Block of Elective Modules: Additional Scient. Skills for Biologists (Bachelor's and Master's Degree, and Teacher Training Programme). Additionally, courses with biological and other issues can also be attended (compare Curriculum).
- 240236 VO+UE Focusmodule - Lecture Series & Workshops
- 300002 VO Introduction into the fauna and ecology of the Amazon basin
- 300007 VO Bioacoustics - theory, equipment
- 300013 SE Cell Biology - Extracellular Matrix
- 300015 EX Speleological excursions - Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300018 VO Animal Vocalization - Sound Production, Reception and Communication
- 300026 EX Vertebrate ecological special excursions: autumnal and hibernal aspects of bird communities
- 300056 VO Methods of the population analysis I: parametry and univariat analytic methods
- 300057 VO Urban Ecology
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300065 VO Limnology of salt lakes
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300085 SE COSB Colloquium - Vorträge im Center for Organismal Systems Biology
- 300087 SE Lab Safety - Fundamental Principles of Lab Safety: preventive measures and appropriate behaviour
- 300098 UE Introduction to Molecular Biological Techniques - Molecular Techniques
- 300105 SE Writer's workshop for biologists - Principles of scientific publication
- 300109 VO Biology of recent reefs
- 300111 UE Computer applications for biologists
- 300124 VO The birds of Austria - an ecological and conservationbiological overview
- 300139 UE Physics laboratory work for students of biology (2 courses) - Phyical measurement
- 300144 VO Tropical Ecosystems - Tropical Islands
- 300148 VO Introduction to Desert Biology. Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts
- 300154 UE [ en ] Advanced topics in Bioacoustics
- 300156 VO Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
- 300162 UE Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
- 300168 VO Introduction to Biomimetics
- 300180 SE [ en ] Biology of tropical amphibians
- 300186 VO Biodiversity of tropical coral reefs - Introduction into species diversity of tropical reef invertebrates and vertebrates, with special reference to reef conservation and tourism
- 300191 VO Shells and their role in the life of man II
- 300202 UE Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animals
- 300203 VO Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, Pathophysiology und Medizin
- 300209 EX Excursion in east pannonical habitats - Importance of east pannonical habitats for palaearctic migration birds
- 300222 VO Comparative embryology of animals
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300251 SE Ecophysiology of visual systems
- 300257 VO Managing Research and Higher Education
- 300259 UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Course
- 300265 VO Safety in the laboratory
- 300267 VO Business in Biotech
- 300268 UE Managing research and higher education (UE)
- 300270 VO The Aquarium Model of an Ecosystem?
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300301 SE [ en ] Scientific English - Research reports, talks, style and grammar
- 300312 SE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Ethics - (in Parallelen)
- 300351 VO Primary producers of freshwaters - ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 300356 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300369 EX Heavy metal-contaminated sites and their vegetataion in Nicaragua
- 300370 UE Guide to scientific illustration and methods of presentations - advanced course - Scientific Illustration
- 300375 VO Biology and molecular phylogeny of algae and protists - The fascinating world of algae and protists forms in its diversity the main part of the so-called "Tree of Life on Earth". This lecture gives insights in the biodiversity of these organisms and its phylogenetic relationships. The different groups of algae and protists and new aspects such as DNA barcoding will be introduced, which have revolutionized the systematics of algae and protists.
- 300382 VO Men and animals in the Pleistocene Europe - Sites of fossil hominids and faunas, evolution, adaptation to the mountains and the climate, food source animals, animals in the Paleolithic art, methods for dating, isotope and DNA analyses
- 300384 VO [ en ] What is Life? - Conceptual foundations of biology
- 300387 SE+EX Field Trips in Microbiology - (in Parallelen)
- 300394 VO [ en ] Introduction to molecular techniques
- 300396 VO Vertebrates - Morphology, Phylogeny, Biology
- 300408 SE+UE Ecological Floristics (field studies) - ( previously: eco floristic excursions)
- 300413 SE Seminar Mentoring of the Orientation Period Biology
- 300416 SE Palaeobiological Revolution
- 300419 VO Parasite Biology
- 300421 SE Seminar for student mentors in scientific writing for biologists
- 300425 EX The Aquarium Model of an Ecosystem?
- 300433 VO Medical parasitology - Transfer of basic knowledge
- 300435 VO Ornithology I - Ornithology I
- 300438 SE [ de en ] Seminar in biometry for beginners - Basics of biometrical analysis
- 300441 VO History of Parasitology (an account of parasitology - ancient cultures)
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians
- 300463 VO Immunbiology and immundiagnosis of parasitic infections of humans
- 300466 VO [ de en ] Hygiene-related environmental microbiology: Medical Entomology - Epidemiology of water-borne medical parasites and aquatic vectors
- 300470 UE Scientific Literature - Data retrieval and management (2 parallel courses)
- 300497 UE UE Scientific Writing - An Introduction to writing techniques and reading techniques - and their application in different stages of a scientific writing process
- 300504 SE How to write a scientific paper
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300528 SE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: environmental protection
- 300530 UE [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300531 SE [ en ] Writing Theses and Articles in English
- 300547 EX Excursions to Palaeolithic site
- 300548 SE Ants and their interactions - Multitrophic interactions in ants and plants
- 300552 VO [ en ] Physiology and Ecology of Cyanobacteria
- 300565 VO Basics and handling with intellectual property for biologists - Basics for Scientists
- 300584 UE Project management in science communication
- 300601 VO The Flora of Europe - particulary of Austria
- 300630 VO Free radical processes in biology - Role of free radicals in biol. systems under normal physiological conditions, stress conditions and illness
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300682 UE Anthropological-Palaeontological field school - alpine Bear Cave
- 300697 VO History of Anthropology
- 300711 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 300716 UE Preparation and determination of Pleistocene animal remains - (parallel courses)
Last modified: Th 07.12.2023 01:20