21.01. Political Science
A. Bachelor Degree Programme
BAK1 STEOP - Orientation Period
- 210001 VO STEOP: BA1.1 Foundations of Social Methods
- 210002 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Subject-specific introduction - (BA 1.3 Fachspezifische Einführung)
- 210003 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Propeadeuticum Political Science - (BA 2.1 Orientierungsveranstaltung)
BAK2 - Basic of Social Sciences
- 210004 VO BAK 2.1 Foundations of Social Theories
- 210005 VO BAK 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 210006 VO BAK 2.3 Historical Basics
BAK 3 - Introduction to Scientific Work
- 210022 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210023 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210024 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210138 PS [ en ] BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
BAK4 - Methods
- 210007 VO BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210025 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210026 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210027 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210028 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210029 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210030 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210031 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210032 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210143 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210144 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210146 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210147 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
BAK5 to BAK8 - Required Modules
BAK5 - Core Area of Political Science: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210008 VO BAK 5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210034 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210035 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210036 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210037 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210038 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
BAK6 - Core Area of Political Science: The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210009 VO BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210039 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210040 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210041 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210042 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210043 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
BAK7 - Core Area of Political Science: Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210010 VO BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210044 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210045 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210046 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210047 LK [ en ] BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210048 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
BAK8 - Core Area of Political Science: International Politics
BAK9 to BAK16 - Alternative Required Modules: Specialisation Modules
BAK9 - Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210011 VO BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210049 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210050 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210051 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
BAK10 - International Politics and Development
- 210012 VO BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Beschäftigte und Unternehmen in der Globalisierung
- 210052 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210053 SE [ en ] BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210054 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210055 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
BAK11 - European Union and Europeanisation
- 210013 VO BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210056 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210057 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
BAK12 - Austrian Politics
- 210014 VO BAK12 Austrian Politics - Akteure, Debatten und Zugang zum Recht
- 210059 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210145 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
BAK13 - State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210060 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210061 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210062 SE [ en ] BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210139 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
BAK14 - Gender and Politics
- 210015 VO BAK14 Gender and Politics
- 210063 SE BAK14 Gender and Politics
BAK15 - East European Studies
- 010073 FS Transformations in Middle Europe. Tensions between Ethics and Politics
- 210064 SE BAK15 East European Studies - von Demokratie, sozialen Unsicherheiten und Migrationsprozessen
- 210065 SE BAK15 East European Studies - Tendenzen im europäischen Osten und Südosten
BAK16 - Culture and Politics
- 210066 SE BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 210067 SE [ en ] BAK16 Culture and Politics
BAK17 - Consolidation
- 210068 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
- 210069 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
- 210142 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
BAK18 - Bachelorseminar
- 210070 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210071 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210072 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210073 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210074 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210075 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
B. Master Degree Programme in Political Science
1. Required Modules
M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210016 VO M1: Basics of Political Science
- 210017 VO M1: Basics of Political Science
M2: Methods of Political Science
- 210076 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
- 210077 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
- 210078 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
2. Group of Elective Modules - Specialisations
M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210018 VO M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210079 SE [ en ] M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210080 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Postkoloniale Theorie (deutsch)
- 210081 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210082 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210083 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
- 210084 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory
M4: International Politics and Development - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210085 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - "Sicherheit wovor, wofür, wodurch und womit?"
- 210086 SE [ en ] M4 b: International Politics and Development
- 210087 SE [ en ] M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 210088 SE M4 a: International Politics and Development - (Diss)
- 210090 SE [ en ] M4a VertiefungsSE International institutions and international political economy (engl.)
- 210091 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - zwischen transnationaler Rechtshgemonie-nationalstaatlicherm Rechtsmonopol und autonomer Rechtskultur
- 210092 SE M4 b: International Politics and Development - (Diss)
- 210094 VO M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Erfolge, Grenzen, Möglichkeiten (Diss)
M5: EU and Europeanisation - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210093 VO M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - (Diss)
- 210095 SE M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - (Diss)
- 210096 SE [ en ] M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - M5a VertiefungsSE Does Britain set an example or offer a warning for European higher education policy? (engl.) (Diss)
- 210097 SE M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation - (Diss)
- 210098 SE [ en ] M5 b: European Union and Europeanisation - Conflicts over Europe
M6: Austrian Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210019 VO M6 a: Austrian Politics - (Diss)
- 210099 SE M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210100 SE M6 a: Austrian Politics - Schwerpunkt Österreich und die europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik
- 210101 SE M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210102 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics - (Diss)
- 210103 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics - (Diss)
- 210104 SE M6 b: Austrian Politics
M7: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210020 VO M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - (Diss)
- 210105 SE M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210106 SE [ en ] M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - (Diss)
- 210107 SE M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Politik im Wandel: BürgerInnenproteste und deren Auswirkungen
- 210108 SE M7 a: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210141 SE [ en ] M7 b: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses: - Institutional Design in Western Democracies
M8: Gender and Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210110 SE M8 b: Gender and Politics - als geschlechterpolitisch gestaltbarer Prozess
M9: East European Studies - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210021 VO M9 a: East European Studies - (Diss)
- 210111 SE M9 a: East European Studies
- 210112 SE M9 a: East European Studies - Zum Beitrag der osteuropäischen Erfahrungen seit 1989 zur Demokratietheorie (Diss)
- 210113 SE M9 b: East European Studies - in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa
M10: Culture and Politics - Introduction and Advanced Studies
- 210114 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics - (Diss)
- 210115 SE M10 a: Culture and Politics - (Diss)
- 210116 SE M10 b: Culture and Politics - (Diss)
3. Master Degee Programme in Political Science
- 210117 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210118 SE M11: Research Practice
- 210119 SE M11: Research Practice - Wirtschaftliche und soziale Kontextbedingungen der Demokratie in Osteuropa und Ostasien
4. Elective Area (M12)
5. Masterseminar (M13)
- 210121 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210122 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210123 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210124 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210125 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210126 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210127 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210128 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210130 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210131 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210132 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210133 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210134 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210136 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210137 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210140 SE M13: Master's Seminar
C. Diploma Degree Programme
- 210008 VO BAK 5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210009 VO BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210010 VO BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210011 VO BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210012 VO BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Beschäftigte und Unternehmen in der Globalisierung
- 210013 VO BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210014 VO BAK12 Austrian Politics - Akteure, Debatten und Zugang zum Recht
- 210015 VO BAK14 Gender and Politics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
Bachelor- bzw Masterstudiums. Seminare im Rahmen des Doktoratsstudiums
sind im gesonderten Kapitel 21.02. angeführt.