Universität Wien

28.01. Earthsciences BACHELOR & MASTER

Verpflichtende elektronische Erstanmeldung Online für Bachelor-, Master-, Lehramts- und Diplomstudien an der Universität Wien.
Bis 31. August 2011 müssen sich InteressentInnen für das gewünschte Studium online anmelden. Erst im Anschluss ist die persönliche Zulassung vor Ort möglich:


1. STEOP - Compulsory Introduction phase

StEOP The Earth System

STEOP Mineralogy and Crystallography

STEOP Mathematics IA

StEOP Chemistry IA

2. Compulsory Modules

PM Chemistry IB

PM Biology I

PM System Earth: Field Trip

PM Mathematics IB

PM Palaeobiodiversity

PM Physics I

PM Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals

PM Petrography

PM Geological Methodology and Maps

PM Chemistry II

PM Mineralogy II - Ore and Industrial Minerals

PM Petrology and Geochemistry of Crystalline Rocks

PM Earth History and Stratigraphy

PM Applied and Environmantal Geology I

PM Geological Mapping

PM Geological Mapping (above ground) (PI)
PM Geological Mapping (below ground) (PI)

PM Mathematics II

PM Physics II and Geophysics

PM Sedimentology and Facies Analysis

PM Structural Geology and Tectonics

PM Regional Geology

PM Biostratigraphy und Evolution of life

PM Geochemistry, Elementcycles and Isotope Geology

PM Mathematics III

PM Applied Mineralogy in Material Science

PM Petrology

PM Applied and Environmantal Geology II

PM Biology II

PM Quarternary Geology and Geomorphology

PM Taphonomy and Palaeoecology

PM Bachelor Thesis

3. Elective Modules

BA30 Alternative Module I

BA31 Alternative Module II


1. Alternative compulsory module group (APMG)

1.1. Angewandte- und Umweltgeologie (A&U)

AP0_01 Hydrodynamics
AP0_02 Hydrochemistry
AP0_03 Environmental Modelling
AP0_04 Environmental Pollutants
AP0_05 Applied Geomicrobiology
AP0_06 Applied Field and Lab Methods

1.2. Geology (Geo)

GP0_07 Sedimentology
GP0_08 Stratigraphy
GP0_09 Quantitative Structural Geology and Tectonics
GP0_10 Isotope geology
GP0_11 Geochemistry
GP0_12 Petrogenesis

1.3. Mineralogy und Cristallography (M&K))

MP0_13 Crystal-structure Analysis I
MPO_14 Crystal-Structure Analysis II
MP0_15 Mineral Spectroscopy I
MP0_16 Crystal-structure analysis II
MP0_17 Crystallography
MP0_18 Crystal Chemistry - Crystal Physics

1.4. Palaeontology (Paläo)

PP1_19 Palaeoceanography
PP2_20 Applied Micropalaeontology
PP0_21 Palaeontological Labor Techniques
PP0_22 Palaeontological Field Techniques
PP1_23 Marine Palaeoenvironments
PP2_24 Palaeoclimatology and Palaeobiogeography

2. Alternative Modul-group

W0_25 Remediation organic Pollutants

W0_26 Remediation Inorganic Pollutants

W0_27 Geological Ressources, Environment and Management

W0_28 Environemental Isotopes

W0_29 Applied Geophysics

W0_30 Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis

W0_31 GIS and 3D Modelling

W0_32 Quartärforschung

W0_33 Quatification of geological processes

W0_34 Cosmochemisty and Planetary Geology

W0_35 Microtectonics

W0_36 Geology of Hydrocarbons and seismic interpretation

W2_37 Carbonate Sedimentology

W2_38 Geophysical Methods

W0_39 Geochronology

W0_40 Modelling of Geochemical Processes

W2_41 Remote Sensing Techniques

W0_42 Biogeochemie

W1_43 Volcanology

W2_44 Experimental Petrology

W0_45 Petrological Thermodynamics

W0_46 Geological Mapping

W2_47 Geohazards and Risk

W1_48 Applied Mineralogy I

W2_49 Applied Mineralogy II

W1_50 Mineral Materials I

W2_51 Mineral Materials II

W0_52 Applied Crystal-structure Analysis

W1_53 Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates

W2_54 Palaeodiversity of plants

W1_55 Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates

W2_56 Terrestrial Actuopalaeontology

W1_57 Palaeontology and Evolution

W2_58 Applied Palaeobotany

W0_59 Earth Science field trips I

W0_60 Earth Science field trips II

W0_61 Instrumental Analytical Methods I

W0_62 Instrumental Analytical Methods II

W1_63 Instrumental Analytical Methods III

W2_64 Instrumental analytical methods IV

C. Additional teaching Earth Sciences

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36