Level Two
2.1. Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200045 VO Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200073 VO Clinical psychology in childhood and adolescence
- 200074 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200075 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200076 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200077 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200078 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200079 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200080 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
2.2. Psychological Assessment
- 200044 VO Theoretical Basics, Ethical and Legal Parameters of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200048 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200049 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200050 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200051 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200052 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200053 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200054 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200055 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200056 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200057 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200081 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200082 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200083 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200084 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200085 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200086 VO Psychological Assessment Case Studies
- 200087 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Rehabilitationsdiagnostik bei Erwachsenen
- 200088 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Psychologische Diagnostik in der Pädiatrie - Diagnostik von Ressourcen bei chronisch erkrankten Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200089 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Diagnostik im Personalwesen (Öffentlicher Dienst)
- 200090 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Hochbegabtendiagnostik
- 200091 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Diagnostik beim Change Management
- 200092 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Eignungsdiagnostik zur Studierendenauswahl. Technische Studienrichtungen
- 200093 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Schul- und Laufbahnberatung bei Kindern mit Türkisch als Muttersprache
- 200094 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Verkehrspsychologische Diagnostik
- 200095 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Kinderpsychologische Diagnostik in der neuroonkologischen Nachsorge
- 200096 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Entwicklungsdiagnostik und Erziehungsberatung bei Klein- und Vorschulkindern
- 200097 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Eignung zum Auslandseinsatz und Pilotenauswahl beim Bundesheer
- 200098 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Serviceorientierte Diagnostik mit Arbeitslosen
- 200099 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Large-Scale-Assessments
- 200100 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Eignungsdiagnostik zur Studierendenauswahl - Psychologie
- 200101 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Leistungsproblematik bei Jugendlichen
- 200102 PRS Psychological Assessment Course - Kinderpsychologische Diagnostik bei Schulkindern und Jugendlichen
- 200227 VO Psychological Assessment II
- 200250 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
- 200251 UE Laboratory of Psychological Assessment II
2.3. Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200047 VO Labour, Organisational and Business Psychology
- 200103 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200104 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200105 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200106 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200107 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200228 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200229 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
2.4. Educational Psychology
- 200046 VO Educational Psychologiy and Evaluation
- 200108 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Quality and Education in Early Childhood Centers I
- 200109 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - New media in the school context
- 200110 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Learning and life events
- 200111 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Reflexive coeducation. Gendersensitive education in secondary school
- 200112 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Promotion of Motivation in Education. Theoretical background and Methods
- 200113 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Multicultural Education. Cross-Cultural Training I
- 200114 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - School psychology
- 200115 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Theoretische Grundlagen von Motivation und selbstreguliertem Lernen im Kontext von (alternativen) Schulkonzepten
- 200116 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - The process beyond letter to sound mapping
- 200117 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Genderaspekte im tertiären Bildungsbereich
- 200118 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Basiskompetenzen Lebenslanges Lernen - theoretische Grundlagen und Praxis
- 200119 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Lebenslanges Lernen - lebensbegleitende Bildung
- 200120 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Erwachsenenbildung: Training und Personalentwicklung
- 200254 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I - Schulentwicklungsprogramme am Beispiel IMST
- 200255 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology I
2.5. Research Methods and Evaluation
- 200061 VO Praxis of Scientific Working - entspricht: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation I
- 200121 FPR Research Practical II - Reading and spelling problems
- 200122 FPR Research Practical II - Changes in the world of work
- 200123 FPR Research Practical II - Topics of social psychology
- 200124 FPR Research Practical II - Cognitive Development
- 200125 FPR Research Practical II - Discussion of new research methods (indirect measures of implicit evaluations, meta-analyses)
- 200126 FPR Research Practical II - Perception and aesthetic
- 200127 FPR Research Practical II
- 200128 FPR Research Practical II
- 200129 FPR Research Practical II - "The Blind men and an elephant" - What role does motivation in education play?
