D31 Seminars for In-Depth Studies in Philosophy and Theology
- 010021 BA Prophecy and social criticism. Biblical and ethical perspectives
- 010022 SE Sexual Violence in the Old Testament
- 010025 DS The Exodus Made in Hollywood - Biblical Concepts of Redemption and Salvation in Contemporary Film
- 010032 DS The Church Facing Matrimony during the Middle Ages
- 010033 DS The Catholic Church in Austria in the Modern Period: Selected Topics
- 010034 FS Current Discourses in Church Historiography and Discussion of Ongoing Research Projects
- 010035 SE Church - neighbour Baltics - Traces of its ecclesiastical past and pastoral present
- 010038 DS Michel Foucault - Practices of Self-Formation (techniques de soi) in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Christianity with respect to their significance for the modern age
- 010040 SE Religious violence and its transformation: René Girard´s apology of Christianity
- 010041 FS Workshop for Postgraduates and Graduands
- 010042 BA Is Christian sexually ethics better than its reputation?
- 010043 DS The ethical relevance of emotional intelligence
- 010044 FS Bioethics
- 010055 FS Colloquium for diploma and doctoral students
- 010064 FS Christology
- 010068 SE Methoden (Religionspsychologie): Transpersonale Psychologie
- 010075 DS Christianity and Islam in Egypt. From the Origins to the Present
- 010076 FS Time and God. Plotin, Heidegger
- 010089 BA A way of encounter with God - principal lines and dynamic of Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
- 010106 DS Movimenti nella Chiesa, communita spirituali e istituti religiosi
- 010107 BA Seminar FK3/D31/BAM
- 010108 BA Parish - and what else? Analysis of different forms of Christian communities
- 010113 FS Culture of Remembrance
- 010114 FS Generative Bildarbeit
- 010115 BA Women in the passion gospels and easter gospels (canonical and apocryphal)
- 010116 SE Suicidal crisis. Pyschological, philosophical and theological problems - Psychologische, philosophische und theologische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem der Suizidalität
- 010118 DS Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010123 FS Phenomenology of Spirit. Absolute Knowing
- 010125 SE Schekinah and Sophia
- 010128 DS Seminar FK4/D31/DAM/MAM
- 010320 BA Liturgy and Life through the Eyes of a 4th century Woman: the Itinerarium Egeriae
- 020015 SE Sexual Violence in the Old Testament
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:02