29.06. Geography
A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Science and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Level 1 of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)
Level 2 of the Degree Programme
2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
- 290121 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
- 290211 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290137 VO+UE Advanced Methods of Demography, Part I
- 290229 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - (Gruppe B wird im SS 2012 gelesen)
- 290086 PS [ en ] Theory and Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290234 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group A
- 290237 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group B
- 290238 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group C
- 290175 PS Remote Sensing
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290140 PS Modellierung in der Physiogeographie: OpenSource GIS und Geomorphologie
- 290057 PS Project Management
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills Specialisation on Regional Development
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290034 VO Geography of gendered division of labour
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290067 VO [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Raumstruktur und Regionalanalyse der Peripherie (Beispiel Ostösterreich)
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Potenziale der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung anhand projektbezogener Fallbeispiele Specialisation on Spatial Aspects of Population Studies / Regional Demography
- 290137 VO+UE Advanced Methods of Demography, Part I
- 290035 SE Seminar Human Geography: Recent forms of tourism between individual and mass - Perspektiven und Probleme Specialisation on Development Research / Third World Studies / Co-operation and Development: Emphasis on Asia
- 140313 VO STEOP: Introduction to International Development
- 140124 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - (engl.)
- 140123 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - (engl.)
- 140122 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 140316 VO Introduction to Development Sociology
- 140187 VO STEOP: Development Co-operation
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Asia
- 290167 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends - Teil I
- 290111 SE Seminar (Human / Regional Geography): The Arab World - Soziodemographische, ökonomische und politische Transformationen
- 290010 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia Specialisation on Applied Geomorphology
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology
- 290050 VO Alpine Natural Hazards in Asia, the Andes and the Alps - Preparatory Causal Factors, Processes, Consequences and Mitigation Measures of Mass-Movements
- 290175 PS Remote Sensing
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290140 PS Modellierung in der Physiogeographie: OpenSource GIS und Geomorphologie
- 290145 SE Seminar aus Physiogeographie / Landschaftsökologie - Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Geoökologie und Umweltplanung Specialisation on Landscape Ecology and Natural Environmental Research
- 290154 VO Aktuelles Forschungsspektrum in der Geoökologie
- 290083 PS Anthropogenic Climate Modification
- 290126 PS Climatic change
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290145 SE Seminar aus Physiogeographie / Landschaftsökologie - Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Geoökologie und Umweltplanung Specialisation on Spatial Tourism and Leisure Research
2.2.5. Electives Electives in Accordance with the Specialisations in Examination Subject d Electives in Regional Geography
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290067 VO [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290035 SE Seminar Human Geography: Recent forms of tourism between individual and mass - Perspektiven und Probleme
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Raumstruktur und Regionalanalyse der Peripherie (Beispiel Ostösterreich)
- 290102 VO Language, Space and Society - Language Geography of Europe
- 290167 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends - Teil I
- 290233 VO Problems of mass tourism in third world countries
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Asia
- 290010 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 290111 SE Seminar (Human / Regional Geography): The Arab World - Soziodemographische, ökonomische und politische Transformationen Other Electives
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290034 VO Geography of gendered division of labour
- 290096 PS Regional Disparities: Concepts and Approaches of Explanation in Economic Geography
- 290031 SE Seminar for Economic Geography
- 290196 VO Social Science and the City
- 290102 VO Language, Space and Society - Language Geography of Europe
- 290090 SE Seminar aus Humangeographie: Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - (Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeographie)
- 290050 VO Alpine Natural Hazards in Asia, the Andes and the Alps - Preparatory Causal Factors, Processes, Consequences and Mitigation Measures of Mass-Movements
- 290145 SE Seminar aus Physiogeographie / Landschaftsökologie - Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Geoökologie und Umweltplanung
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290172 RV Ringvorlesung: Global Environmental Change - Change or Disaster?
- 290126 PS Climatic change
- 290083 PS Anthropogenic Climate Modification
- 290067 VO [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290206 VU Spatial Planning Law, Land Law, and Building Law
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290054 UE Excercise for Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level in Austria, Group A
- 290066 UE Excercise for Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level in Austria, Group C
- 290225 VU Map Related Representations
- 290130 SE Seminar on Cartography: EuroSDR
- 290089 PS Programming in Geocommunication
- 290049 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication
- 290047 PS Modeling in Geoinformation
- 290177 PS Fuzzy Logic and Geographic Information Systems
- 290129 PS Alternative Geo Software - Concepts, Applications, Developments
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Research and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
- 290121 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
- 290211 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
- 290229 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - (Gruppe B wird im SS 2012 gelesen)
- 290086 PS [ en ] Theory and Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290234 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group A
- 290237 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group B
- 290238 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group C
- 290057 PS Project Management
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Raumstruktur und Regionalanalyse der Peripherie (Beispiel Ostösterreich)
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Potenziale der Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung anhand projektbezogener Fallbeispiele
- 290034 VO Geography of gendered division of labour
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
- 290251 VO STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290206 VU Spatial Planning Law, Land Law, and Building Law
- 290067 VO [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
2.3.4. Electives
- 290137 VO+UE Advanced Methods of Demography, Part I
- 290035 SE Seminar Human Geography: Recent forms of tourism between individual and mass - Perspektiven und Probleme
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290067 VO [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290201 SE [ en ] Seminar: European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290233 VO Problems of mass tourism in third world countries
- 290172 RV Ringvorlesung: Global Environmental Change - Change or Disaster?
