B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies (starting in WS 2010 at the earliest)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 140346 UE MM1 - Methods of quantitative Reseach
- 140347 UE MM1 - Methods of qualitative Reseach
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 140154 KU Transnationalisation and diasporisation - Focus on Africa
- 140266 SE T I - Social Utopia in Postdevelopment
- 140270 SE T I - New Media and political participation
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Refugees and Asylum - Gesellschaftliche Konstitutionsprozesse im Praxisfeld Flucht und Asyl aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
- 140332 SE SE IE - Interculturality and development co-operation : a Transdisciplinary Approach - Wieviel Praxis braucht die Theorie. Wieviel Theorie braucht die Praxis?
- 140379 SE T II - Social Movements, State, and Interventions in the ‚New‘ Arab-Islamic World
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 140132 VO Postcolonial African History
- 140138 VO Southern Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 140151 KU The network in the Indian Ocean as cultural and economic space
- 140185 SE The colonial and post-colonial Development State. Seminar in African Contemporary History
- 140277 VO T III - International Law and Development
- 140331 SE SE IE - Corporate Social Responsibility and Indiginous Rights - ein effektives Instrument zum Schutz indigener und sozialer Rechte?
- 140333 SE Historic Roots of Uneven Development - Aspekte der Globalisierung
- 140335 SE Internationalism and Global Inequality
- 140343 SE Ritual and Politics in Nepal
- 140534 SE Issues of global uneven development
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 140155 KU Processes of democratization and political systems in Africa
- 140166 SE Politics and History: Statehood and Systems Beyond, Africa
- 140277 VO T III - International Law and Development
- 140278 SE T III - Political Economy of Privatization
- 140279 SE T III - Human Security in Asia, Africa and Latinamerica
- 140280 SE T III - Finance for Development - Development Aid
- 140284 SE [ en ] Gender and Postcolonial Critique
- 140317 SE SE IE - Gender, Economics & Postcolonial Critique
- 140331 SE SE IE - Corporate Social Responsibility and Indiginous Rights - ein effektives Instrument zum Schutz indigener und sozialer Rechte?
- 140360 SE [ en ] Rethinking the Relationship between Political Corruption and Development
- 140395 SE [ en ] A Global Perspective on War and State Formation - Brazil's Foreign and Economic Policy Adaption to current Stages of Globalization
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 010114 FS Generative Bildarbeit
- 140164 VO Gender and Power in Africa: Eighteenth Century to the Present
- 140192 SE Gender politics - imaging catastrophe, famine and war in international development - Genderpolitische Diskurs- und Bildproduktion von ZeugInnenschaft zu Katastrophen, Krieg und Leiden in der internationalen Arena
- 140283 SE T IV - Migration and Gender
- 140290 SE [ de es ] Estudios Culturales (span.) - (Kultur und soziale Veränderungen in der Globalisierung)
- 140294 SE Feminist International Relations
- 140329 SE SE IE - Development in Novels : a Transdisciplinary Approach - Erzählte Entwicklung. Romane und graphic novels aus und über den globalen Süden
- 140343 SE Ritual and Politics in Nepal
- 140356 KU [ en ] Fictional Representations of the African One-Party State and Military Regime
- 140357 KU [ en ] Third Millennium Imaging of Post-Colonial African Wars
- 140359 VO [ en ] Mother-Daughter Relationships in Europhone Women's Fiction from Sub-Saharan Africa
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:35
Voraussetzung für die Zulassung ist allerdings, dass die Antragstellerin/der Antragsteller das Bachelorstudium Internationale Entwicklung an der Universität Wien absolviert hat.Beantragung siehe: http://studentpoint.univie.ac.at/vor-dem-studium/individuelle-studien/