9. Master Degree Programme - Ukrainian
9.1. Language Acquisition
- 130005 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Basic Level
- 130007 UE Polish as second Slavic Language - together with part 1
- 130009 UE Czech Language Course A: Basic Level
- 130029 UE Russian as second Slavic Language - Continuation of the summer semester
- 130040 UE Advanced Ukrainian Language Skills 1
- 130058 UE Slovak as second Slavic Language
- 130062 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Basic Level
- 130072 UE Czech Language Course B: Basic Level
- 130092 UE B/K/S as a second Slavic language
- 130140 UE Slovene Language Course: Basic Level
- 130252 UE Slovak Language Course: Basic Level
9.2. Historical-Philological Module
9.3. Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130143 VO Slavic Literature and Culture - Ivan Mazepa - a hero of Slavonic and European Literatures
- 130170 VO Narrative Theories in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130199 KO Polish-Ukrainian relations in the Early Modern Times
- 130241 SE Polish and Ukrainian literature - Baroque periode
9.4. Linguistics
- 130103 KO Colloquium on West and East Slavic Lingustics - East-West Slavic language contacts
- 130120 VO Slavic Linguistics - Slavic Language History before the Beginning of Writing
- 130206 SE East Slavic Standard Languages in their historical dimension
- 130250 VO Russian Verb
- 130254 VO Linguistics
9.5 Master Module
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37