Master Degree Programme / Second Stage of the Diploma Degree and Teacher Training Programme
2.1. Command of Language
- 110092 UE [ fr ] French A
- 110046 UE [ fr ] Französisch / Français A - -
- 110090 UE [ fr ] French B
- 110225 UE [ fr ] French B
- 110134 UE [ fr ] French 6 - -
- 110032 UE [ fr ] French 6
2.2. Linguistics
- 110271 SE [ de fr ] Linguistics Seminar French - -
- 110248 SE [ fr ] Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110223 SE [ de es fr it pt ] Linguistics Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110246 VO [ fr ] Linguistics Lecture French - -
- 110220 VO [ ca de es fr it oc ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
- 110296 VO Sprachwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (BA/MA) - Franz./Ital./Span./Port./Rum. - -
- 110208 VO [ de fr ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
2.3. Literary Studies
- 110348 SE [ de fr ] Literature Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110110 VO [ fr ] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (BA/MA) - Französisch - Jeanne d'Arc - un mythe national et ses avatars littéraires
2.4. Media Studies
- 110165 SE [ de fr ] Media Studies Seminar (MA) - French - -
2.5. Regional Studies
- 110245 SE [ fr ] Regional Studies Seminar (MA) - French - -
- 110012 VO [ fr ] Landeswissenschaftliche Vorlesung - Französisch - -
- 110220 VO [ ca de es fr it oc ] Linguistics Lecture (MA) - French - -
2.6. Subject Didactics
- 160057 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group II French
- 110326 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group III French - -
- 110315 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group IV French
2.7. Privatissima
- 110159 PV Privatissimum - Pier Pasolini und Leonard Sciascia: Disorganische Intellektuelle auf Freibeuterei
- 110154 PV [ de es fr ] Privatissimum - -
- 110182 PV [ de es fr ] Privatissimum - -
- 110202 PV [ de fr it ] Privatissimum - -
- 160058 PV Research Workshop - Tutorial
- 420009 PV Privatissimum for Doctoral Candidates - Romance study group : linguistics and sociology of communication
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37