2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
Die Module des 2. Studienabschnitts setzen grundsätzlich die positive Absolvierung des 1. Studienabschnitts voraus. Vor Abschluß des 1. Studienabschnitts können Module des 2. Studienabschnitts im Umfang von maximal 30 ECTS absolviert werden.
D32 Contemporary Philosophy
- 010351 VO Contemporary philosophy
D33 Old Testament Studies III
- 010019 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament - Schöpfung der Welt und Erwählung Israels
D34 New Testament Studies III
- 010024 VO New Testament Exegesis
D35 Fundamental Theological God-Talk Today
D36 Theology of Creation and Eschatology
- 010056 VO Theology of Creation and Eschatology
D37 Theological Anthropology and Teaching of Grace
D38 Ecumenical Theology: Theologies and Churches of the Reformation
D39 Current Topics of Moral Theology
- 010023 VO Current Topics in Moral Theology II
D40 Social Studies II: Political Ethics and Economic Ethics
D41 Comparative Studies of Religions
- 010065 VO Study of Religions II
D42 Liturgical Studies, Sacramental Theology, Matrimonial Law
- 010099 VO Matrimonial Law of the Church
D43 Thematic Module: Dogma and Reason
- 010012 SE The Reason of Faith in the Context of Modernity
- 010017 UE Theology of History
- 010058 LS On the Code of Dogma
- 010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
D44 Philosophy of Language
- 010016 VO Philosophy of Language
D45 Philosophy of Science
D46 Introduction to Judaism
D47 Theology of the Church Fathers and Mariology
- 010009 VO Theological Key Terms of the Patristic Theology
- 010010 UE Reading Course on Theological Key Terms of the Patristic Theology
- 010059 VO Mariology
D48 Sacramental Celebrations: In-Depth- Studies
- 010054 VO Sacramental Celebrations II: Eucharist
- 010121 VO Canon Law on the Sacraments
D49 Specific Pastoral Theologies
- 010086 VU Specific Pastoral Theologies
- 010087 VU Pastoral Identity
D50 Homiletics
D51 Church History: Enlightenment to Present
DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010025 DS The Exodus Made in Hollywood - Biblical Concepts of Redemption and Salvation in Contemporary Film
- 010032 DS The Church Facing Matrimony during the Middle Ages
- 010033 DS The Catholic Church in Austria in the Modern Period: Selected Topics
- 010034 FS Current Discourses in Church Historiography and Discussion of Ongoing Research Projects
- 010038 DS Michel Foucault - Practices of Self-Formation (techniques de soi) in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Christianity with respect to their significance for the modern age
- 010041 FS Workshop for Postgraduates and Graduands
- 010043 DS The ethical relevance of emotional intelligence
- 010044 FS Bioethics
- 010055 FS Colloquium for diploma and doctoral students
- 010064 FS Christology
- 010075 DS Christianity and Islam in Egypt. From the Origins to the Present
- 010076 FS Time and God. Plotin, Heidegger
- 010106 DS Movimenti nella Chiesa, communita spirituali e istituti religiosi
- 010113 FS Culture of Remembrance
- 010114 FS Generative Bildarbeit
- 010118 DS Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010123 FS Phenomenology of Spirit. Absolute Knowing
- 010128 DS Seminar FK4/D31/DAM/MAM
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37