§ 4/2: Required Elective Courses
Aus den nachfolgend angeführten §§ 4/2/1 bis 4/2/4 ist jeweils ein Fach auszuwählen:
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of Religion [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
- 180019 SE Meister Eckhart, Sermons - The concept of God and of man as his son
- 180033 SE [ en ] Renaissance Magic: Theories and Concepts - The cases of Marsilio Ficino and Agrippa von Nettesheim
§ 4/2/1 Philosophy of History [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010351 VO Contemporary philosophy - Ethics and Religion in a (Post)secular Modernity - Albert Camus, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor
- 180754 SE Kant`s philosophy of religion and his writing - Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft
- 180058 SE [ de en ] Philosophy and the Holocaust
§ 4/2/2 Social Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180095 SE Philosophy and Economics - Surplus
- 180101 SE Overstepping Marx ? - Sozialphilosophische Dimensionen Philosophischer Anthropologie
- 180102 SE Sexual-philosophical dimensions of Philosophical Anthropology
- 180109 SE Body in Foucault and Butler
- 180702 SE Political philosophy of difference - Genealogie, Kulturalität, Feministische und Postkoloniale Theorien
- 180722 SE Philosophy of social sciences
- 180752 VO-L Criticism and Critical Theories - Eine Genealogie der Gesellschaftskritik (17. bis 20. Jh.)
§ 4/2/2 Philosophical Women's and Gender Research [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180036 SE On the Relation of Gender and Identity - Stile des Fleisches
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Economics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180751 SE Economism
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology [Old Curriculum 5]
- 180008 VO Core Problems in Philosophy of Physics
- 180061 VO-L Philosophical Problems of the Life Sciences
- 180079 VO-L speaking, writing, digitizing
- 180082 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science II
- 180089 SE [ en ] Interdisciplinary Knowledge Lab: Observing, Reflecting and Creating Radically New Knowledge
- 180090 SE [ en ] Seminar Philosophy of Science 2 - Project Seminar
- 180106 SE Philosophy of Technology
- 180699 SE Antiquatedness of man
- 180720 SE History and Philosophy of Science. Classical Texts
§ 4/2/3 Philosophy of the Media [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180708 SE Writing with Pictures - Practicing Media Theory
- 180709 SE Philosophy of media - Medien der Philosophie: McLuhan, Foucault, Kittler
§ 4/2/4 Hermeneutics [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180073 SE Adorno and Benjamin
- 180733 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
- 180748 SE Kant's ethics as a deconstruccion of the pathol. patterns within all former metaphysics of sub
§ 4/2/4 Philosophy of Culture [Old Curriculum 8]
- 180010 VO-L Jewish Philosophy from Spinoza to be Postmodernism
- 180011 SE Cioran, between ecstasy and scepticism
- 180022 SE To the capability of delight historically and systematically
- 180028 SE Phenomenological analysis on embodiment
- 180029 VO-L Ethics and Aesthetics of islamic ban on polytheism - Aniconism in the Islam
- 180058 SE [ de en ] Philosophy and the Holocaust
- 180092 VO-L Friedrich Schlegel
- 180093 SE Politics and Aesthetics in German Romanticism
- 180094 PS Philosophy and Romanticism in Germany
- 180103 SE Culture in the field of Philosophical Anthropology
- 180105 SE Migrants, Strangers, Cosmopolitans
- 180111 SE Adorno - Theory of Aesthetics
- 180114 VO Circle Lectures - Aesthetics II - Es gibt Kunstwerke, wie sind sie möglich?
- 180699 SE Antiquatedness of man
- 180723 SE Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement and its consequences
- 180725 SE Kierkegaard's Romantic Criticism
§ 4/2/4 Intercultural Philosophy [Old Curriculum 8]
- 010080 BA Buddhist and European Ethics
- 180048 SE On the Actuality of Nietzsche: Semiotic, Rhetoric, Deconstruction
- 180742 VO-L Intercultural Philosophy - Methoden und Konzeptionen
- 180747 VO-L Selfaffection - From Kant to Sankara
§ 4/2/5 Project Seminar
- 180080 SE Filming the Department of Philosophy
- 180090 SE [ en ] Seminar Philosophy of Science 2 - Project Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36