Aus jedem der vier Fächerkontingente ist ein Seminar zu absolvieren, zusätzliche Seminare können auch als (freie) Wahlfächer herangezogen werden.
- 010015 SE Migration, displacement, and foreignness in the Old Testament
- 010016 FS Disdain of the world (contemptus mundi)? - A medieval interpretation on a controversial motif
- 010017 BA The Old Testament in the context of different cultures of the ancient Orient
- 010018 FS Acts and Early Christian Mission
- 010022 FS Religious and ecclesiastical aspects in man-woman relationship during the Middle Ages
- 010023 DS Monastic life in the Alpine and Danube areas before 1000 C.E.
- 010025 BA The Mendicant Orders in the Middle Ages
- 010079 SE Church-neighbour Croatia - Traces of its great ecclesiastical past and pastoral present
- 010033 FS Research Seminar in Liturgical Studies and Theology of Sacraments
- 010040 FS People of God - Communio - Body of Christ - Zur Ekklesiologie des II. Vatikanum
- 010041 SE The Constitutions of the Jesuit Orden
- 010043 DS Pre-eminent Orthodox Theologians of the 20th Century
- 010075 FS Hegel´s Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010076 BA I. Ellacuria
- 010094 FS Workshop for postgraduates and graduands
- 010320 BA Kinder- und Jugendgottesdienste feiern
- 010078 FS Giorgio Agamben - Homer sacer
- 010074 FS Theology of bodiliness II
- 010030 BA Climate Change and Justice
- 010031 SE Liberating Religion and Liberating Church in the Philippines - Theologische Ansätze in den Philippinen im Dialog mit europäischer Theologie und Ethik
- 010032 DS Ethical Competence in Medical Contexts
- 010050 FS Current Topics in Medical Ethics
- 010055 FS Culture of Recognition
- 010056 FS Bible and pastoral care. Practical-theological approaches to interpret the bible
- 010100 BA Health - Illness - Medical Ethics
- 010118 DS Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010128 DS Current discussions in Moral Theology
- 010080 BA Buddhist and European Ethics
- 010081 DS Philosophical aspects of the ecological crisis
- 010082 BA Modern South - Indian Mystics
- 010324 BA Main topics of the Buddhist - Christian Dialogue
- 010007 FS Churches and human rigths
- 010103 SE Love, grief and death in contemporary literature
- 010105 BA Austria - a country to be missioned? Christian duty of mission in a society of religious pluralism
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50