ] Introduction to Global History
APM Basics in another Subject Area of Global Studies
- 140007 UE Osmanistisches Proseminar: wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für TurkologInnen und OsmanistInnen
- 140120 PS Theory and Methods of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140161 UE [ en ] The Partition of India in the mirror of Hindi Literature and Film
- 140196 PS Early Historiographies of "Modern" India
- 140203 VO History of East Africa since 1800
- 140222 KU Power and Religion in East Africa, 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140223 KU T II - Nigeria: Politics and Religion
- 140224 KU [ en ] Slavery in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140225 VO KG1- KV - International Development in Historical Context
- 140227 KU Youth and Popular Culture
- 140235 VO [ en ] KW1 - K IV - Introductory Lecture: Development Economics
- 140250 KU [ en ] KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - International Migration and National Developments: Patterns, Problems, Policy
- 140276 KU [ en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - (engl.)
- 140347 VO RTV - KOA - Development in Philosophy - Eine Einführung
- 140381 VO+UE [ en ] T III - Development Economics
- 070403 KU [ en ] Food security and development
- 150070 UE Methods in Korean studies II
- 150073 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
- 150229 VO+UE VO+UE Creative Class and Tolerance in East Asia
3. Required Modules
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History and Global Studies
- 070173 KU Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte im transdisziplinären Kontext 1
- 070359 KU [ en ] Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History
- 070400 KU [ en ] Memory in the age of electronic media: global icons and cultural symbols
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History
- 070052 SE [ en ] Seminar - Britain and Global Warfare, 1914-18, 1939-45
- 070054 VO [ en ] Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Irish History: From Ancient Times to the Present
- 070155 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1 - RBV: Atlantik. Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte zwischen Europa, Afrika und den Amerikas
- 070205 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1 - Geschichte Argentiniens 1500-2000
- 070260 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - K & K kolonial. Habsburgermonarchie und koloniale Frage in Afrika II
- 070486 SE [ en ] History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries - History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140060 VO History, Politics and Islam (special themes)
- 140071 VO African History (16th to 19th Century) - Afrikanische Geschichte (16.-19. Jahrhundert)
- 140127 VO Islam in Asia outside the Arab World
- 140194 VO History of North Africa 2
- 140226 VO War and Peace, 20th Century to the Present
- 140316 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Kushite Empire
- 140346 VO T I - Development without State? - Development, Governance, and Indigenous Societies in Southeast Asia and South America
- 140348 PS Introductory Seminar African History: Precolonial African History
- 140352 VO T IV -Re-mapping Latinoamerica. From (Non-) modern to Postmodern Hybridity
- 150009 VO+UE [ de en ] VO+UE Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150138 SE Migration and Development: the Case of China
- 150180 SE SE Political Systems in East Asia: Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer
- 070408 SE [ en ] Seminar - "History of Modern Lebanon, 16-20th centuries"
- 110171 VO [ de es pt ] Cycle of Lectures - -
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
- 150106 VO+UE VO+UE Regionalism in Southeast Asia
- 290381 VO Lecture series: Global population faces the 7th billion
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Global History: Themes of Global History
- 070151 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Die industrielle Revolution in einer globalen Perspektive
- 070186 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2
- 070313 VO [ en ] Lecture Specialisaton 2 - History and Contemporary Aspects of Modernisation and Development Studies
- 070319 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Innere Peripherien im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070505 SE [ en ] Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Asien im europäischen Allgemeinwissen (18./19. Jh.)
- 070547 SE [ en ] Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Comparing Catching-Up Development in Russia, latin America and East Asia (the Experience of the XX Century and Onward"
- 140118 PS [ en ] Global Feminisms - India, China, and the USA
- 140147 VO The History of Buddhism in Tibet
- 140228 SE Violence in Africa, 20th Century to the Present
- 140229 SE SE Nationalist Thought in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)
- 140230 SE World Economic Depression (1929-33) and Global Economic and Financial Crisis: - Causes and Implications on African Societies
- 140328 SE Democracy in South East Asia
- 140336 SE Traditionalisms - Nation, Religion, Identity, Narrated and Invented
- 140365 SE [ de en ] SE IE - Economics and History : a Transdisciplinary Approach
- 140378 SE T II - Protoglobalization
- 140379 SE T II - Global Modernity and Political Islam
- 140380 SE T III - Aid Effectiveness and Development
- 140383 SE Gendering International Peace Building
- 140385 SE "Colonial" and "Postcolonial" Legal Pluralism
- 140390 SE Postcolonial theories - Postcolonial Development Studies
- 140395 SE [ en ] A Global Perspective on War and State Formation
- 140396 SE [ en ] Indigenous Movements in Latin America in a Global Perspective
- 140397 SE [ en ] T II - International Organizations in the 19th Century - Result of Western Aspirations for Hegemony or Global Entanglement?
- 140533 SE Transformation Processes in the Middle East
- 140534 SE Issues of global uneven development
- 140565 SE [ en ] Reconsidering Home
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
- 150224 VO [ en ] VO Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 070409 SE [ en ] Seminar - "Palestine 1948 and the historical roots of the Middle East Conflict"
- 070113 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - Sexualität im 20. Jahrhundert: Globale Perspektiven und internationale Entwicklung
- 230155 SE [ en ] Using Video Ethnography in doing Science Studies Research
- 070296 SE Seminar - "On the Way. Travel as a Social Practice, Gender and History"
- 070369 SE [ en ] Seminar - Biological and Physical Factors in the Economy and Society, 12th to 15th Centuries
- 070305 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "On the Way. Travel as a Social Practice, Gender and History"
PM Excursion and Global Studies
- 070085 EX Excursion
- 070099 EX Excursion
- 070146 EX Excursion
- 070271 EX Excursion - Excursion to Germany
- 070530 KU [ en ] Global Studies
- 140238 AG T I - International Migration - Causes, Types, Processes, and the Political Regulation of Migration
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 340138 VO Global English and International Communication
4. Alternative Required Modules
APM Research Module Global History
- 070088 FS Research Module Eastern European History
- 070389 FS Research Seminar - Außenpolitik und Medien
APM Research Module Global Studies
- 140119 SE [ en ] India - Gender and Visual History
- 140129 SE Debates in "Subaltern Studies"
- 150257 SE [ en ] The Chinese Migrants in Italy
- 210084 SE [ fr ] M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 210104 SE M9 a: East European Studies - historische und aktuelle Transformationsprozesse einer ukrainischen Region
APM Applied Global History
- 070331 PK Project Course Global History - Kulturtransfer zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und Mitteleuropa
APM Applied Global Studies
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
- 150138 SE Migration and Development: the Case of China
5. Master-Module
- 070002 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Seminar for Master and Doctoral Students: "Historical Science Studies" "Historical Science Studies"
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070040 MA [ en ] Master Seminar
- 070073 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070084 PV Masterseminar
- 070095 PV Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070101 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070191 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Masterseminar
- 070193 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Masterseminar
- 070194 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Masterseminar
- 070195 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Masterseminar
- 070200 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070263 MA Master Seminar
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070328 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Masterseminar
- 070332 MA [ en ] Graduate College II
- 070374 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070384 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070399 MA Master Seminar
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36