Special Teaching Programmes
Here you find details on Individual Degree Programmes, e.g. Development Studies or Nursing Science, Multidisciplinary Degree Programmes e.g. Risk Research or Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science, Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes like the Master Programme Gender Studies, language courses and various preparatory courses.
0.01 Individual Degree Programmes
1. Development Studies
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Orientation Period
- 140201 VO STEOP: Introduction to International Development
- 140218 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140220 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140222 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140219 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140223 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140224 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140226 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140200 VO STEOP: Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 140240 AG Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 140242 AG Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
- 140243 AG Discussion Class: Development Co-operation and Politics
- 140246 AG Development Policies and Development Co-operation: Lecture Class
2. Core Subjects
- 140235 VO [ de en ] KW1 - K IV - Introductory Lecture: Development Economics
- 140195 VO KG1- KV - International Development in Historical Context
- 140230 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140231 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140232 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - (engl.)
- 140239 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140276 KU [ de en ] Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140234 KU International Development in Historical Context
- 140237 KU International Development in Historical Context
- 140248 KU International Development in Historical Context
- 140249 KU International Development in Historical Context
- 140269 KU International Development in Historical Context
- 140260 KU Political Aspects of Development - State - Development - Environment
- 140238 KU Political Aspects of Development - Demokratietheorie und -entwicklung
- 140264 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - External Democracy Promotion in Foreign and Development Policy: Chances and Limits
- 140267 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - Human Rights
- 140326 KU Political Aspects of Development - Von Athen bis Dar es Salaam: Politische Ideengeschichte zu Staat und Entwicklung
3. Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140273 VO Transdisciplinary Development Research A - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140256 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research B - Global Inequalities: Theories and Empirical Evidence
- 140257 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Internationale Stadtentwicklung
- 140258 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Culture - Identity - Gender. Critical Revisions of Unambiguity and Definiteness from a Cultural, Postcolonial, Queer, and Gender Perspective
- 140272 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - The Power of Power
4. Continental Analysis
- 140247 VO RTV - KOA - Natur and Ecology in Latin America - Nachhaltige Nutzung und Erhaltung der Natur
- 140252 VO Lecture Series: Traditions
- 140253 VO RTV - KOA - Development and Philosophy
- 140254 VO RTV - KOA - Latin America - Political history - Eine 4. Welle der Demokratisierung?
- 230179 VO Migration and Integration Research - multidisciplinary perspectives
- 290111 RV Lecture Series: Natural Catastrophes and its coverages
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Transdisciplinary Development Research (T I - T IV)
T I Socio-Cultural Development
- 140376 VO Quantitative Research in International Development
- 140266 SE T I - Social Utopia in Postdevelopment
- 140379 SE T II - Social Movements, State, and Interventions in the ‚New‘ Arab-Islamic World
- 140270 SE T I - New Media and political participation
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Refugees and Asylum - Gesellschaftliche Konstitutionsprozesse im Praxisfeld Flucht und Asyl aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
- 140346 UE MM1 - Methods of quantitative Reseach
- 140347 UE MM1 - Methods of qualitative Reseach
- 140154 KU Transnationalisation and diasporisation - Focus on Africa
- 180182 SE Rethinking studying: knowledge production and audiovisual practices
- 230032 VO+SE [ en ] Urban Sociology
- 230036 VO+SE Populism, authoritarianism, and social crises - Comparing political, economic and social situation in Austria and Hungary
