14.03. South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme - Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet
1. Orientation Period
M1: Introduction to the Degree Programme in "Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet"
- 140091 VO Introduction to Indology
- 140136 VO Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
- 140344 VO Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
2. Group of Required Modules - Fields of Work
M3: Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology
M4: Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M5: Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies
3. Required Module incl. Bachelor's Papers
M18: Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet
4. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
4.1. APMG - First Language
A1: APMG - Sanskrit as First Language
M2a: Classical Sanskrit as First Language I
- 140095 UE Practice for Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
M6a: Classical Sanskrit as First Language II
M8a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as First Language
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
M12a: Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit I
M17a: Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit II
B1: APMG - Classical Tibetan as First Language
M2b: Classical Tibetan as First Language I
- 140089 UE Practice for Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
M6b: Classical Tibetan as First Language II
M8b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as First Language
- 140096 UE Readings in Classical Tibetan I: Stories from Former Lives of the Buddha
- 140158 UE Classical Tibetan for Advanced Students
M12b: Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan I
M17b: Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan II
- 140286 UE Vajrapani's Pith Instructions on the Levels of the Path - in accordance with the Transmission of the Teacher
C1: APMG - Modern Indian Language as First Language
M2c: Modern Indian Language as First Language I
- 140365 VO+UE Introduction to Nepali I
- 140366 UE Practice for Introduction to Nepali I
M6c: Modern Indian Language as First Language II
M8c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as First Language
- 140171 UE [ en ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140174 UE [ en ] Easy Hindi Readings
M12c: Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language I
M17c: Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language II
- 140103 UE [ en ] The Nepali Historical Novel: Diamond S. Rana's Basanti
4.2. APMG - Second Language
A2: APMG - Sanskrit as Second Language
M7a: Classical Sanskrit as Second Language I
- 140095 UE Practice for Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
M11a: Classical Sanskrit as Second Language II
B2: APMG - Classical Tibetan as Second Language
M7b: Classical Tibetan as Second Language I
- 140089 UE Practice for Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
M11b: Classical Tibetan as Second Language II
C2: APMG - Modern Indian Language as Second Language
M7c: Modern Indian Language as Second Language I
- 140365 VO+UE Introduction to Nepali I
- 140366 UE Practice for Introduction to Nepali I
M11c: Modern Indian Language as Second Language II
D2: APMG - Modern Tibetan as Second Language
M7d: Modern Tibetan as Second Language I
- 140139 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Practice for Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
M11d: Modern Tibetan as Second Language II
5. Group of Elective Modules - Cultural History
M9: Basics of Cultural History A
- 140147 VO [ en ] Dharmakirti and his Brahmin Interlocutor
- 140263 VO Man and his Diseases in the Explanatory Tantra of the rGyud bzhi
- 140275 VO The Pancaratra Tradition
- 140378 VO [ en ] Government and Politics in Contemporary India
M10: Basics of Cultural History B
- 140223 PS Water in Classical Sanskrit Literature
- 140299 PS Notable Temples and Monasteries of Central and Western Tibet - Their History, Art, Architecture, Text Collections and Inscriptions
- 140324 PS [ en ] Interrogating Indian Masculinity
M13: Culture - Language - Society A
M14: Culture - Language - Society B
6. Group of Elective Modules - Applied Cultural Studies
M15a: Field Trip
M15b: Regional Cultures
- 140277 UE Settlement Structures in the Himalayas
- 140307 UE [ en ] Sikhsim - History and Culture
M16a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
M16b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language
- 140096 UE Readings in Classical Tibetan I: Stories from Former Lives of the Buddha
- 140158 UE Classical Tibetan for Advanced Students
M16c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language
- 140171 UE [ en ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140174 UE [ en ] Easy Hindi Readings
M16d: Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language
- 140088 UE [ en ] Modern Tibetan for Advanced Students
- 140221 UE [ en ] Readings in Modern Tibetan
B. Master Degree Programmes in Indology, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
1. Buddhist Studies
a. Required Modules
M1: Comparative Philology of Buddhist Tradition
- 140305 UE Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakoshabhashya - Readings of the Sanskrit Text in comparison with its Tibetan Translation
M2: Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism outside of South Asia
- 140285 UE [ en ] Sa skya Responses to Tson kha pa's Eight Special Points
- 140286 UE Vajrapani's Pith Instructions on the Levels of the Path - in accordance with the Transmission of the Teacher
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM 3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area
- 140139 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Practice for Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140365 VO+UE Introduction to Nepali I
- 140366 UE Practice for Introduction to Nepali I
APM 3b: Advanced Philology and Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of the Cultural Area
- 140296 UE Agnyupasthana Texts of the Black Yajurveda
