1. Specializations (Kernfachkombinationen)
1.1. KFK Controlling
- 040191 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Corporate Governance
- 040246 VK KFK CTR: Spreadsheet Accounting
- 040416 FK KFK CTR: Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting
- 040417 SE [ en ] KFK CTR: Seminar (E) - Seminar (E)
- 040418 FK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Management
- 040479 VK RdW: Topics in Corporate Governance
- 040480 VK Personal Liability of Administrative and Supervisory Bodies
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040614 PR KFK CTR: Managerial Accounting with SAP
- 040626 EK KFK CF/CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
1.2. KFK Corporate Finance
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040410 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Corporate Finance
- 040422 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Corporate Finance
- 040448 PR KFK CF/FM: Financial Products
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040514 VK [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Empirical Finance
- 040569 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
- 040626 EK KFK CF/CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Seminar
- 040693 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
1.3. KFK Energy and Environmental Management
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040712 VK KFK EU: Risk Management
1.4. KFK Electronic Business
- 040013 VK KFK eB: Introduction to eBusiness
- 040281 FK KFK eB: Quality Management in Electronic Commerce
- 040339 PR KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040373 FK KFK eB: Case Studies on eBusiness
- 040574 PR KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040583 SE KFK eB: Recent developments in eBusiness & eLogistics
- 040609 FK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Advanced Topics in Organization - International Negotiations
- 040691 VK KFK eB: Economics of Electronic Commerce
- 040692 FK KFK eB: eBusiness in the Creative Industries
- 040706 FK [ en ] KFK eB: Selected topics of Human Resource Management
- 040737 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics
1.5. KFK External Business-Accounting
- 040125 VK [ en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to US-GAAP (E)
- 040269 SE KFK EUR: Seminar
- 040398 VK KFK EUR: Seminar Workshop
- 040418 FK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Management
- 040420 VK [ en ] KFK EUR: Selected Foreign Accounting Systems: UK (E)
- 040429 VK KFK EUR: Use of Accounting Software: SAP
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040619 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation - Abschlußanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung
- 040629 VK KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS II
1.6. KFK Financial Services
- 040089 EK KFK FD: Financial Services (Theory)
- 040344 SE [ en ] KFK FD: Financial Services (E)
- 040345 FK KFK FD: Advanced Topics in Financial Services
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance
- 040648 FK [ en ] KFK FD: Financial Services (Applications)
1.7. KFK Financial Markets
- 040442 EK [ en ] KFK FM: Market Microstructure
- 040444 SE KFK FM: Seminar
- 040448 PR KFK CF/FM: Financial Products
- 040514 VK [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Empirical Finance
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Seminar
1.8. Health Care Management
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040622 VK [ en ] KFK HCM: Advanced Studies in Strategic Health Care Management
- 040623 UK KFK HCM: Executive Information Systems in Health Care
- 040736 SE [ en ] KFK HCM/ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
1.9. KFK Industrial Management
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040542 VK KFK IndM: Firms and Competition
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040631 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance I
- 040632 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance II
1.10. KFK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical ITM
- 040339 PR KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040370 UK [ en ] IM/KFK ITM: International Innovation and Technology Management
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040574 PR KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040736 SE [ en ] KFK HCM/ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
- 040747 UK KFK ITM: Operational Innovation and Technology Management
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
1.11. KFK Investments
- 040458 VK RdW: Banking Law
- 040461 VK RdW: Insurance Law
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040472 VK RdW: Taxation of Investments (basics)
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040653 VK KFK CF/FM: Investment Analysis
1.12. KFK International Marketing
- 040217 SE [ en ] KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Seminar (E)
- 040223 FK [ en ] KFK iMAR: International Marketing Research: Teil 1 (E) - Process & Data
- 040501 PR [ en ] KFK iMAR: Interational Data Analysis: Methods & Interpretations (E)
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
1.13. KFK Marketing
- 040087 FK KFK MAR: Consumer Behavior: Theory (Part 1)
- 040114 PR KFK MAR: Staging Marketing A
- 040252 FK KFK MAR: Marketing Communications (Part 1) - Marketingkommunikation (Teil 1)
- 040386 FK KFK MAR: Marketing Research: Theory (Part 1)
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
1.14. KFK Operations Research
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040624 FK [ en ] KFK OR: Decision Analysis
- 040626 EK KFK CF/CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
1.15. KFK Organization
1.16. KFK Organization and Personnel
- 040220 SE [ en ] KFK ORPE: Seminar in Organization
- 040274 VK KFK ORPE: Analytical Methods in HR & Organization
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040430 VK [ en ] KFK ORPE: Applied Organizational Theory - Case Studies
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040548 VK [ en ] KFK ORPE: Business Process Design
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORPE: Sociology of Organisations
- 040599 FK [ en ] KFK ORPE: Organizational Theory
- 040609 FK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Advanced Topics in Organization - International Negotiations
- 040626 EK KFK CF/CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
- 040631 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance I
- 040632 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance II
- 040688 FK [ en ] KFK ORPE/PÖ: Advanced Personnel Economics
- 040690 FK [ en ] KFK ORPE/PÖ: High-Profile Employees, Spin-Offs and Entrepreneurship
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
1.17. KFK Advanced Personnel Economics
1.18. KFK Production Management
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040438 FK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Supply Chain Management
- 040491 VK [ en ] nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040672 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation II (PM)
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
1.19. KFK Public Utility Management
- 040358 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Theory)
- 040563 FK [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (Applications) (E)
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
1.20. KFK Revision, Tax and Escrow
- 040121 VK KFK RST: Audit
- 040122 VK KFK RST: Taxation, Accounting, Auditing of Insurance Companies - Besonderheiten der Besteuerung, Rechnungslegung und Prüfung von Versicherungsunternehmen
- 040123 VK KFK RST: Theory of Tax Counselling
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
1.21. KFK Supply Chain Management
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040438 FK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Supply Chain Management
- 040491 VK [ en ] nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
1.22. KFK Transportation Logistics
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040438 FK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Supply Chain Management
- 040491 VK [ en ] nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
- 040682 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics II (PM)
1.23. KFK Business Informatics
- 040021 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar on Business Intelligence (E)
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040084 UK KFK WINF: E-Business - Technologien und Anwendungen
- 040261 VK KFK WINF: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- 040284 VK RdW: Topics in Electronic Commerce
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040804 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar Knowledge Management (E)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36