- 230096 SE Social Division in the City - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Segregation and Gentrification
- 230102 VO [ en ] Sociology of Globalization - Conceptual and methodological issues
- 230103 SE [ de en ] Population Dynamics and Social Change
- 230142 SE Economic Practices and beyond - The economization of the social from a praxeological perspective
- 230148 WS Diagnosis of Society: Global interdependence - The relevance of colonialism
- 140353 SE T I - Borders as conflictive sites of globalisation
T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140277 VO T III - International Law and Development
- 140333 SE Historic Roots of Uneven Development - Aspekte der Globalisierung
- 140335 SE Internationalism and Global Inequality
- 140396 SE [ en ] Indigenous Movements in Latin America in a Global Perspective
- 140397 SE [ en ] T II - Global Human Rights
- 140185 SE The colonial and post-colonial Development State. Seminar in African Contemporary History
- 140534 SE Issues of global uneven development
- 070166 VO [ en ] Theories and Methods of Global History
- 140101 UE [ en ] Cultural History of Muslims in India
- 140132 VO Postcolonial African History
- 140133 VO History of Central Africa 2
- 140138 VO Southern Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 140151 KU The network in the Indian Ocean as cultural and economic space
- 140182 KU Politics and Religion in Southern Africa
- 140343 SE Ritual and Politics in Nepal
- 150033 VO Japanese Politics and Economy
- 150054 VO+UE VU: a History of East Asia
- 150105 VO History of Japan
- 150172 VO Political Development in Korea since 1945
- 290078 VO [ en ] Vietnam - Socio-Economic and Cultural Transformations within theSoutheast and East Asian Context
T III Development Policy
- 140277 VO T III - International Law and Development
- 140376 VO Quantitative Research in International Development
- 140278 SE T III - Political Economy of Privatization
- 140279 SE T III - Human Security in Asia, Africa and Latinamerica
- 140280 SE T III - Finance for Development - Development Aid
- 140533 SE Transformation Processes in the Middle East
- 140282 SE T III - State Building as Conflict Prevention - Externes Engagement in fragilen Situationen
- 140358 VO+UE T III Poverty
- 140395 SE [ en ] A Global Perspective on War and State Formation - Brazil's Foreign and Economic Policy Adaption to current Stages of Globalization
- 040128 SE Development Policy - Von Lateinamerika bis Griechenland - Insolvenz souveräner Staaten und Lösungsstrategien
- 040034 SE BW VM: Co-operative systems
- 150051 SE [ en ] SE International Relations in East Asia
- 140155 KU Processes of democratization and political systems in Africa
- 150128 SE [ en ] SE Economic Development in East Asia
- 150180 VO+UE [ en ] VU Current political developments in East Asia
- 140360 SE [ en ] Rethinking the Relationship between Political Corruption and Development
- 290076 VO City and Region
- 140353 SE T I - Borders as conflictive sites of globalisation
T IV Culture and Development/Gender Studies
- 140192 SE Gender politics - imaging catastrophe, famine and war in international development - Genderpolitische Diskurs- und Bildproduktion von ZeugInnenschaft zu Katastrophen, Krieg und Leiden in der internationalen Arena
- 140283 SE T IV - Migration and Gender
- 140284 SE [ en ] Gender and Postcolonial Critique
- 140288 AG [ en ] Research within prison settings: Ethical and Methodological concerns
- 140290 SE [ de es ] Estudios Culturales (span.) - (Kultur und soziale Veränderungen in der Globalisierung)
- 140294 SE Feminist International Relations
- 140385 SE "Colonial" and "Postcolonial" Legal Pluralism
- 140164 VO Gender and Power in Africa: Eighteenth Century to the Present
- 140182 KU Politics and Religion in Southern Africa
- 150025 VO Japan and the West: Mutual Influences in Popular Music
- 150027 PS [ de ko ] PS Korean art and culture from a gender studies point of view
- 150087 VO Religions in Japan
- 230064 SE Gender and Globalisation
- 230164 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work II
- 140343 SE Ritual and Politics in Nepal
- 140356 KU [ en ] Fictional Representations of the African One-Party State and Military Regime
- 140357 KU [ en ] Third Millennium Imaging of Post-Colonial African Wars
- 140359 VO [ en ] Mother-Daughter Relationships in Europhone Women's Fiction from Sub-Saharan Africa
2. Development Planning and Management (P)
P I Introduction to Development Planning
- 140297 UE PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning
- 140298 UE PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning - Development Effectiveness ein neues Schlagwort?
- 140299 UE PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning
- 140354 UE [ en ] PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning - Participatory Project Planning - methods and tools (engl.)