- 200131 VO Complex statistical Methods
2.6. Required Courses of the Diploma Module
- 200132 FLS Scientific Readings - Anwendungsfelder und Probleme der Psychometrie
- 200133 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200134 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200135 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200137 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200138 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200139 FS Research Seminar
- 200140 FS Research Seminar
- 200141 FS Research Seminar
- 200142 FS Research Seminar
- 200143 FS Research Seminar
- 200144 FS Research Seminar
- 200145 FS Research Seminar
- 200146 FS Research Seminar
- 200147 FS Research Seminar
- 200148 FS Research Seminar
- 200149 FS Research Seminar
- 200150 FS Research Seminar
- 200151 FS Research Seminar
- 200152 FS Research Seminar
- 200153 FS Research Seminar
- 200154 FS Research Seminar
- 200155 FS Research Seminar
- 200156 FS Research Seminar
- 200157 FS Research Seminar
- 200158 FS Research Seminar
- 200159 FS Research Seminar
- 200160 FS Research Seminar
- 200161 FS Research Seminar
- 200162 FS Research Seminar
- 200230 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200231 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200232 FLS Scientific Readings - Psychologische Diagnostik
- 200233 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200234 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200235 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200236 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200253 FS Research Seminar
2.8. Optional Subject: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200164 VO psychosocial supply and health care systems - Institutionelle und gesundheitsrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Beschaffung von Information
- 200165 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological
- 200166 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Demenz und Depression im Alter
- 200167 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Psychoonkologie
- 200168 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological
- 200169 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Psychologische Behandlung im Gruppensetting
- 200170 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Neue Technologien in der Klinischen Psychologie
- 200171 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Emotion und Emotionsregulation in der Klinischen und Gesundheitspsychologie
- 200172 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis
- 200173 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Angststörungen
- 200174 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
- 200175 PST Specific Training in the Field of Clinical Psychology I
- 200237 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Klinisch-psychologische Aspekte der Mensch-Tier-Interaktion
- 200238 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Affektive Störungen und Suizidalität
- 200249 VO Concepts and basic positions in therapeutic interventions
- 200259 PST Specific Training in the Field of Clinical Psychology II
2.9. Optional Subject: Educational / Evaluation / Training
- 200176 PS Research methods - Theorie und Anwendung von Mehrebenenmodellen
- 200177 PS Work Methods in Practice - Theory and practice of systemic intervention
- 200179 PS Problem-oriented Seminar I
- 200182 PST Project based work in Educational Psychology, Evaluation and Training I - Evaluation and Training
- 200244 PS Areas of application
2.10. Optional Subject: Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200183 PS Work Analysis, Evaluation and Redesign - managerial health management
- 200184 PS Motivation in Organizations - Employee selection & development in international organizations
- 200185 PS Leadership - modern leading instruments in the practice
- 200186 PS Market- and Consumer Psychology - Applied advertising psychology
- 200188 PST Research Projects in Economic Psychology I
- 200246 PS Work Analysis, Evaluation and Redesign - Arbeitspsychologische Interventionen in Betrieben - Theorie und Praxis
2.11. Optional Subject: Social Psychology
- 200189 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Social psychological explanations of consumer behavior
- 200190 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Goals, Motivation, and Action - Selected Topics of Social and Motivation Psychology
- 200191 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Judgment and Decision Making
- 200192 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Love and intimate relationships
- 200193 PS Areas of Application - Self-concept and self-esteem
- 200194 PS Areas of Application - Environmental Psychology A: Principles and Practice
- 200195 PS Areas of Application - Conformity, authority, social influence
- 200196 PS Areas of Application - Fundations of Social Psychology and perspectives of applications (health, well-being, comfort, sport)
- 200197 PST Project based work in Socialpsychologie I - Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior Research
- 200239 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Motivation and emotion
- 200240 PS Areas of Application - Forensic Psychology
2.12. Optional Subject: Developmental Psychology
- 200198 UE Observing Children
- 200199 UE Observing Children
- 200200 UE Interviewing
- 200201 PS Research methods in developmental Psychology
- 200202 PS Applied developmental Psychology - Entwicklungspsychologie des Jugend- und frühen Erwachsenenalters - Konzepte ressourcenorientierter Entwicklungsförderung
- 200203 PS Applied developmental Psychology - Entwicklung sozial-kognitiver Fähigkeiten in der frühen Kindheit
- 200204 PS Applied developmental Psychology - Bindungsforschung im interkulturellen Kontext
- 200205 PRS Intervention I: Children and Adolescents
- 200207 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Preschool Children
- 200208 PRS Psychological Counseling: Toddlers and Preschoolers
- 200209 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Children and Adolescents
- 200210 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Children and Adolescents
- 200211 PRS Psychological Counseling: Children and Adolescents
- 200213 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology I
- 200241 UE Observing Children
- 200243 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology I
2.13. Optional Subject: Psychological Assessment
- 200214 PS Introduction & Case Studies
- 200215 PS Introduction & Case Studies: Family Assessment
- 200216 PS Introduction & Case Studies: Assessment in Forensic Psychology
- 200217 PS Introduction & Case Studies - Rechenstörung
2.7. Internship in Psychology
- 200247 VO Internship in Psychology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36