- 140298 UE [ en ] Sanskrit Buddhist Texts - Nagarjuna's Vigrahavyavartani
- 140371 UE The Patanjala Yogasastra's Eight Limbs of Yoga - according to Selected Printed Editions, Manuscripts and the Commentaries
c. Required Modules
M4: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism I
M5: Culture and History of Buddhism I
M6: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
d. Alternative Required Module 7
APM 7a: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism II
- 140258 SE Sutra, Mantra and Essence Mahamudra in the Works of Maitripa and his Disciples
- 140268 SE [ en ] Dharmakirti's Critique of Universals
APM 7b: Culture and History of Buddhism II
e. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Buddhist Studies
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
2. Modern South Asian Culture and Society
a. Required Modules
M1: Modern South Asian Society
- 140105 SE Facets of Indian Migration Processes
M2: Basics of the History of Culture and Ideas of Modern South Asia
- 140234 UE Theory and Practice of the Perception of History in Modern South Asia
- 140378 VO [ en ] Government and Politics in Contemporary India
M3: Modern South Asian Culture Studies - Practical Training
- 140277 UE Settlement Structures in the Himalayas
- 140307 UE [ en ] Sikhsim - History and Culture
M4: Modern South Asian History
M7: Modern South Asian Languages - Practical Training
M8: Modern South Asian Language Traditions
b. Alternative Required Modules
APM 5: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
APM 6: Cultures of the Larger Cultural Area
c. Master-Module
M9: Master's Colloquium
M10: Master's Thesis
M11: Master's Examination
3. Philosophies and Religions of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: History and Teachings of a Selected Philosophical-Religious Tradition of South Asia
- 140268 SE [ en ] Dharmakirti's Critique of Universals
M2: Philosophy and Religion of South Asia, Past and Present
- 140147 VO [ en ] Dharmakirti and his Brahmin Interlocutor
- 140241 UE The Pancaratra Initiation according to Padmasamhita, Caryapada 2
- 140275 VO The Pancaratra Tradition
M3: Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia
- 140107 UE Readings in the Moksadharma - Cosmogony
- 140296 UE Agnyupasthana Texts of the Black Yajurveda
- 140298 UE [ en ] Sanskrit Buddhist Texts - Nagarjuna's Vigrahavyavartani
- 140371 UE The Patanjala Yogasastra's Eight Limbs of Yoga - according to Selected Printed Editions, Manuscripts and the Commentaries
M4: Core Issues of Philosophy and Religion of South Asia
M5: Aspects of the History of Philosophy and Religion of South Asia
M6: Advanced Philology and Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia
M7: Philosophy and Religion in the Cultural History of South Asia and Tibet
- 140109 SE The "Elements" in Indian Thought II
- 140258 SE Sutra, Mantra and Essence Mahamudra in the Works of Maitripa and his Disciples
b. Master-Modules
M8: Master's Colloquium
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
4. Languages and Literatures of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Aspects of Language and Literature in the History of South Asia
- 140131 VO Morphosyntax of Sanskrit
- 140275 VO The Pancaratra Tradition
M2: Ancient Indian Forms of Language/Literary Genres
M3: Middle Indian resp. Hybrid/Classical Forms of Language/Literary Genres
- 140134 UE Gleanings from the Uttarajjhaya. On the Language, Metrics and Structures of a Canonical Jaina Text
- 140298 UE [ en ] Sanskrit Buddhist Texts - Nagarjuna's Vigrahavyavartani
- 140371 UE The Patanjala Yogasastra's Eight Limbs of Yoga - according to Selected Printed Editions, Manuscripts and the Commentaries
M4: Modern Forms of Language/Literary Genres
- 140103 UE [ en ] The Nepali Historical Novel: Diamond S. Rana's Basanti
M5: Philology and Hermeneutics of Ancient Indian Texts
M6: Philology and Hermeneutics of Middle Indian resp. Hybrid/Classical Texts
M7: Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts and Traditions
b. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium on the Languages and Literatures of South Asia
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
5. Tibetology
a. Required Modules
M1: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area
- 140095 UE Practice for Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
- 140365 VO+UE Introduction to Nepali I
- 140366 UE Practice for Introduction to Nepali I
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
M2: Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet
- 140285 UE [ en ] Sa skya Responses to Tson kha pa's Eight Special Points
- 140286 UE Vajrapani's Pith Instructions on the Levels of the Path - in accordance with the Transmission of the Teacher
M3: Modern Tibetan
M4: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M5: Philosophical-Religous Traditions of Tibet I
M6: Culture and History of Tibet I
b. Alternative Requirede Module
APM 7a: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet II
APM 7b: Culture and History of Tibet II
- 140153 SE The Biography of Rin chen bzang po
c. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium on Tibetology
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
1. Indology
1. Indology
2. Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
EC1 South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
M2: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M3: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
EC2 South Asian Studies
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
- 140091 VO Introduction to Indology
- 140344 VO Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M2: Basics of Cultural History
- 140275 VO The Pancaratra Tradition
- 140378 VO [ en ] Government and Politics in Contemporary India
EC3 Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M2: Basics of Cultural History
- 140147 VO [ en ] Dharmakirti and his Brahmin Interlocutor
- 140263 VO Man and his Diseases in the Explanatory Tantra of the rGyud bzhi
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36