- 140386 UE PR1 - P I - Project Cycle Management - (PCM) of industrial development projects
P II Introduction to Development Management and Evaluation
- 140300 UE PR1 - P II - Project Design
- 140302 UE PR1 - P II - Just Social Change - Community Based Project Planning and Implementation - in Ostafrika
- 140305 UE PR1 - P II - Evaluation of Collaborative Development Assistance Projects
- 140307 UE [ en ] PR1 - P II - Engaging Development Research into Action: Challenges and Considerations - A Conceptual and Analytical Introduction to Systems Thinking (engl.)
- 140310 UE PR1 - P II - Development in Practice - Stakeholders and Trends
- 140386 UE PR1 - P I - Project Cycle Management - (PCM) of industrial development projects
- 230166 TR Project Management and Evaluation
P III Intercultural Communication
- 140134 KU Scientific Lecturing: Production and Presentation
- 140311 UE World and Representation in Intercultural Communication
- 140312 UE Intercultural Communication
- 140315 UE [ en ] Health and Human Rights: the Challenges of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
- 140348 UE [ en ] PR1 - P III - Communication Basics - (engl.)
- 140382 UE Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding - A Task for Development Cooperation - Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- 140463 UE Constructively Coping with Conflicts
3. Special Seminars
- 140317 SE SE IE - Gender, Economics & Postcolonial Critique
- 140329 SE SE IE - Development in Novels : a Transdisciplinary Approach - Erzählte Entwicklung. Romane und graphic novels aus und über den globalen Süden
- 140331 SE SE IE - Corporate Social Responsibility and Indiginous Rights - ein effektives Instrument zum Schutz indigener und sozialer Rechte?
- 140332 SE SE IE - Interculturality and development co-operation : a Transdisciplinary Approach - Wieviel Praxis braucht die Theorie. Wieviel Theorie braucht die Praxis?
- 010114 FS Generative Bildarbeit
- 140166 SE Politics and History: Statehood and Systems Beyond, Africa
4. Diploma Seminars
- 140334 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140336 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140340 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140342 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140345 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140352 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
- 140392 SE Diploma and Dissertation Seminar
3. Celtic Studies
- 160010 VO VO Celtic cultural studies B - Introduction to Celtic Studies
- 160020 VO VO Celtic cultural studies A - The celts and teir money: the expansion of the celts; from the begin to the end of celtic coinage
- 160043 PS PS Celtic cultural studies B - Celtic Culture: Notions and Concepts
- 160094 UE [ de ga ] UE Celtic language - Modern Welsh (drill section)
- 160157 VO [ en ] Linguistic introduction to a Celtic language - Modern Welsh
- 160162 UE UE Celtic language - Modern Irish II
- 160211 VO Celtic Linguistics - From Indo-European to British Celtic: historical phonology
- 160213 UE [ de ga ] UE Celtic language - Modern Irish - text comprehension and pronunciation for beginners
- 160214 LG [ en ] Archeological Field School 1 - Iron Age settlement Meillionydd, Llyn peninsula, North Wales
- 160220 LG [ en ] Archeological Field School 2 - Iron Age settlement Meillionydd, Llyn peninsula, North Wales
- 160226 VO [ de en ] Linguistic introduction to a Celtic language - Modern Irish - text comprehension and conversation - advanced II
- 160245 SE SE Celtic languages and philologies - Old-Irish religious literature
3. Numismatics and Monetary History
4. Nursing Science
B. IDS Nursing Science, Old Curricula
- 230140 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230149 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230169 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230171 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
5. Studies of Religions
0.02 Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
A. Master Degree Programme Gender Studies
1. Introductory Module
- 240118 GR M1 - GR Guided Reading (4 ECTS) - Anne McClintocks "Imperial Leather"
- 240120 UE M1 - UE Introduction to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (5 ECTS) - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240121 VO M1 - VO Introduction to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (3 ECTS) - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
2. Theories and Methods in Gender Studies (12 ECTS)