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology
- 290050 VO Alpine Natural Hazards in Asia, the Andes and the Alps - Preparatory Causal Factors, Processes, Consequences and Mitigation Measures of Mass-Movements
- 290089 PS Programming in Geocommunication
- 290177 PS Fuzzy Logic and Geographic Information Systems
- 290225 VU Map Related Representations
- 290049 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication
- 290047 PS Modeling in Geoinformation
- 290130 SE Seminar on Cartography: EuroSDR
- 290129 PS Alternative Geo Software - Concepts, Applications, Developments
- 290196 VO Social Science and the City
- 290033 VO Introduction into Economics
- 290012 VU Special Topics of Economics - Konjunkturtheorie und -politik
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290034 VO Geography of gendered division of labour
- 290096 PS Regional Disparities: Concepts and Approaches of Explanation in Economic Geography
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics - ein Literaturseminar zur Geschichte des Kapitalismus
- 290031 SE Seminar for Economic Geography
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
- 290127 VO Terrestrial data aquisition I
- 290128 VO Photogrammetry I
- 290234 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group A
- 290237 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group B
- 290238 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group C
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
- 290177 PS Fuzzy Logic and Geographic Information Systems
- 290047 PS Modeling in Geoinformation
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
- 290004 VU Thematic Cartography
- 290003 PS Thematic Cartography, Group A
- 290174 PS Thematic Cartography, Group A
- 290225 VU Map Related Representations
- 290176 VU Editorial Work and Cost Accounting in Cartography
- 290011 PRS Project Seminar Geoinformation - Projektseminar Kartographische Gestaltungs- und Entwurfslehre)
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
- 290089 PS Programming in Geocommunication
- 290049 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication
- 290021 VU Map production and publication techniques
- 290043 PS Webmapping
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290130 SE Seminar on Cartography: EuroSDR
- 290026 SE Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
2.4.6. Recommended Free-choice Elective Courses
- 290086 PS [ en ] Theory and Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290129 PS Alternative Geo Software - Concepts, Applications, Developments
Field Trips
1. Field Trips in Austria
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290191 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290055 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)
- 290123 PS [ en ] Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: USA - Growth and Decline of US-American Cities
- 290041 EX Scientific Excursion - USA: Growth and Decline of US-American Cities
Additional Courses
- 290030 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology
- 290153 KO Konversatorium zur Geoökologie
- 290017 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290052 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
oder der Homepage des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung unter der Adresse "http://www.univie.ac.at/geographie" in der Rubrik "Studienprogrammleitung - Studienpläne" enthalten und kann von dort auch heruntergeladen werden (PDF-Datei).Studierende, die das Diplomstudium nach Studienplan 2002 nicht bis spätestens 30. November 2012 abschließen, werden automatisch in das Bachelorstudium (Curriculum 2011, siehe Kapitel 29.01) überstellt. Eine freiwillige Übertrittsmöglichkeit in das Bachelorstudium besteht jederzeit durch schriftliche Erklärung im StudienServiceCenter im UZA II oder in der StudienServiceStelle im IfGR im NIG (Büro der Studienprogrammleitung 29 - Geographie).Die Bezeichnung der Prüfungsfächer entspricht dem Studienplan 2002.Erläuterung der Deskriptoren (Codes):
Die Lehrveranstaltungen des 2. Studienabschnitts des Diplomstudiums sind - ebenso wie jene des Lehramtssstudiums der neuen Bachelor- und Masterstudien im Bereich der Studienprogrammleitung Geographie - jeweils durch einen oder mehrere in Klammern angegebene Deskriptoren (Codes) gekennzeichnet, die ihre Anrechenbarkeit zu den einzelnen Prüfungsfächern und Prüfungsteilen bzw. Modulen gemäß Studienplan bzw. Curriculum dokumentieren. Hierbei gibt der Großbuchstabe zu Beginn die Studienrichtung bzw. den Studienzweig an (T ... Studienzweig Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie; R ... Studienzweig Raumforschung und Raumordnung; K ... Studienzweig Kartographie und Geoinformation; L1 ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde, 1. Studienabschnitt; L2 ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde, 2. Studienabschnitt, B07 ... Bachelorstudium Geographie (Curriculum 2007), B11 ... Bachelorstudium Geographie (Curriculum 2011); MG ... Masterstudium Geographie, MR ... Masterstudium Raumforschung und Raumordnung, MK ... Masterstudium Kartographie und Geoinformation).
Beim Diplomstudium und beim Lehramtsstudium charakterisiert der anschließende Kleinbuchstabe das Prüfungsfach und die nachfolgende Zahl die Nummer des Prüfungsteils innerhalb des Prüfungsfachs.
Lehrveranstaltungen, die gemäß Studienplan 2002 zu einem Wahlfach des Diplomstudiums anrechenbar sind, sind überdies durch ein "W" innerhalb des Codes gekennzeichnet, solche, die zu einem Schwerpunktfach anrechenbar sind, durch ein "S".