Compulsory Modules: 2 Advanced Special Topic Modules
Advanced Special Topic Module A
- 060005 VO+UE [ de en ] The Jewish Communities in Austria - their daily life, religion, society and culture from the 14th until the mid-20th century.
- 060017 SE Early Christian Antisemitism
- 060062 VO+UE Antisemitism and Shoah in American films from the 70ies
- 060063 VO+UE Jerusalem and the Holy Land. History in Pictures.
- 060079 VO+UE Jews under Islam: Source study
- 060097 VO The History of Antisemitism from the Middle Ages to contemporary times
Advanced Special Topic Module B
- 060007 VO+UE Rabbinic Theology
- 060012 VO Not every Louis is King of France...: Jews and Christians in medieval France
- 060015 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
- 060060 VO+UE Emmanuel Lévinas philosophy in context with other Jewish thinkers of the 20th century
- 060065 VO+UE Rabbinic Anthropology
- 060068 VO+UE [ de he ] Modern Hebrew Exercises
- 060071 SE Erich Fromm
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36