- 240115 SE M2-SE Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies - Diskursanalyse aus heteronormativitätskritischer Perspektive
- 240216 SE M2 - SE Theories of Gender Studies (6 ECTS) - Befragung in Erhebung und Auswertung
- 240225 VO M2 - VO Theories and Methods (3 ECTS) - Feministische Politische Ökonomie
3. Topics and Themes of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology - gilt als LV für das Spezialisierungs-EC Strafrecht
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender Studies
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics
- 210020 VO M8 a: Gender and Politics
- 210134 SE M8 a: Gender and Politics
- 210136 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics
- 230099 VO+SE "And yet...they make music" - Sociological perspectives on women in classical music
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 240119 VO+UE M3 - Themenfelder der Gender Studies
- 240123 SE M3 - Themenfelder der Gender Studies - Mediale Geschlechterbilder
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
4. Transfer Modules
5. Focus Module (10 ECTS)
- 240110 SE M5 - SE Focus Module (6 ECTS) - Vom 'sexed brain' zu 'gendered neurocultures'
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
6. Gender Specific Communication and Organisations Skills (11 ECTS)
- 240103 UE M6 - UE Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills - Gender & Didaktik
- 240114 VO+UE M6 - Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstätte - Genderreflektierte Schreibwerkstätte
7. Practical Experience (10 ECTS)
- 240105 PR M7 - PR Practical Experience - Research Workshop
8. Reflection Module (10 ECTS)
- 240111 AG M8 - AG Reflection Module (6 ECTS) - Kultur bis in die Gene! Grenzüberschreitungen und Genderperspektiven am Beispiel der Epigenetik
5. Final Stage
9.a. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (4 ECTS)
- 240122 KO Master Thesis' Seminar - Monitoring Course
- 240124 KO Master Thesis' Seminar - Monitoring Course
2. MEi: CogSci - Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science (Joint Degree)
1. Required Modules
1.1. Basic Modules
B-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science I
B-M-CS Introduction into Research I
1.2. Advanced Modules
A-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science II
- 180004 SE [ en ] Introduction to Cognitive Science II: Key Topics in Cognitive Science
- 180005 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Topic-Seminar - Cognition and Education - Investigating Ways of Learning
A-M-CS Introduction into Research II
- 180007 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Student Conference Seminar
1.3. Specialisation
S-I-CS New Trends in Cognitive Science
S-I-CSM Master Thesis Seminar
- 180011 SE [ en ] Master Thesis Seminar in Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science and Knowledge Technologies
2. Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Modules - Discipline
B-D-AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
B-D-BIO Introduction to Behavioural Biology
B-D-LIN Introduction to Linguistics
B-D-NEU Introduction to Neuroscience
B-D-PHI Introduction to Philosophy
- 180031 KO [ en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
B-D-PSY Introduction to Psychology
- 180008 KO [ en ] MEi: CogSci Psychology Discussion
- 180009 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
2.2. Basic Tools Modules
B-M-PRO Basic Mathematics and Programming
B-M-STA Basic Statistics
- 180006 VO+UE [ en ] Tools in Cognitive Science II: Basic Statistics for Cognitive Scientists
2.3. Advanced Tools Modules
2.4. Specialisation
3. Elective Modules
3.1. Basic Module - Discipline
B-D-ANT Introduction to Anthropology
3.2. Advanced Module - Discipline
3.3. Elective Module
W-D-C Elective Module
3. Master Degree Programme in Science-Technology-Society
0.03 Multidisciplinary Courses
1. Computer-Oriented Teaching in Natural and Life Sciences
Introductory and General Courses
Special Interdisciplinary Topics
2. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 030054 KU Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030488 VO Medical Law II - (besonderer Teil)
3. Risk Research
4. Study Module "Cultural Sciences and Cultural Studies"
CS I (Basics)
CS II (Methods and Techniques)
- 110173 SE Selected topics of Cultural Studies
CS III (Practice)
5. CSP Gender Studies
1. Basic Module CSP Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240112 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240125 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen - Wo ist denn hier das Geschlecht?
