General and Applied Linguistics
- 160086 PR Scientific Practical Training - Language structure and data management
Second or Third Stage of the Degree Programme
- 160001 VO STEOP: Introduction to Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
- 160025 UE Introductory seminar in this subject area - Language structure and data management
- 160032 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160033 PS Introductory seminar in this subject area - aktuelle Arbeiten aus der Grammatiktheorie
- 160034 SE BA-Seminar on the Theory of Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics - Relativsätze
- 160036 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160044 PV Privatissimum 1 - Mandatory for all Masters and Doctoral candidates
- 160046 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160055 PS Language skills in language teaching and learning contexts
- 160079 PS Current trends in language teaching and learning - Politik, Kultur und Geschichte der Gehörlosengemeinschaft, Ethik im Umgang mit hörbehinderten Menschen
- 160082 VO Introduction to Diachronic Phonology or Morphology
- 160089 PS Introductory Seminar Discourse Analysis - Institutionenforschung
- 160090 SE Introduction to (Foreign) Language Teaching Research
- 160098 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160106 PS Specific Problems of Language Policy: Language Politics and Gender
- 160109 VO Introduction to language in politics
- 160118 VO Introduction to Sociolinguistics
- 160123 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cognitive Psychology for Linguists
- 160125 PS Advanced Methods - Didactics of pre-scholarly writing I
- 160127 PR Scientific Practical Training - Methoden der Psycho- und Patholinguistik - Teil 1
- 160129 PS Introductory seminar in this subject area - Probability in Language and Cognition
- 160143 VO [ en ] Introduction to Psycholinguistics
- 160144 VO Introduction to Ethnolinguistics - What is Language?, Origin, Development and Anthropological Symbolism
- 160148 SE [ en ] Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Advanced research seminar in psycolinguistics
- 160155 PS Jour fixe Sign Languages - Sign Languages 3
- 160158 SE BA-Seminar (Module 8) - Mehrsprachigkeit
- 160163 PS Introductory Seminar in Phonology - Intonation des Deutschen: Phonetik und Phonologie
- 160169 SE [ en ] Seminar in Psycho-, Patho- or Neurolinguistics - Wie kommt Sprache in den Kinderkopf? Und wie erforschen wir diesen Prozess?
- 160171 PS Additional course in this subject area
- 160172 SE [ en ] Seminar on the Theory of Grammar
- 160173 UE Scientific Writing for Acceleration the ending of diplom studies
- 160176 PS Additional course in this subject area - Health Communication - Communication strategies and knowledge transfer in health programmes
- 160181 PS Foreign Language Didactics / Methodology
- 160204 PS Introductory Seminar on Language Acquisition - Patho- and neurolinguistic issues
- 160207 PS Introductory seminar in this subject area - Intonation des Deutschen: Form und Bedeutung
- 160208 SE Seminar in this subject area
- 160209 PS Advanced Course in Research in Language Teaching, Language Learning and Language Policy I - Topics in Second Language Acquisition
- 160231 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160236 PR Scientific Practical Training - Methoden der Psycho- und Patholinguistik - Teil 2
- 160242 PV Privatissimum 1
- 160244 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar on the Theory of Grammar - Syntactic Theory
- 160250 PV Privatissimum 1
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
Courses take place in either the Hörsaal (groundfloor), SR1 (1st staircase, 3rd floor), or SR2 (2nd staircase, 2nd floor).