2. Area of Specialisation B
2.1. Advanced Macroeconomics
- 040130 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic 2
- 040158 UE [ en ] Advanced Macroeconomics (E)
2.2. Advanced Microeconomics
2.3. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040152 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E)
- 040549 VO [ en ] Linear Models
- 040550 UE [ de en ] Linear Models
2.4. Elective Modules
2.4.1. Mathematical Methods A
2.4.2. Mathematical Methods B
2.4.3. Mathematical Methods C
- 040666 PS Mathematical Methods C for Economics
2.4.4. Advanced Econometrics
2.4.5. Game Theory
- 040124 UK [ en ] Game Theory 2
2.5. Modules in Economics
- 040014 UK [ en ] Topics in Public Economics
- 040128 SE Development Policy: The IMF - Founded for Europe, returned to Europe
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040589 VO Principles of Development Economy
2.5.1. Economic Theory
- 040015 UK [ en ] Social Choice Theory
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- 040842 UK [ en ] International Trade - International Trade
2.5.2. Applied Economy
2.5.3. Financial Science
2.6. Elective Modules
2.6.1. Economics
- 040022 UK [ en ] Input-Output Analysis and Linear Production Systems - Theory and Applications
- 040128 SE Development Policy: The IMF - Founded for Europe, returned to Europe
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040589 VO Principles of Development Economy
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- 040834 UK [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E)
- 040835 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E) - Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E) Economic Theory
- 040842 UK [ en ] International Trade - International Trade Applied Economy Financial Science
2.6.2. Business Administration
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
2.6.3. Econometrics and Statistics
2.6.4. Sociology
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Unemployment and Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective - Empirische Befunde - Ursachen - Strategien
- 040766 UK [ en ] Business History
2.6.5. Political Science
2.6.6. Development Studies
2.6.7. Philosophy
2.6.8. History and History of Business
2.6.9. History of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought
- 040005 UK [ en ] Growth, Distribution and Wage Policy
- 040791 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Critical Rationalism and Economics
2.6.10. Mathematics and Operations Research
2.6.11. Law
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
2.6.12. Geography
2.6.13. Psychology
2.6.14. Linguistics
2.7. Discussion Course
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37