2. Advanced Module CSP Gender Studies (20 ECTS)
- 180176 VO Introduction into philosophical Gender Studies - Beauvoir, Irigaray, Butler
- 240116 UE EC-Advanced Module UE Gender Workshop (5 ECTS)
- 240226 VO EC-Advanced Module VO Particular Questions of Gender Studies in Cultural Studies (3 ECTS)
- 240227 VO EC-Advanced Module VO Particular Questions of Gender Studies in Social Sciences (3 ECTS)
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
6. Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science
- 180177 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
1. Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science
- 180177 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
1.1. Introductory Courses
1.2. Advanced Courses
- 180177 SE [ en ] Dissertation Seminar in Knowledge Technologies, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Science
- 390045 DK [ en ] PhD-M: Philosophy of Science - Foundations and Practicing Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Science and Technology
1.3. MEi:CogSci -- Middle European Interdisciplinary Joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
2. Social Studies of Science
2.1. Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
2.2. Advanced Social Studies of Science
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
2.3. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) Social Studies of Science
2.3.1. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230152 UK Embodied Knowledge
- 230153 UK When an expert and a lay person meet... - Introduction to the relationship between technosciences and the public
- 230154 UK 'It is not at all possible to regard things simply as given.' - An introduction into the constitution of scientific facts
2.3.2. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
- 230150 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to the Social Studies of Science II
- 230151 KO How social is scientific knowledge?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
2.4. Master Degree Programme in Science-Technology-Society
1. Basics Science-Technology-Society
2. Project Design and Development
- 230159 SE [ en ] Grant Writing and Project Management
3. Module Group Research Specialisations
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230172 SE [ en ] Analysing the practices of scientific knowledge production
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
- 230155 SE [ en ] Imagination and imaging in scientific practice
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230163 SE [ en ] Practicing Difference Science, Medicine, and Gender
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230156 SE [ en ] The 'Same' Person? Past, Present, and Future of Identification Practices and Techniques
- 230157 SE [ en ] Global Problems and Local Solutions? Co-Enacting 'Sustainability' on Different Scales
- 230161 SE [ en ] Doing and analyzing interviews: Qualitative research in STS
- 230162 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and their Publics
- 230174 SE [ en ] Risk in Contemporary Culture
- 230175 SE [ en ] Geographies of Science
- 230176 SE [ en ] A triple helix? - How to combine Science & Technology Studies (STS), Luhmann's social systems theory, and scientometric operationalizations
4. Additional Individual Specialisation (IS)
5. Master Seminars (MS)
- 230160 SE-MA [ en ] Coping with trouble II: Seminar for Master Students in 'Science-Technology-Society' (STS)
3. Courses for Doctoral Candidates
- 230158 SE [ de en ] Seminar for PhD-students in Social Studies of Science
- 230173 SE [ de en ] New trends in Science and Technology Studies - Seminar for doctoral students in Science & Technology Studies
0.04 Language Courses
0.05 Preparatory Courses for the Special University Entrance Qualification Examination and Supplementary Examinations
0.06. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) - Courses for Students from other Degree Programmes
CSP Egyptology
CSP Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
CSP Arabic Culture and Language
CSP Business Administration
CSP Education Theory/Education Research
CSP Byzantine Culture
CSP German as a Foreign/Second Language and Germanic Linguistics
CSP German Philology
EC Deutsche Wissenschaftssprache und Studierstrategien (für Studierende internationaler Mobilitätsprogramme)
CSP The Bible: Book and Text
CSP The Bible: History and Interpretation
CSP Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
CSP Introduction to the Science of Law
CSP Empirical Sociology
CSP Entrepreneurship
CSP Ethics
CSP eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
CSP European Ethnology - Advanced
CSP European Ethnology - Basics
CSP European History of Music
CSP Finnish Culture and Language
CSP Gender Studies
CSP History
CSP History of Philosophy
CSP Global Corporate Management
CSP Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
CSP Greek and Roman History
CSP Basics of Ancient History
CSP Basics of Inclusive Education
CSP Basics of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP Basics of Economics
