16.03. Comparative Literature
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
1. Required Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Comparative Literature
- 160040 VO Introduction to Comparative Literature
- 160309 VO General Literature
Module 2: Introduction to Research Techniques
- 160286 UE Literary Research I
- 160038 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 160142 UE Literary Research II
- 160166 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
Module 3: Literary Theory
- 160012 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 160062 PS Literary Theory (PS): Philosophical Aspects of the Modernist Novel
- 160074 VO Literary Theory (VO)
- 160139 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 160200 PS Literary Theory (PS)
Module 4: Literary Transfer
- 160023 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160053 PS [ en ] Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Russ. Lit. from the 19th Century Onwards in the Context of World Literature
- 160059 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Survey of Anglo-German Literary Relations - Part Two: From 1800 to the Present Day
- 160121 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160306 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160215 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
- 160310 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
Module 5: Social History of Literature
- 160049 PS Social History of Literature (PS): - Im Kontext des deutschen Buch- und Übersetzungsmarkts der Nachkriegsjahre
- 160199 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 160361 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 160362 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
Module 6: English for Students of Literature
- 120005 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120008 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1
- 120028 VO [ en ] Core Lecture Linguistics = Communication, Code and Culture
- 120038 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120040 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - Metaphysical Poetry
- 120055 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1
- 120059 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 120066 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120070 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - American Urban Fiction in the 20th Century
- 120071 VO [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies Course (VO) = Cultural Studies (Modul 1, MA)
- 120089 VO [ en ] Approaching English Linguistics
- 120105 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120106 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies
- 120127 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 2
- 120129 VO [ en ] Approaching Cultural Studies
- 120130 VO [ en ] Cultural and Regional Studies: British Civilisation - Britishness and Popular Cultur
- 120168 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1
- 120007 VO [ en ] Language Analysis
- 120125 VO [ en ] Cultural and Regional Studies: English-Speaking World - Hibernian Green on the Silver Screen: A Short History of Irish Cinema
Module 7: Second Foreign Language
- 110128 UE [ pt ] Portugiesisch / Português 1 - -
- 110129 UE [ pt ] Portugiesisch / Português 2 - -
- 110340 UE [ pt ] Portugiesisch / Português 4
- 110346 UE [ pt ] Portugiesisch / Português B
- 160052 UE [ es ] Second Foreign Language: Spanish for Students of Literature
- 160056 UE Second Foreign Language: Italian for Literature Students
- 160078 UE Second Foreign Language: French for Literature Students
- 160081 UE French for Students of Literature
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses
- 160019 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160065 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160134 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160216 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160217 SE Bachelor Thesis
2. Group of Elective Modules
Module 8: Comparative Literary History
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (BA/MA) - Italienisch - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] Grundmodul Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Italienisch - -
- 140139 VO [ en ] Politics and the Novel in South Africa
- 140201 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140245 VO African Literature IV - Systematischer Überblick: Afrikanische Literatur IV
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature
- 140139 VO [ en ] Politics and the Novel in South Africa
- 140201 VO [ en ] Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature
- 140245 VO African Literature IV - Systematischer Überblick: Afrikanische Literatur IV
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies
- 160015 VO Publishing a.Economy Studies, Intro. to Publishing Law:Publishing a. business economics,legal basics
- 160308 VO Literature and Media, Management of Literature
B. Master Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents
- 160019 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160065 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160134 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160216 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160217 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160072 KO Literary Cross-Currents (KO)
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media
- 160019 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160065 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160134 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160216 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160217 SE Bachelor Thesis
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (BA/MA) - Italienisch - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] Grundmodul Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Italienisch - -
- 160015 VO Publishing a.Economy Studies, Intro. to Publishing Law:Publishing a. business economics,legal basics
- 160074 VO Literary Theory (VO)
- 160215 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
- 160308 VO Literature and Media, Management of Literature
- 160310 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
Module 4: Final Module
- 160026 MA Master Seminar
- 160085 MA Master Seminar
- 160218 MA Master Seminar
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
- 160309 VO General Literature
- 160040 VO Introduction to Comparative Literature
- 160286 UE Literary Research I
- 160038 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 160166 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 160142 UE Literary Research II
- 160139 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 160062 PS Literary Theory (PS): Philosophical Aspects of the Modernist Novel
- 160200 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 160012 PS Literary Theory (PS)
- 160074 VO Literary Theory (VO)
- 160059 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Survey of Anglo-German Literary Relations - Part Two: From 1800 to the Present Day
- 160053 PS [ en ] Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Russ. Lit. from the 19th Century Onwards in the Context of World Literature
- 160023 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160121 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160306 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS)
- 160215 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
- 160310 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
- 160049 PS Social History of Literature (PS): - Im Kontext des deutschen Buch- und Übersetzungsmarkts der Nachkriegsjahre
- 160362 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 160361 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 160199 PS Social History of Literature (PS)
- 160015 VO Publishing a.Economy Studies, Intro. to Publishing Law:Publishing a. business economics,legal basics
- 160308 VO Literature and Media, Management of Literature
- 160134 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160065 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160019 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160217 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160216 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 160085 MA Master Seminar
- 160026 MA Master Seminar
- 160218 MA Master Seminar
- 160072 KO Literary Cross-Currents (KO)
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (BA/MA) - Italienisch - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] Grundmodul Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Italienisch - -
D. Complementary Study Programme International literary Transfer
- 160215 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
- 160310 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36