Second or Third Stage of the Degree Programme
- 160002 PS A Practical Approach to Academic Writing - Academic writing
- 160003 PS Linguistic Aspects of Knowledge Management
- 160006 PV Privatissimum 1 - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
- 160007 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Natural Morphology
- 160011 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - PS in Language Politics: Excursion
- 160016 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160024 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Sign Languages: Structure and Acquisition
- 160025 PS Methods of Applied Linguistics
- 160039 SE [ en ] Seminar in semantics: questions
- 160041 VO Introduction to Diachronic Phonology and Morphology - Introduction to historical phonology
- 160044 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160045 VO Introduction to Patholinguistics
- 160046 PV Privatissimum 2
- 160047 SE Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Phonology and the lexicon
- 160050 VO [ de en ] VO in typology and comparative grammatical theory - Double Object Constructions
- 160051 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar on Cognitive Psychology for Linguists - Sentence processing
- 160054 SE [ en ] Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Natural Pedagogy: Ostensive Communication and Cultural Knowledge Transmission
- 160055 PS Language skills in language teaching and learning contexts
- 160057 AR [ de fr ] Didactics Work Group II French
- 160058 PV Research Workshop - Tutorial
- 160064 PV Privatissimum 2 - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
- 160090 VO Introduction to (Foreign) Language Teaching Research
- 160098 PV Privatissimum 1 - (Pflicht für alle DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 160100 VO Lecture on Typology and Comparative Theory of Grammar - Einführung in die Sprachkontaktforschung
- 160114 PS Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics
- 160127 SE Discourse analytic and sociolinguistic Seminar - Medical and health communication
- 160129 PS Introductory seminar in this subject area - Exhaustivity: Semantics and Psycholinguistics
- 160144 VO Introduction to Ethnolinguistics II - Language-Culture & Thought-Cognition-Reality
- 160145 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar on Language Acquisition - Language acquisition in typical and atypical populations
- 160148 SE [ en ] Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Advanced research seminar in psycolinguistics
- 160155 PS Jour fixe Sign Languages - Sign Languages 3
- 160160 PS [ en ] Practical Training in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Experimental methods in psycholinguistics
- 160173 UE Scientific Writing for Acceleration the ending of diplom studies
- 160174 VO Neurolinguistics
- 160190 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Syntax and semantics of quantification
- 160206 PS Introduction to Semantics
- 160207 PS Theory of Science and Linguistics - Philosophy of Language
- 160208 SE Seminar Theory of Grammar - Semantics
- 160211 VO Celtic Linguistics - From Indo-European to British Celtic: historical phonology
- 160213 UE [ de ga ] UE Celtic language - Modern Irish - text comprehension and pronunciation for beginners
- 160231 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160233 PS Introductory Seminar in Indo-European linguistics
- 160242 PV Privatissimum II
- 160244 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Reconstruction
- 160247 PS Introductory seminar in this subject area - Dialect Syntax
- 160250 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160334 VO Introduction to pragmatics
- 160394 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology - Phonetics and the Phonetics - Phonology Interface
Last modified: Mo 02.10.2023 01:32