CSP Basics of Life-Long Learning
CSP Basics of Public Communication
CSP Basics of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) I
CSP Basics and Methods of Studies of Religions
CSP Basics of Statistical Methods
CSP Key Issues in the History of Religion
CSP Intercultural Skills East Asia
CSP International Literary Transfer
CSP International Law
CSP Islam History and Religion
CSP Japanese Culture
CSP Japanese Language, Culture and Society
CSP Jewish Studies
CSP Celtic Languages
CSP Classical Archeology
CSP Classical Philology
CSP Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa
CSP Cultural Studies
CSP Cultural Celtic Studies
CSP Art History
EC Medienästhetik im Alltagseinsatz
CSP World Music
CSP Scientific Thinking: Case Studies, Fundamentals and Influences
CSP Numismatics of Antiquity
CSP Numismatics of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
CSP Numismatic Practice and Cataloguing
CSP Public Law
CSP Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) II
CSP Philosophicum
CSP Private Law - The Formation of Law in Course of Life and Business
CSP Psychoanalysis (Basics)
CSP Psychoanalysis (Advanced)
CSP Law in Historical, Social and Philosophical Context
CSP Scandinavian Studies
CSP Scandinavian Studies: Baltic Sea Region Studies
CSP Slavic Interculturality
CSP Basics of Slavonic Studies I
CSP Basics of Slavonic Studies II
CSP Sociological Analyses of Society
CSP Computer Science in Sport
CSP Statistics
CSP Criminal Law and Criminology
CSP South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP South Asian Studies
CSP Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP The World of English 1
CSP The World of English 2
CSP The World of English 3
CSP Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP Turkish Studies I
CSP Turkish Studies II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
CSP Prehistory and Early History
CSP Economics
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
0.07 Center for Doctoral Studies
- 980001 TS Info Session: Doctoral Study at the University of Vienna
- 980002 TS [ en ] Doctoral Studies at the University of Vienna: Info Session
- 980003 TS Infoveranstaltung für Master/Diplomstudierende: Das Doktorat an der Universität Wien
- 980004 TS From the research question to the right literature
- 980005 TS Research strategies and library research (Humanities)
- 980006 TS Research strategies and library research (Historical Science)
- 980007 TS [ en ] From research question to literature: Finding and using information resources for your PhD project
- 980008 TS Suchstrategien und Bibliotheksrecherche für DoktorandInnen der Psychologie
- 980010 TS Publication strategies in the academic "publish or perish" competition
- 980011 TS Introduction to Web of Science - Der weltweit führende Zugang zum wissenschaftlichen Informationsdschungel
- 980012 TS Introduction to SciVerse Scopus
- 980013 TS Introduction to Introduction to reference management and knowledge organization: Endnote
- 980014 TS Introduction to reference management and knowledge organization: Citavi
- 980015 TS [ en ] Introduction to Reference Management & Knowledge Organization: Citavi
- 980016 TS Copyright and Plagiarism
- 980018 TS Research Funding in Austria - An introduction
- 980020 TS Info Session: Marietta Blau Scholarship
- 980021 TS Proposal writing for DOC-team - Das Stipendienprogramm der ÖAW für Doktorand(inn)engruppen aus den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften
- 980023 TS Outline and exposé writing - Erfolgreiches Schreiben und Konzipieren eines Exposés für das Dissertationsprojekt
- 980024 TS Scientific Writing in the beginning phase of the doctoral thesis project
- 980025 TS Scientific Writing, Publishing and Personal Coaching: Advanced phase
- 980026 TS German as language in science - Rules and criteria of scientific writing in the German speaking area
- 980027 TS Academic Writing - Journalistic Writing - Techniken für einen flüssigen und verständlichen Stil (in der Wissenschaft)
- 980028 TS Working on the text. Writing for a broader public.
- 980029 TS Writers' Workshop: Focus on "Finding a topic"
- 980030 TS Writers' Workshop: Focus on Working Techniques
- 980031 TS Writers' Workshop: Focus on Research Question - Hypothesis - Method
- 980033 TS Visualisation techniques for scientific presentations
- 980034 TS Presenting research results
- 980035 TS [ en ] Professional Presentation of Research Results
- 980037 TS [ en ] English Conversation in the Conference Context
- 980038 TS [ en ] Discussion Strategies in the Academic Context
- 980040 TS [ en ] Scientific Communication
- 980041 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English (Part 2)
- 980043 TS [ en ] Writing Mathematics
- 980045 TS SPSS - An Introduction
- 980046 TS SPSS Advanced
- 980047 TS Introduction to Atlas.ti
- 980050 TS Strategic career planning for scientists
- 980053 TS Creating Posters for Academic Conferences
- 980054 TS Communicationtraining for Scientific Presentations
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37